Status message

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Deployment: WB1205

Chief Scientist: 
Dr Joseph J. Torres (University of South Florida, USF)
Platform Type:
Start Date: 
End Date: 
Gulf of Mexico

Note:  Deployment Description was obtained from a pre-cruise cruise plan.

The goal of this cruise is to re-occupy the area vic DWH to provide post-spill information on the northern Gulf of Mexico ecosystem, focusing on the mesopelagic fauna. Results will be compared to observations and measurements obtained during the Sept 3-10  R/V Weatherbird cruise to the same region. 

Specific objectives are to:
- Assess mesopelagic communities post-spill with respect to:
   - abundance and distribution
   - species composition
- Obtain frozen specimens of 10 target species for laboratory determinations of stable isotope composition to compare with information obtained previously on specimens collected pre-spill,  and immediately post-spill from the same region.
- Atmospheric monitoring, including rainfall collection, to be performed by FDEP staff  (Kovach and Wenner) with equipment currently mounted on the vessel following protocols previously developed, utilized and conducted following consultation with FIO staff and vessel crew.
- Should time and resources allow FDEP will conduct neuston tows (0.5 hr tow(s) along vessel track with provided neuston net to be deployed off hydrowire.

Geographic Area. The cruise will originate and terminate at USF/CMS in St. Petersburg, FL.  We will collect samples at one location:  vic DSH 9 (28o 38.19’ N 87o 52.11’ W). 

Cruise overview.  The WB II will depart from Bayboro at 0800 12 Sept and dead- head to DSH – 09,  roughly a 275 NM transit – at 9 kts about 31 h.  Sampling will consist of one type of midwater tow (Tucker trawls) interspersed with CTD casts.  Tows will be at the most comfortable heading and will remain within 20 NM of DSH-09.  CTD casts will take place morning and evening. 

Day and night tows  will use the 9 m2  Tucker trawl exclusively and will be in the upper 1000m of the water column.  The winch will be in constant use during all tows, either paying out or taking up. Night tows will include, but not be limited to repetitive tows in the upper 500 m for the purpose of maximizing catch of target species.

Station occupation will be approximately 2.5 d.  As of this writing, we are planning on 24 h operations during the entire sampling period.  We plan to depart for Bayboro at 0000 16 Sept for a 1200 h arrival 17 Sept.