Deployment: SAV-12-14

2012-04-02 - 2012-04-05 South Atlantic Bight (SAB) continental shelf off Long Bay (-79W, 32N; -77W, 34 N) Platform:R/V Savannah (vessel)


Recovery of moored instrument packages at LB3 (150 kHz ADCP in large TRBM pod/frame, MicroCAT, ECO FLNTU fluorometer/turbidity), LB2 (ADCP, MicroCAT, ECOFLNTU), LB1 (two moorings – ADCP; Taut-line package with HOBO T-chain [two with C], 3 ECO FLNTU units);  Recovery of Ramses and Pelagia gliders; CTD section from upper slope to outer shelf (stations at 5 km intervals, LB+60 to LB+30, also at LB2 site), with samples for nutrients at selected stations/depths, some chlorophyll samples; Inter-calibration of the ECO FLNTU fluorometer/turbidity instruments after recovery of moorings (mounted on CTD/carousel for co-located sampling at two depths. This is the last CTD station). 

Cruise information and original data are available from the NSF R2R data catalog.

Deployment Report


Chief Scientist: James Nelson
Skidaway Institute of Oceanography

Co-Chief Scientist: Catherine Edwards
Skidaway Institute of Oceanography


LB 2012 Recovery Cruise