Deployment: Fodrie_SpatStrings

2012-06-13 - 2012-08-25 Pamlico Sound, North Carolina Platform:shoreside Pamlico-Oysters (shoreside)


Pamlico Sound, North Carolina is the largest lagoonal estuary along the U.S. East Coast, approximately 129 km long and 24-48 km wide. Average depth is ~2 m but can reach ~ 10 m, with wind-driven currents dominating circulation patterns.

Spat settlement collectors were constructed by affixing 2-3 wire strings, each containing 12 adult oyster shells, to private and public docks or stand-alone wooden pilings, throughout BBCPS study system. Settlement collectors were deployed on June 7th and 21st and again on August 1st and 16th of 2012 and retrieved approximately 2 weeks later as part of an ongoing settlement sampling program (Eggleston and Puckett,