Deployment: ESAS_Spring_2012

2012-03-01 - 2012-04-30 East Siberian Arctic Shelf Platform:shoreside East Siberian Arctic Shelf (shoreside)


2012 Arcitc Sediment/Permafrost
Collection Type: Drill core

DatasetLatest Version DateCurrent State
East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS) Drill Sites2016-04-20Final no updates expected
2012 Arctic Sediment/Permafrost Master2016-04-20Final no updates expected
Spring 2012 - Sediment Gas Concentrations2016-04-20Final no updates expected
Spring 2012 - d13C and d2H Stable Isotope Composition2016-04-20Final no updates expected
Spring 2012 - Turnover Rates2016-04-20Final no updates expected

Deployment Report


Lead Principal Investigator: Samantha B. Joye
University of Georgia