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Deployment: Malaspina_2010_Hesperides

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The Malaspina circumnavigation of 2010 was an interdisciplinary research project whose main objectives were to evaluate the impact of global change on the ocean as well as to explore its biodiversity. It began in December 2010 with the departure from Cádiz of the oceanographic research vessel Hespérides operated by the Spanish Navy. After a voyage passing through Rio de Janeiro, Cape Town, Perth, Sydney, Auckland, Honolulu, Cartagena de Indias and Panama, it returned to Spain in July 2011. At the same time, the ship Sarmiento de Gamboa, operated by the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), worked in parallel between Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Santo Domingo and Vigo. In this way, for seven months, over 250 scientists aboard the two ships carried out an expedition combining cutting-edge scientific research with the training of young researchers, and the promotion of marine science and scientific culture in society.

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