Hydrostation S (formerly known as the Panulirus hydrographic station) is recognized as one of the most important sustained ocean time-series sites in the world. Located about 25 km southeast of Bermuda in the North Atlantic Ocean, this site has oceanographic measurements dating back to 1954, when Henry Stommel and co-workers initiated repeat biweekly hydrographic observations.
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Discrete bottle data from Hydrostation S in the Sargasso Sea from January 1955 through December 2023 | 2025-01-22 | Under revision |
Two decibar averaged CTD profiles collected at the Hydrostation S site in the Sargasso Sea from October 1988 (cruise #60643) through December 2023 (cruise #61465) | 2024-11-01 | Final with updates expected |
Principal Investigator: Nicholas Bates
Co-Principal Investigator: Rodney J. Johnson
• Hydrostation S cruises
• Panulirus cruises