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Funding Source: NSF Division of Environmental Biology (NSF DEB)

Fundref DOI: 
Dataset Award Number
Aanderaa - Natividad DEB-1212124
accessory transects DEB-0841441
accessory transects DEB-1350146
accessory transects DEB-0343570
Air and Water temperatures DEB-2050017
benthic invert codes DEB-0343570
benthic invert codes DEB-0841441
Coral and macroalgae abundance and distribution DEB-1350146
Coral and macroalgae abundance and distribution DEB-0841441
Coral calcification (G) from 1992-2019 in support of Edmunds and Perry (2023) MEPS DEB-0343570
Coral calcification (G) from 1992-2019 in support of Edmunds and Perry (2023) MEPS DEB-0343570
Coral calcification (G) from 1992-2019 in support of Edmunds and Perry (2023) MEPS DEB-0841441
Coral calcification (G) from 1992-2019 in support of Edmunds and Perry (2023) MEPS DEB-1350146
Coral colony densities from 1992-2019 in support of Edmunds and Perry (2023) MEPS DEB-0841441
Coral colony densities from 1992-2019 in support of Edmunds and Perry (2023) MEPS DEB-1350146
coral community structure fig 2 coral cover DEB-0841441
coral community structure fig 2 coral cover DEB-1350146
coral community structure fig 2 mortality and growth DEB-0841441
coral community structure fig 2 mortality and growth DEB-1350146
coral community structure fig 3 DEB-0841441
coral community structure fig 3 DEB-1350146
coral community structure fig 4 DEB-0841441
coral community structure fig 4 DEB-1350146
coral community structure fig S2 DEB-1350146
coral community structure fig S2 DEB-0841441
coral cover and environmental DEB-0841441
coral cover and environmental DEB-1350146
Coral cover data DEB-1350146
Coral cover data DEB-0841441
Coral cover from 1992-2019 in support of Edmunds and Perry (2023) MEPS DEB-0841441
Coral cover from 1992-2019 in support of Edmunds and Perry (2023) MEPS DEB-0343570
Coral cover from 1992-2019 in support of Edmunds and Perry (2023) MEPS DEB-1350146
Coral growth and mortality (submission to L&O) DEB-1350146
Coral photransect and settlement tile images from St. John, USVI 1987-2019 DEB-0343570
Coral photransect and settlement tile images from St. John, USVI 1987-2019 DEB-0841441
Coral photransect and settlement tile images from St. John, USVI 1987-2019 DEB-1350146
Coral sizes in support of Edmunds and Perry (2023) MEPS DEB-0343570
Coral sizes in support of Edmunds and Perry (2023) MEPS DEB-0841441
Coral sizes in support of Edmunds and Perry (2023) MEPS DEB-0841441
Coral sizes in support of Edmunds and Perry (2023) MEPS DEB-1350146
crab abundance and coral size DEB-0343570
crab abundance and coral size DEB-0841441
crab displacement behavior DEB-0343570
crab displacement behavior DEB-0841441
crab nocturnal surveys DEB-0841441
crab nocturnal surveys DEB-0343570
crab predator avoidance DEB-0841441
crab predator avoidance DEB-0343570
Cryptophyte Cell Volumes DEB-1542555
ctenophore sample log DEB-1542679
Deep-sea larvae for microbiome study DEB-1558904
Densities of small corals in Diadema halos and temporal stability of D. antillarum clusters DEB-1350146
Descriptions of hurricanes affecting St. John DEB-0841441
Descriptions of hurricanes affecting St. John DEB-1350146
Distribution of sea fans DEB-1350146
Edmunds 2020 L&O: coral cover DEB-1350146
Edmunds 2020 L&O: coral cover DEB-0343570
Edmunds 2020 L&O: coral cover DEB-0841441
Edmunds 2020 L&O: in situ temperature DEB-0841441
Edmunds 2020 L&O: in situ temperature DEB-1350146
Edmunds 2020 L&O: in situ temperature DEB-0343570
Edmunds 2020 L&O: recruitment DEB-1350146
Edmunds 2020 L&O: recruitment DEB-0343570
Edmunds 2020 L&O: recruitment DEB-0841441
Edmunds 2020 L&O: recruits location DEB-1350146
Edmunds 2020 L&O: recruits location DEB-0343570
Edmunds 2020 L&O: recruits location DEB-0841441
Edmunds 2020 L&O: sea surface temperature DEB-0343570
Edmunds 2020 L&O: sea surface temperature DEB-0841441
Edmunds 2020 L&O: sea surface temperature DEB-1350146
Edmunds 2020 L&O: taxon composition DEB-1350146
Edmunds 2020 L&O: taxon composition DEB-0343570
Edmunds 2020 L&O: taxon composition DEB-0841441
Edmunds 2020 L&O: temperature at 10m and 20m DEB-0343570
Edmunds 2020 L&O: temperature at 10m and 20m DEB-0841441
Edmunds 2020 L&O: temperature at 10m and 20m DEB-1350146
Edmunds 2021 Ecosphere 2A: density DEB-1350146
Edmunds 2021 Ecosphere 2B,C: size DEB-1350146
Edmunds 2021 Ecosphere 3A: cover DEB-1350146
Edmunds 2021 Ecosphere 3B: juveniles and recruits DEB-1350146
Edmunds 2021 Ecosphere S3A: density DEB-1350146
Edmunds 2021 Ecosphere S3B: size DEB-1350146
Environmental data DEB-1350146
Environmental data DEB-0841441
Fire coral - mean density DEB-1350146
Fire coral colonies DEB-1350146
Fire coral distance DEB-1350146
Gorgonia ventalina growth (for PeerJ) DEB-1350146
Gorgonia ventalina size and density (for PeerJ) DEB-1350146
Growth and mortality DEB-1350146
Growth and mortality DEB-0841441
Growth over time DEB-1350146
Growth over time DEB-0841441
Hydrographic and nutrient data DEB-1542240
IntertidaI Transitions DEB-0919420
IntertidaI Transitions DEB-1556874
IntertidaI Transitions Mussel Removals DEB-0919420
IntertidaI Transitions Mussel Removals DEB-1556874
inverts - pooled DEB-0343570
inverts - pooled DEB-0841441
inverts - Tektite and Yawzi Pt DEB-0343570
inverts - Tektite and Yawzi Pt DEB-0841441
Iron and manganese in the ETNP DEB-1542240
Kd averages DEB-1350146
KM1919-KM1920 hydrography and nutrients DEB-1542240
Light intensity at depth DEB-1350146
Linear growth and competitive ability of PAC, Figure 2a DEB-1350146
Linear growth and competitive ability of PAC, Figure 2b DEB-1350146
Linear growth and competitive ability of PAC, Figure 3 DEB-1350146
Linear growth and competitive ability of PAC, Tables 1 and 2 DEB-1350146
Long-term coral recruit spat counts DEB-0841441
Long-term juvenile coral data DEB-0841441
Long-term population dynamics of scleractinian corals DEB-0841441
Long-term random site coral coverage from USVI DEB-0841441
Long-term seawater temperature data from USVI DEB-0841441
MEPS Edmunds Lasker Community Structure DEB-0841441
MEPS Edmunds Lasker Community Structure DEB-1350146
MEPS Edmunds Lasker Fig 2 DEB-0841441
MEPS Edmunds Lasker Fig 2 DEB-1350146
MEPS Edmunds Lasker Physical Data DEB-0841441
MEPS Edmunds Lasker Physical Data DEB-1350146
Millepora colony size 1992-2008 DEB-0841441
Millepora colony size 1992-2008 DEB-0343570
Millepora cover - temps - storms 1992-2008 DEB-0343570
Millepora cover - temps - storms 1992-2008 DEB-0841441
Millepora cover 1992-2008 DEB-0841441
Millepora cover 1992-2008 DEB-0343570
MiniDOT - El Rosario and Natividad DEB-1212124
octocoral - sp. abundance and distribution DEB-1350146
Octocoral abundance by genera DEB-1350146
Octocoral abundance by genera DEB-0841441
octocoral density dependence DEB-1350146
octocoral survey - densities DEB-0343570
octocoral survey - densities DEB-1350146
octocoral survey - densities DEB-0841441
octocoral survey - literature review DEB-0343570
octocoral survey - literature review DEB-1350146
octocoral survey - literature review DEB-0841441
octocoral survey - photoquadrats vs. in situ DEB-0343570
octocoral survey - photoquadrats vs. in situ DEB-1350146
octocoral survey - photoquadrats vs. in situ DEB-0841441
OTU and Sequences DEB-1350146
OTU and Sequences DEB-0841441
Peyssonnelia abundance DEB-1350146
pooled random sites (PRS) DEB-0841441
pooled random sites (PRS) DEB-1350146
pooled random sites (PRS) DEB-0343570
pyrosequencing clade DEB-0841441
pyrosequencing clade DEB-1350146
Rainfall 1996-2018 (submission to L&O) DEB-1350146
Rainfall and surface light intensity DEB-1350146
Rainfall and temperature data DEB-1350146
Rainfall and temperature data DEB-0841441
Realized and potential growth DEB-1350146
Realized and potential growth DEB-0841441
ROV CTD profiles DEB-1542679
RR1804/1805 hydrographic and nutrient data DEB-1542240
SBE37 - El Rosario and Natividad DEB-1212124
Sea fans - nearest neighbor DEB-1350146
Sea Star Belt Transect Densities DEB-2050017
SEAFET - Natividad DEB-1212124
Seawater temperature (submission to L&O) DEB-1350146
seawater temperature USVI 1992-2008 DEB-0343570
seawater temperature USVI 1992-2008 DEB-0841441
Sites and symbionts DEB-1350146
Sites and symbionts DEB-0841441
Species growth DEB-1350146
Species growth DEB-0841441
Sponge abundance by species on the coral reefs of St. John USVI 1992-2017 DEB-1350146
storms USVI 1992-2008 DEB-0841441
storms USVI 1992-2008 DEB-0343570
Summary abundance of soft corals, stony corals, and algae on the reefs of St. John USVI 1992-2017 DEB-1350146
Summary sponge abundance by species and site on the coral reefs of St. John USVI 1992-2017 DEB-1350146
Summary sponge abundance on the coral reefs of St. John USVI 1992-2017 DEB-1350146
Tatoosh Island Surface Water Temperature DEB-0919420
Tatoosh Island Surface Water Temperature DEB-1556874
Taxonomic data DEB-1350146
Taxonomic data DEB-0841441
Vertical Transect Photoplot Community Structure DEB-2050017
VT_MobilePreds_Densities DEB-2050017
VT_MobilePreds_Lengths DEB-2050017
VT_MusselDensities DEB-2050017
VT_MusselLengths DEB-2050017
yawzi point and tektite DEB-0841441
yawzi point and tektite DEB-1350146
yawzi point and tektite DEB-0343570