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Instrument: Wildlife Computers Mk10 Pop-up Archival Tag (PAT)

External Identifier:
» skos:broadMatch

The Pop-up Archival Transmitting (Mk10-PAT) tag, manufactured by Wildlife Computers, is a combination of archival and Argos satellite technology. It is designed to track the large-scale movements and behavior of fish and other animals which do not spend enough time at the surface to allow the use of real-time Argos satellite tags. The PAT can be configured to transmit time-at-depth and time-at-temperature histograms, depth-temperature profiles, and/or light-level curves. The histogram duration (1 to 24 hours) and bin ranges can also be configured. PAT archives depth, temperature, and light-level data while being towed by the animal. At a user-specified date and time, the PAT actively corrodes the pin to which the tether is attached, thus releasing the PAT from the animal. The PAT then floats to the surface and transmits summarized information via the Argos system. Argos also uses the transmitted messages to provide the position of the tag at the time of release.