A source of uncontaminated near-surface seawater pumped onto the deck of the research vessel that can be sampled and analyzed. This pumped seawater supply is from an over-the-side pumping system, and is therefore different from the vessel underway seawater system.
The ROCA Surface Pump is a modified impeller bilge pump system that brings large volumes of surface seawater onto the deck of the ship for sampling and processing.
Surface pump samples were collected by zodiac, and a trace metal clean peristaltic pump following the GEOTRACES Program Cookbook sampling recommendations, and in accordance with previous collection protocols (Bruland et al. 2004).
NASA's surface peristaltic pump was used to collect surface samples from station 1. WHOI's GEOTRACES pump was used to collect surface samples from all other stations.
NASA's surface peristaltic pump was used to collect surface samples from station 1. WHOI's GEOTRACES pump was used to collect surface samples from all other stations.
NASA's surface peristaltic pump was used to collect some samples, others were collected with the WHOI surface pump (not trace metal clean, set up by
the Thorium group)