Water column Beryllium-7 from samples collected on the MOSAiC expedition, PS122, on R/V Polarstern in the Central Arctic Ocean during 2019-2020 | A flow meter attached in-line to the filter compartment recorded the amount of seawater that passed through each filter.
| |
Zooplankton biomass measured from net tows conducted during ongoing monthly cruises, from April 1994 to June 2024, at the Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study (BATS) site in the Sargasso Sea | | General Oceanics flowmeter |
Benthic Ecosystem and Acidification Measuring System (BEAMS) data from two Bermuda sites collected during 2015 (BEAMS project) | | |
Benthic Ecosystem and Acidification Measuring System (BEAMS) data from two sites on the western terrace of the Palmyra Atoll collected during 2014 (BEAMS project) | Used by the Benthic Ecosystem and Acidification Measuring System (BEAMS)
| Flow meter |
Larval Atlantic Bluefin Tuna prey from gut analysis, collected on NOAA Ship R/V Nancy Foster cruises NF1704 and NF1802 in the Gulf of Mexico, May 2017 and May 2018. | Used to calculate volume filtered by the bongo nets
| 2030R, General Oceanics Inc. |
Log for the samples taken using the Underway system on board of the R/V Atlantis during the CliOMZ AT50-10 expedition from Golfito, Costa Rica to San Diego, USA that occurred in May - June of 2023. | A Geotech in-line acrylic filter holder 142mm diameter was used along with a flowmeter for this dataset.
| |
Copepod species abundances from bongo tows, Arabian Sea JGOFS Process cruises R/V Thomas G. Thompson TT050, TT054 from Aug-Nov 1995 (Arabian Sea project, Arabian Sea Diapausing Copepods project) | General Oceanics model 2030R
| Flow Meter |
Diurnal Gross Oxygen Production (GOP) from NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown cruise RB-08-02 in the Southwest Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean near South Georgia Island in 2008 (SO_GasEx project) | Flowmeter is a McMillan 101 Flo-Sen
| McMillan 101 Flo-Sen |
Zooplankton community abundances from meter net tows on multiple cruises on RV/Savannah in the South Atlantic Bight, Mid-Continental Shelf from 2015-2017 | Used to measure volume of water passing through the plankton net.
| mechanical flow meter (General Oceanics Part# 2030RC) |
Configuration and Operation of Marine Aerosol Generator Deployed on R/V Endeavor EN589 during Sept.- Oct. 2016 | Airflow rates were regulated with needle valves and quantified with Teledyne Hastings mass flowmeters. Seawater flow rates were measured at the exhaust. RH and temperature were measured continuously at the outlet with a Vasala model HMP 233 probe and meter.
| Teledyne Hastings mass flowmeters and Vasala model HMP 233 probe and meter. |
Initial field conditions at Kane‘ohe Bay, Oahu, Hawaii and abundances of Parvocalanus crassirostris and Bestilina similis nauplii, May/June 2013 (EAGER: Copepod nauplii project) | Low velocity rotor
| General Oceanics Digital Flowmeter |
Environmental sensor data from an underwater imaging system (ISIIS-3) collected during R/V Langseth cruise MGL2207 July 20-28 2022 and R/V Sally Ride cruise SR2317 August 10-20 2023 in the Northern California Current | Instrumentation associated with ISIIS-3.
| Flowmeter (Valeport 803 ROV Current Meter) |
Depth-stratified krill net samples taken in Puget Sound, WA aboard R/V Clifford A. Barnes during cruises CB1073 and CB1078 in 2017. | 60-cm diameter, 200-μm mesh ring net with TSK flow meter
| TSK flow meter |
Abundances of larval Northern Anchovy (Engraulis mordax), Rockfish (Sebastes spp., and other/unidentified larvae from Bongo plankton net tows conducted in the subtropical Southern California Bight from January to April 2021 | | General Oceanic Inc. Flowmeter |
Mesozooplankton wet, dry, carbon and nitrogen biomass and isotope data collected in the oceanic Gulf of Mexico on R/V Nancy Foster cruises NF1704 and NF1802 in May 2017 and May 2018 | We used a 1-m ring net with 202-µm Nitex mesh and a General Oceanics flow meter to measure volume filtered.
| General Oceanics flow meter |
Mesozooplankton community biomass (wet and dry weight) for 5 size classes and total for samples collected by ring net tows on R/V Melville cruise MV1008 in the Costa Rica Dome in 2010 (CRD FLUZiE project) | A General Oceanics flowmeter was attached across the ring net mouth to record volume filtered.
| General Oceanics flowmeter |
Mesozooplankton grazing rates from samples collected in the oceanic Gulf of Mexico on R/V Nancy Foster cruises NF1704 and NF1802 in May 2017 and May 2018 | We used a 1-m ring net with 202-µm Nitex mesh and a General Oceanics flow meter to measure volume filtered.
| General Oceanics flow meter |
Mesozooplankton community grazing for 5 size classes and total for samples collected by ring net tows on R/V Melville cruise MV1008 in the Costa Rica Dome in 2010 (CRD FLUZiE project) | A General Oceanics flowmeter was attached across the ring net mouth to record volume filtered.
| General Oceanics flowmeter |
Meteorological data from the Tudor Hill Marine Atmospheric Observatory, Bermuda in 2017, 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022 | Insertion air flow sensor, one for each of the 3 pumps (Flow #1,#2 & #3 data parameters).
| Sierra Instruments/Fast-Flo 620S |
Molecular identification of genetic variants of Neocalanus flemingeri in the Gulf of Alaska from samples collected from 2015 to 2023 | | General Oceanics flowmeters |
Plankton net flow meter calibration data from the R/V Gaia cruise off of La Jolla, California in July 2015 (Nearshore larval transport project) | | |
Plankton size spectra compiled from projects CCE LTER, HOT, CRD FluZIE, BLOOFINZ-GoM, and SalpPOOP in the California Current Ecosystem, North Pacific subtropical gyre, Costa Rica Dome, Gulf of Mexico, and Southern Ocean subtropical front from 2004-2018 | General Oceanics flow meter
| Flow Meter |
Radiocarbon in methane from waters of the US Atlantic and Pacific margins as collected on R/V Hugh Sharp cruise HRS1713 and R/V Rachel Carson cruise RC0026 in 2017 and 2019 | Seawater is pumped through a digital flowmeter then on to filter housings before flowing through gas extractors
| Digital flowmeter |
Fish larvae abundances across the Eastern Tropical North Pacific Oxygen Minimum Zone determined from MOCNESS sampling conducted on R/V Sally Ride cruise SR2114 from December 2021 to January 2022 | | flow meter |
Carbon and nitrogen isotope data from zooplankton and fish larvae collected on the SR2114 expedition in the Eastern Tropical North Pacific aboard the R/V Sally Ride from December 2021 to January 2022 | | flow meter |
MOCNESS net data from R/V Sally Ride cruise SR2114 in the Eastern Tropical Pacific from December 2021 to January 2022 | | flow meter |
Time series observations: hydrography, nutrients, and microbial, phytoplankton and zooplankton communities from the Skidaway River Estuary on the southeastern Atlantic coast of Georgia from 1986-2011 (SRiMP project) | TSK flowmeter
Samples are collected using a 0.5 m zooplankton net (153 μm) fitted with a TSK flowmeter for ctenophores and jellies
| TSK flowmeter |
Time series observations: hydrography, nutrients, and microbial, phytoplankton and zooplankton communities from the Skidaway River Estuary on the southeastern Atlantic coast of Georgia from 1986-2011 (SRiMP project) | General Oceanics Flow Meter
Volume filtered for each tow was calculated from a flowmeter (General Oceanics) mounted in the mouth of the net
| General Oceanics Flow Meter |
Underway O2 Argon (Ar) from NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown cruise RB-08-02 in the Southwest Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean near South Georgia Island in 2008 (SO_GasEx project) | Flowmeter is a McMillan 101 Flo-Sen
| McMillan 101 Flo-Sen |
Underway MET data collected on the GLOBEC LTOP cruise NH0307A aboard R/V New Horizon in the Northeast Pacific in 2003 | FLO-CAT Flow Meter (Model: C-ES45-B004) located in SBE-21 system aft lab.
| Flow Meter |
Abundance of zooplankton identified by major taxa from R/V Atlantis, R/V Knorr, R/V Melville AT21-04, KN197-08, MV1110 in the Amazon River plume; NE coast of South America from 2010-2012 (ANACONDAS project) | MOCNESS flow meter
| Flow Meter |
Abundance of zooplankton identified by major taxa from R/V Atlantis, R/V Knorr, R/V Melville AT21-04, KN197-08, MV1110 in the Amazon River plume; NE coast of South America from 2010-2012 (ANACONDAS project) | General Oceanics flow meter for single net
| Flow Meter |
Size-fractionated zooplankton biomass in upper 150m or 500m from R/V Atlantis, R/V Knorr, and R/V Melville cruises AT21-04, KN197-08, and MV1110 in the Amazon River plume; NE coast of South America from 2010-2012 | MOCNESS flow meter
| Flow Meter |
Size-fractionated zooplankton biomass in upper 150m or 500m from R/V Atlantis, R/V Knorr, and R/V Melville cruises AT21-04, KN197-08, and MV1110 in the Amazon River plume; NE coast of South America from 2010-2012 | General Oceanics flow meter for single net
| Flow Meter |
Zooplankton counts and abundances from net tows from the R/V Gunnerus in the Tronheimsfjord, Norway during 2012 (Calanus Diapause project) | General Oceanics flowmeter
| Flow Meter |
Size-fractionated zooplankton gut fluorescence for determination of grazing from R/V Atlantis, R/V Knorr, R/V Melville AT21-04, KN197-08, MV1110 in the Amazon River plume; NE coast of South America from 2010-2012 (ANACONDAS project) | MOCNESS flow meter
| Flow Meter |
Size-fractionated zooplankton gut fluorescence for determination of grazing from R/V Atlantis, R/V Knorr, R/V Melville AT21-04, KN197-08, MV1110 in the Amazon River plume; NE coast of South America from 2010-2012 (ANACONDAS project) | General Oceanics flow meter for single net
| Flow Meter |
Zooplankton net haul metadata and specimen removal records collected from the R/V Gunnerus in the Tronheimsfjord, Norway during 2012 (Calanus Diapause project) | General Oceanics flowmeter
| Flow Meter |