Three runs of six open system mesocosms run with 15N tracer addition from (oyster reef N2O emission project) | DOC was run on a total organic carbon analyzer (Shimadzu).
| total organic carbon analyzer |
Water column properties and carbon geochemistry from R/V Blackbeard and R/V Neil Armstrong cruises in coastal North Carolina in 2018 and 2019 | | Shimadzu TOCVPN |
Fluorescence dissolved organic matter (fDOM) analysis of inhalant and exhalent water samples from sponges studied at an artificial reef off the coast of the Florida Keys, USA in August 2021 | Samples for dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and total dissolved nitrogen (TDN) were sent to the UGA Stable Isotope Ecology Laboratory for analysis using a Shimadzu TOC-5000A Total Organic Carbon Analyzer.
| Shimadzu TOC-5000A |
Sediment geochemistry summary from push cores collected during HOV Alvin dives during the R/V Atlantis cruise AT37-06 in the Guaymas Basin from December 2016 | Shimadzu Instruments TOC-Vcph Total Organic Carbon Analyzer with ASI-V Autosampler and TNM Total Nitrogen Analyzer
| Shimadzu Instruments TOC-Vcph Total Organic Carbon Analyzer |
Sediment geochemistry from push cores collected during HOV Alvin dives during the R/V Atlantis cruise AT42-05 in Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California (27 00.00 N, -111 20.00 W) in November 2018 | | Shimadzu Instruments TOC-Vcph Total Organic Carbon Analyzer with ASI-V Autosampler and TNM Total Nitrogen Analyzer |
Geochemical measurements of CTD and Alvin Niskin samples collected in the Gulf of California on RV/Atlantis AT42-05 Alvin dives, Nov. 2018 | | Shimadzu Instruments TOC-Vcph Total Organic Carbon Analyzer with ASI-V Autosampler and TNM Total Nitrogen Analyzer |
Biogeochemical measurements from R/V Blue Heron BH10-01, BH10-06, BH10-13, BH10-22, BH09-SINC1 in the Lake Superior from 2009 to 2010 (SINC project) | Shimadzu VCSH
Detailed Acquisition and Processing Metadata for All Parameters
Metadata generated from original file "2010 Great Lakes Biogeochem Data.xlsx, Sheet: Metadata" contributed by Bob Sterner
See Individual Deployments/Data Info for cruise specific sampling notes.
| Shimadzu VCSH |
BioGeoChemistry from R/V Blue Heron BH07-09, BH07-17, BH07-19, BH08-01, BH08-11, BH08-19 in Lake Superior from 2007-2008 (CARGO project) | Shimadzu VCSH
Detailed Acquisition and Processing Metadata for All Parameters
Metadata generated from original file "2007 Great Lakes Biogeochem Data.xlsx, Sheet: Metadata" contributed by Bob Sterner
See Individual Deployments/Data Info for cruise specific sampling notes
| Shimadzu VCSH |
Flux of organic carbon for sponges at Conch Reef, Key Largo, FL, and Carrie Bow Cay, Belize as sampled in 2016. | | Shimadzu TOC 5050 analyzer |
Carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes of marine inorganic and organic matter around O'ahu, Hawai'i, December 2017 | Used for Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) analysis.
| OI Analytical 1030D Total Organic Carbon Analyzer |
Coastal phytoplankton and mercury dynamics in watersheds along the U.S. East Coast from New Jersey to Maine assessed using particulate and dissolved samples collected in 2015 and 2016 |
Shimadzu TOC/TN analyzer used to measure DOC
| Shimadzu TOC/TN analyzer |
Experimental coral physiological and δ15N isotopic measurements in October 2012 at Reef Systems Coral Farm, Ohio. | DOC samples measured on Shimadzu TOC-L total organic carbon analyzer.
| Shimadzu TOC-L total organic carbon analyzer |
Physiological parameters of three corals species collected from Hawaii and exposed to four treatment conditions for 22-months as part of a mesocosm experiment | | Shimadzu model 5050 TOC analyzer |
Fluorescence and Physical Indicators for Sediment Cores from a Protected island in south Wilkinson Bay in the northeast portion of Barataria Bay, Louisiana in September 2018 | | Shimadzu Total Organic Carbon Analyzer with SSM-5000 A (Shimadzu, Columbia, MD) |
Fluorescence and Physical Indicators for Sediments Cores from Barataria Basin, Louisiana, for March and November 2017 | | Shimadzu Total Organic Carbon Analyzer with SSM-5000 A (Shimadzu, Columbia, MD) |
Biogeochemical data collected from porewater profiles within a shallow, sandy subterranean estuary (STE) in Virginia USA, from 2018 - 2020 | Shimadzu TOC 5000 total organic carbon analyzer
| total organic carbon analyzer |
Experiment with the diatom Chaetoceros sp. on the impact of temperature, light climate, and carbonate chemistry on TEP production and aggregation processes from May 2015 (OA - Effects of High CO2 project) | DOC was analyzed on a Shimadzu TOC-V following Carlson et al., (2010) with glucose and Santa Barbara Channel reference calibration standards.
| Shimadzu TOC-V |
Discrete data on hydrography (from CTD casts) and chemical analyses of dissolved nutrients and organic carbon on the Louisiana-Texas shelf in the Gulf of Mexico from R/V Pelican cruise 28 September – 11 October 2017 | Water samples were analyzed for dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and total dissolved nitrogen (TDN) content using a Shimazdu Instruments TOC-VCSH and TNM-1 with attached ASI-V auto sampler.
| Shimazdu Instruments TOC-VCSH and TNM-1 |
Discrete data on hydrography (from CTD casts) and chemical analyses of dissolved nutrients and organic carbon on the Louisiana-Texas shelf in the Gulf of Mexico from R/V Acadiana cruise 18-21 September 2017 | Water samples were analyzed for dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and total dissolved nitrogen (TDN) content using a Shimazdu Instruments TOC-VCSH and TNM-1 with attached ASI-V auto sampler.
| Shimazdu Instruments TOC-VCSH and TNM-1 |
Dissolved organic carbon and amino acid data from the NBP1207 cruise in Chile during 2012 | Used to measure DOC
| Shimadzu total organic carbon TOC-V analyzer |
Bacterial abundance, bacterial organic carbon, and total organic carbon from remineralization bioassays conducted on R/V Robert Gordon Sproul cruises along the Southern California coast during July and August 2023 | Samples for TOC concentration measurements were acidified to a pH of < 3 with 60 µl 4 N HCl and quantified on a Shimadzu TOC-V or TOC-L using the high-temperature combustion method (Halewood et al., 2022). Precision for DOC analysis was ~1 µmol C L-1 and data quality was assessed by measuring Santa Barbara Channel surface and deep water samples that were calibrated against DOC consensus reference material provided by Hansell (2005).
| Shimadzu TOC-V or TOC-L |
Chemical analysis from sediment core bottom water samples collected in the back barrier island bays on Virginia’s Eastern Shore in July 2017 | Used to measure dissolved organic carbon
| Shimadzu TOC-V total carbon analyzer |
Chemical analysis from sediment core pore water samples collected in the back barrier island bays on Virginia’s Eastern Shore in July 2017 | Used to measure dissolved organic carbon
| Shimadzu TOC-V total carbon analyzer |
Sediment core sample metadata collected July 2017 in the back barrier island bays on Virginia’s Eastern Shore | Used to measure dissolved organic carbon.
| Shimadzu TOC-V total carbon analyzer |
Large volume incubation: DOC, bacterial cell concentration and production from RV/Endeavor EN556, June 2015 (Patterns of activities project) | Used to measure dissolved organic carbon concentration in the samples.
| Shimadzu Total Organic Carbon analyzer (TOC-8000A/5050A) |
Measurements of nutrients, bacterial cell concentration and bacterial production from RV/Endeavor EN556, June 2015 (Patterns of activities project) | Used to measure dissolved organic carbon concentration in the samples.
| Shimadzu Total Organic Carbon analyzer (TOC-8000A/5050A) |
Chemical composition of 'model' Primary Marine Aerosol (mPMA) and seawater measured on R/V Endeavor EN589 during Sept. - Oct. 2016 | Used to measure total organic carbon concentration
| Shimadzu Model TOC-V CSH carbon analyzer |
Hydrologic data from field sampling sites in the Neuse River Estuary, Pamlico Sound, and Onslow Bay in the coastal North Atlantic, offshore from North Carolina, USA, in 2021 and 2022 | | Shimadzu TOC-5000A Analyzer |
Geochemical measurements of CTD and Alvin Niskin samples collected in the Gulf of California during R/V Falkor cruise FK190211 in 2019 | Shimadzu Instruments TOC-Vcph Total Organic Carbon Analyzer with ASI-V Autosampler and TNM Total Nitrogen Analyzer
| Shimadzu Instruments TOC-Vcph Total Organic Carbon Analyzer |
Microbial abundances and DOC drawdown from algal substrate remineralization cultures in the FlavoPH experiment collected on cruise HIMB15-1 at Kaneohe Bay, Oahu, Nov. 2015 | | Shimadzu TOC-V analyzers, modified |
Summary geochemistry and radiotracer rates for 30 marine sediment cores covering eight sites and four geochemical regimes | Shimadzu Instruments TOC-Vcpn with TNM-1 chemiluminescence NO unit; Calibrated with 1.25, 2.5, 5, 10, and 20 ppm C made from potassium hydrogen phthalate dissolved in 18.2 mOhm MQ water.
| Shimadzu TOC 5000 |
Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) from US GEOTRACES North Atlantic Transect cruise on the R/V Knorr KN199-04 in the subtropical N. Atlantic in 2010 (U.S. GEOTRACES NAT project) | Samples were measured by high temperature combustion oxidation (HTCO) on a Shimadzu
TOC-L carbon analyzer.
| Total Organic Carbon Analyzer |
Chemical analysis from sediment core bottom water samples collected in the northern Gulf of Mexico, May 2017 | Used to measure dissolved organic carbon.
| Shimadzu TOC-V total carbon analyzer |
Chemical analysis from sediment core pore water samples collected in the northern Gulf of Mexico, May 2017 | Used to measure dissolved organic carbon.
| Shimadzu TOC-V total carbon analyzer |
Sediment core sample metadata collected in the northern Gulf of Mexico, May 2017 | Used to measure dissolved organic carbon.
| Shimadzu TOC-V total carbon analyzer |
Niskin bottle water samples and CTD measurements from the Hawaii Ocean Time-Series cruises from 1988-2021 (HOT project) | Prior to HOT-125 (March 2001), Total organic carbon (TOC) concentrations had been measured on a commercially available MQ model 1001 TOC analyzer equipped with a LICOR infrared detector.
| MQ model 1001 TOC analyzer |
Water geochemistry from surface samples collected along the Neuse River, Neuse River Estuary, and Pamlico Sound in North Carolina between October and December 2016, following the passage of Hurricane Matthew | DOC & DIC. Calibrated with stock solutions of sodium bicarbonate (DIC) and caffeine (DOC). A certified reference material (CRM) for DIC is analyzed regularly as a check standard.
| OI Analytical Aurora 1030 W Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Analyzer |
DOC, oxygen and pH from samples collected near the Line Islands, Central Pacific in 2013 | | Shimadzu TOC-V analyzers, modified |
Concentrations of mercury forms and ancillary parameters in size fractionated plankton samples and in water collected during 2014 from Long Island Sound and the adjacent shelf | DOC was analyzed on a Shimadzu TOC/TN analyzer.
| Shimadzu TOC/TN analyzer |
High Resolution sampling of dissolved organic matter (DOM) around Mo'orea coupled with macroalgal collections (Coral DOM2 project) | | Shimadzu TOC-V analyzers, modified |
Particulate and dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen data from multiple cruises on R/V Wecoma, R/V Atlantis, and R/V New Horizon in the Northeast Pacific from 1997-2004 (GLOBEC NEP) | TOC analyses were perfomed using a Shimadzu TOC-500 (for 1997 and 1998 samples). The Shimadzu TOC-500 TOC analyzer measures total carbon (TC), inorganic carbon (IC) and total organic carbon (TOC) in water. TC, TOC and IC are measured by the combustion-non-dispersive infrared gas analysis method. Starting in April 2000, a Shimadzu TOC-5000A analyzer with an ASI 5000 autosampler was used.
| Total Organic Carbon Analyzer |
Dissolved organic matter (DOM) and base-extracted particulate organic matter (BEPOM) collected from a plankton senescence experiment from water samples offshore of North Carolina | OI Analytical Aurora 1030 W Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Analyzer: DOC & DIC. Calibrated with stock solutions of sodium bicarbonate (DIC) and caffeine (DOC). A certified reference material (CRM) for DIC is analyzed regularly as a check standard.
| OI Analytical Aurora 1030 W Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Analyzer |
Biogeochemistry, metabolomics, and metagenomics of Florida's Coral Reef from sampling conducted over 15 days in June 2019 | Shimadzu TOC-VCSH TOC analyzer (6) using a TNM-1 module for TOC and TN analysis
| Shimadzu TOC-VCSH TOC analyzer |
Discrete bottle sample measurements for carbonate chemistry, organic alkalinity and organic carbon from samples collected in Waquoit Bay and Vineyard Sound, MA in 2016 | | O.I. Analytical Aurora 1030C Autoanalyzer |
FT-ICR MS data from samples collected during a Sargassum inundation event in Puerto Rico in 2018 | Shimadzu Total Carbon Analyzer (TOC-VCPH)
| |
Time series observations: hydrography, nutrients, and microbial, phytoplankton and zooplankton communities from the Skidaway River Estuary on the southeastern Atlantic coast of Georgia from 1986-2011 (SRiMP project) | TDN and DOC concentrations of 0.2 µm filtered water samples are processed at SkIO by the lab of Dr. Aron Stubbins using a Total Organic Carbon Analyzer with a Total Nitrogen Measuring Unit (TOC-V and TNM-I, Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, Columbia, ML, USA)
| Shimadzu TOC-V Analyzer |
Cell abundance, nutrient and DMSP concentrations measured during a mesocosm study of the effect of phytoplankton composition on bacterial DMSP transformation (OceanSulfurFluxBact project) | To measure DOC and TOC
| Shimadzu TOC-5000A Total Organic Carbon Analyzer |
Synthesis Product for Ocean Time Series (SPOTS) |
Shimadzu TOC-V used by HOT for DOC measurements
Shimadzu TOC-L used by CARIACO for DOC measurements
| Total Organic Carbon Analyzer |
Coastal water biogeochemistry collected aboard the R/V Endeavor along the North Atlantic coast from 2017-08-20 to 2017-08-28 | Filtered water samples for total dissolved organic carbon were pipetted into acid-washed combusted glass vials, acidified to pH = 2 with 12 M hydrochloric acid, and stored at 4 °C until analysis on a Shimadzu TOC-5050A total organic carbon analyzer.
| Shimadzu TOC-5050A total organic carbon analyzer |