Acrylate and DMSP Concentrations |
Chlorophyll a Concentrations in Seawater |
Chlorophyll a Concentrations in Seawater |
Chlorophyll data from daily sampling at the Santa Monica Pier |
chlorophyll_a |
Chlorophyll-a concentration in microcosm experiments. |
Florida Bay DIN, DOC, and Chl-a 2017-2018 |
Florida Bay DIN, DOC, and Chl-a 2017-2018 |
grazing and growth rates |
Protist rates based on epifluorescence counts; cyanobacteria rates based on flow cytometry data (Lomas group); bulk rates based on extracted chlorophyll-a. |
growth phase exopolymers |
Exopolymer and carbohydrate production by diatoms with growth. |
Growth rates of Line P diatoms in added Zn and Co incubation studies |
Growth rates of the polar diatom Chaetoceros RS19 in +Zn and +Co incubation studies |
Growth rates of the Ross Sea diatom isolate Chaetoceros sp. RS19 under various Zinc and Cobalt additions. |
HOT Niskin bottle samples |
Niskin bottle water samples and CTD measurements at water sample depths from the Hawaii Ocean Time-Series (HOT) |
Karlodinium veneficum growth data |
Daily growth data |
Lake Erie Ice- physico-chemical data |
Great Lakes physico-chemical data from winter 2012, 2013, and 2016 |
Lake Erie Winter Surveys 2018-2020 |
Winter survey data from Lake Erie |
Lake Erie Winter Surveys 2022 |
Winter survey data from Lake Erie from Feb 2022 to Mar 2022 |
Lake Erie Winter Surveys 2023-2024 |
Winter survey data from Lake Erie from Mar 2023 to May 2024 |
microcosm_summary |
Summary of microcosm data from Dauphin Island Cubitainer Experiment (DICE). |
Neuse River Estuary WQ |
Biological, chemical, and physical water quality indicators of the Neuse River. |
Nutrients and chlorophyll |
Nutrient and chlorophyll analyses from surface samples collected by container ships in the North Pacific |
oxidative stress TEP |
Exopolymer production by phytoplankton under oxidative stress. |
Phytoplankton phosphonate utilization |
Profile data |
protist abundance and biomass |
Abundance and biomass of protists (based on epifluorescence counts) and bulk biomass (based on extracted chl-a). |
SCCS Diazotroph Abundances |
qPCR abundance data |
Sediment grain size |
Average sediment grain size at Carlsbad Desalination Plant, 2014-2016 |
Series 1: Abiotic TEP Formation - DIC Perturbation |
Series 1: Abiotic TEP Formation - DIC Perturbation |
Series 1: Abiotic TEP Formation - TA Perturbation |
Series 1: Abiotic TEP Formation - TA Perturbation |
Synechococcus growth rate: silicic acid |
Growth rate of Synechococcus cells grown in different silicic acid concentrations |
Thalassiosira wessiflogii growth rate and TEP |
Growth rate experiment with the diatom Thalassiosira wessiflogii in semi-continuous culture. |
Transcriptomics of Phytoplankton Cultures Grown on Various Phosphorus Sources |
Transcriptomics of Phytoplankton Cultures Grown on Various Phosphorus Sources |
Water chemistry |
Water chemistry at Carlsbad Desalination Plant, 2014-2016 |
Winter survey data from Lake Erie from Dec 2022 to Mar 2023 |
Winter survey data from Lake Erie from Dec 2022 to Mar 2023 |