Upper thermal limits (LD50) for two common coastal copepods during thermal experiments with individuals collected from Long Island Sound between July 2017 and November 2019 | standard error estimate for the LD50 measurement.
| SE |
Be-7 from aerosol samples from the Arctic collected on RV Polarstern cruise ARK-XXVI/3 from Tromso, Norway to Bremerhaven, Germany in 2011 (Be-7 Tracer Method project) | Standard error of aerosol 7Be concentration.
| Be7_aer_se |
Oxygen consumption and metabolic enzyme activity in the Antarctic coral, Flabellum impensum from RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer NBP1002 in the Western Antarctic Peninsula, Mar.- May 2010 (CARIACO-micronek project, Antarctic_micronek project) | Mean Citrate synthase (CS) standard error.
| Cs_activity_SE |
Oxygen consumption and metabolic enzyme activity in the Antarctic coral, Flabellum impensum from RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer NBP1002 in the Western Antarctic Peninsula, Mar.- May 2010 (CARIACO-micronek project, Antarctic_micronek project) | Mean Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) standard error.
| LDH_Activity_SE |
Oxygen consumption and metabolic enzyme activity in the Antarctic coral, Flabellum impensum from RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer NBP1002 in the Western Antarctic Peninsula, Mar.- May 2010 (CARIACO-micronek project, Antarctic_micronek project) | Mean Malate dehydrogenase (MDH) standard error.
| MDH_Activity_SE |
Oxygen consumption and metabolic enzyme activity in the Antarctic coral, Flabellum impensum from RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer NBP1002 in the Western Antarctic Peninsula, Mar.- May 2010 (CARIACO-micronek project, Antarctic_micronek project) | Mean Oxygen Consumption Standard Error
| O2_consumption_SE |
Bacterial and viral cell counts, and nutrients from 5 cruises on the R/V Hugh R. Sharp in Delaware and Chesapeake Bays, 2014-2016 (Coastal Bacterial Growth Rates project) | error for attenuation coefficient
| atten_err |
Bacterial and viral cell counts, and nutrients from 5 cruises on the R/V Hugh R. Sharp in Delaware and Chesapeake Bays, 2014-2016 (Coastal Bacterial Growth Rates project) | standard error of cell counts (taking into account the number of samples tested. Error is used to get a better representation of the deviation/error with larger numbers of samples; such as cell counts where we average 10 fields of view to get a number)
| counts_se |
Helium isotope and neon data from seawater samples collected June 2018 during FS Alkor cruise AL510 in the Baltic Sea | Error associated with d3He measurements
| d3HeEr |
Helium isotope and neon data from seawater samples collected June 2018 during FS Alkor cruise AL510 in the Baltic Sea | Error associated with helium-3 concentration
| He3ConcEr |
Helium isotope and neon data from seawater samples collected June 2018 during FS Alkor cruise AL510 in the Baltic Sea | Error associated with helium-3/helium-4 ratio
| He3He4Er |
Helium isotope and neon data from seawater samples collected June 2018 during FS Alkor cruise AL510 in the Baltic Sea | Error associated with helium-4 concentration
| He4ConcEr |
Helium isotope and neon data from seawater samples collected June 2018 during FS Alkor cruise AL510 in the Baltic Sea | Percentage error in measurements of the weight of helium-4
| He4ErRelpercent |
Helium isotope and neon data from seawater samples collected June 2018 during FS Alkor cruise AL510 in the Baltic Sea | Error associated with total neon concentration
| NeConcEr |
Seawater concentrations of dissolved and total Th-232 and Th-230 collected from the R/V Atlantic Explorer (AE1410) cruise from Barbados to Bermuda during 2014 | Dissolved ( | Th_230_D_CONC_BOTTLE_ERR |
Symbiont Symbiodinium density in brooded coral larvae at high and ambient temperature and pCO2, Taiwan, March 2011 (Cumbo et al, JEMBE, 2013) (MCR LTER & Climate Coral Larvae projects) | standard error: number of symbionts in samples
| count_se |
Carbon geochemistry of Santa Elena (Costa Rica) ultramafics and bulk rock carbonate samples from expeditions 149, 173, and 209 on R/V JOIDES Resolution in the Iberia Abyssal Plain, Iberian Margin, and Mid-Atlantic Ridge from 1993-2003 | Error of del13C_TC
| del13C_TC_err |
Carbon geochemistry of Santa Elena (Costa Rica) ultramafics and bulk rock carbonate samples from expeditions 149, 173, and 209 on R/V JOIDES Resolution in the Iberia Abyssal Plain, Iberian Margin, and Mid-Atlantic Ridge from 1993-2003 | Error of del13C_TIC
| del13C_TIC_err |
Carbon geochemistry of Santa Elena (Costa Rica) ultramafics and bulk rock carbonate samples from expeditions 149, 173, and 209 on R/V JOIDES Resolution in the Iberia Abyssal Plain, Iberian Margin, and Mid-Atlantic Ridge from 1993-2003 | Error of del18O_TIC
| del18O_TIC_err |
Carbon geochemistry of Santa Elena (Costa Rica) ultramafics and bulk rock carbonate samples from expeditions 149, 173, and 209 on R/V JOIDES Resolution in the Iberia Abyssal Plain, Iberian Margin, and Mid-Atlantic Ridge from 1993-2003 | Error of TC
| TC_err |
Carbon geochemistry of Santa Elena (Costa Rica) ultramafics and bulk rock carbonate samples from expeditions 149, 173, and 209 on R/V JOIDES Resolution in the Iberia Abyssal Plain, Iberian Margin, and Mid-Atlantic Ridge from 1993-2003 | Error of TIC
| TIC_err |
Results from OA/feeding experiment: carbonate chemistry and coral skeletal weight, symbiont density, and total tissue lipid content of samples collected from northwestern Bermuda patch reefs; 2010 | Standard error of 'CoralliteWt'.
| CoralliteWt_se |
Results from OA/feeding experiment: carbonate chemistry and coral skeletal weight, symbiont density, and total tissue lipid content of samples collected from northwestern Bermuda patch reefs; 2010 | Standard error of 'PcntSpat3oSepta'.
| PcntSpat3oSepta_se |
Results from OA/feeding experiment: carbonate chemistry and coral skeletal weight, symbiont density, and total tissue lipid content of samples collected from northwestern Bermuda patch reefs; 2010 | Standard error of 'SeptaDiam'.
| SeptaDiam_se |
Results from OA/feeding experiment: carbonate chemistry and coral skeletal weight, symbiont density, and total tissue lipid content of samples collected from northwestern Bermuda patch reefs; 2010 | Standard error of 'TankAragSat'.
| TankAragSat_se |
Results from OA/feeding experiment: carbonate chemistry and coral skeletal weight, symbiont density, and total tissue lipid content of samples collected from northwestern Bermuda patch reefs; 2010 | Standard error of 'TankCoralliteWt'.
| TankCoralliteWt_se |
Results from OA/feeding experiment: carbonate chemistry and coral skeletal weight, symbiont density, and total tissue lipid content of samples collected from northwestern Bermuda patch reefs; 2010 | Standard error of 'TotLipid_per_area'.
| TotLipid_per_area_se |
Chlorophyll-a concentrations from Barbados incubation experiment, February 2012 (ADIMA project) | Chlorophyll a concentration standard error
| Standard_Error |
Coral and algae cover, coral richness, and coral diversity from coral reef sites sampled by small boats in the Palauan archipelago from 2011-2013 | Standard error of Acropora percent cover.
| acropora_cover_err |
Coral and algae cover, coral richness, and coral diversity from coral reef sites sampled by small boats in the Palauan archipelago from 2011-2013 | Standard error of CCA cover.
| cca_cover_err |
Coral and algae cover, coral richness, and coral diversity from coral reef sites sampled by small boats in the Palauan archipelago from 2011-2013 | Standard error of coral cover.
| coral_cover_err |
Coral and algae cover, coral richness, and coral diversity from coral reef sites sampled by small boats in the Palauan archipelago from 2011-2013 | Standard error of coral richness.
| coral_richness_err |
Coral and algae cover, coral richness, and coral diversity from coral reef sites sampled by small boats in the Palauan archipelago from 2011-2013 | Standard error of coral diversity.
| diversity_err |
Coral and algae cover, coral richness, and coral diversity from coral reef sites sampled by small boats in the Palauan archipelago from 2011-2013 | Standard error of coral evenness.
| evenness_err |
Coral and algae cover, coral richness, and coral diversity from coral reef sites sampled by small boats in the Palauan archipelago from 2011-2013 | Standard error of macroalgae percent cover.
| macroalgae_cover_err |
Coral and algae cover, coral richness, and coral diversity from coral reef sites sampled by small boats in the Palauan archipelago from 2011-2013 | Standard error of Omega_ar.
| omega_Ar_err |
Coral and algae cover, coral richness, and coral diversity from coral reef sites sampled by small boats in the Palauan archipelago from 2011-2013 | Standard error of Porites cover.
| porites_cover_err |
Results of laboratory study examining effects of elevated concentrations of seawater carbon dioxide and altered salinity on rates of oxygen utilization by larval porcelain crabs (Petrolisthes cinctipes) | Standard error of O2 in ambient seawater
| O2_ambientsw_SE |
Results of laboratory study examining effects of elevated concentrations of seawater carbon dioxide and altered salinity on rates of oxygen utilization by larval porcelain crabs (Petrolisthes cinctipes) | Standard error of O2 under both stressors
| O2_both_stressors_SE |
Results from experiments examining the cell diameter of Crocosphaera watsonii (WH0003) in response to light irradiance; conducted in the Hutchins Laboratory, USC | Standard error of cell_diameter.
| cell_diameter_se |
Diatom growth rates from samples collected on the Gould cruise LMG1411 in the Western Antarctica Peninsula from 2014 (Polar Transcriptomes project) | Relative photosynthetic efficiency standard error
| std_error_FvFm |
Diatom growth rates from samples collected on the Gould cruise LMG1411 in the Western Antarctica Peninsula from 2014 (Polar Transcriptomes project) | Functional absorption cross-section of PSII standard error
| std_error_sigma |
Diatom growth rates from samples collected on the Gould cruise LMG1411 in the Western Antarctica Peninsula from 2014 (Polar Transcriptomes project) | Standard error of relative growth rate
| std_error_u |
Average calculated pCO2 of gas in equilibrium with seawater, pH, carbonate ion concentration, bicarbonate ion concentration, dissolved CO2, aragonite saturation state, measured salinity, temperature, pH, total alkalinity, and dissolved inorganic carbon. | Standard error for average calculated aragonite saturation state of the experimental seawater
| Arag_sat_c_SE |
Average calculated pCO2 of gas in equilibrium with seawater, pH, carbonate ion concentration, bicarbonate ion concentration, dissolved CO2, aragonite saturation state, measured salinity, temperature, pH, total alkalinity, and dissolved inorganic carbon. | Standard error for average dissolved CO2 of the experimental seawater
| CO2sw_c_SE |
Average calculated pCO2 of gas in equilibrium with seawater, pH, carbonate ion concentration, bicarbonate ion concentration, dissolved CO2, aragonite saturation state, measured salinity, temperature, pH, total alkalinity, and dissolved inorganic carbon. | Standard error for average calculated carbonate ion concentration of the experimental seawater
| CO3_c_SE |
Average calculated pCO2 of gas in equilibrium with seawater, pH, carbonate ion concentration, bicarbonate ion concentration, dissolved CO2, aragonite saturation state, measured salinity, temperature, pH, total alkalinity, and dissolved inorganic carbon. | Standard error for average measured dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) of the experimental seawater
| DIC_m_SE |
Average calculated pCO2 of gas in equilibrium with seawater, pH, carbonate ion concentration, bicarbonate ion concentration, dissolved CO2, aragonite saturation state, measured salinity, temperature, pH, total alkalinity, and dissolved inorganic carbon. | Standard error for average calculated bicarbonate ion concentration of the experimental seawater
| HCO3_c_SE |
Average calculated pCO2 of gas in equilibrium with seawater, pH, carbonate ion concentration, bicarbonate ion concentration, dissolved CO2, aragonite saturation state, measured salinity, temperature, pH, total alkalinity, and dissolved inorganic carbon. | Standard error for average calculated pCO2 of the mixed gases in equilibrium with the experimental seawater
| pCO2_c_SE |
Average calculated pCO2 of gas in equilibrium with seawater, pH, carbonate ion concentration, bicarbonate ion concentration, dissolved CO2, aragonite saturation state, measured salinity, temperature, pH, total alkalinity, and dissolved inorganic carbon. | Standard error for average calculated pH of the experimental seawater
| pH_c_SE |