All nutrient data developed from samples frozen during the cruise and analyzed ashore.
<li>Physical data processed by Jane Fleischbein (OSU)</li>
<li>Chlorophyll readings done by Leah Feinberg (OSU)</li>
<li>Nutrient analysis done by Burke Hales (OSU)</li>
<li>Sal00 - salinity calculated from primary sensors (C0,T0)</li>
<li>Sal11 - salinity calc. from secondary sensors (C1,T1)</li>
<li>secondary sensor pair was used in final processing of CTD data
for most stations because the primary had more noise and spikes
The primary pair were used for cast# 9,24,48,111 and 150 due
to multiple spikes or offsets in the secondary pair</li>
<li>Nutrient samples were collected from most bottles; all nutrient data
developed from samples frozen during the cruise and analyzed ashore;
data developed by Burke Hales (OSU).</li>
<li>Operation Detection Limits for Nutrient Concentrations
<table border="1" width="70%"><tbody><tr> <th>Nutrient</th> <th> Range </th> <th> Mean </th> <th> Variable </th> <th> Units</th> </tr>
<tr><td> PO4 </td> <td> 0.003-0.004 </td> <td> 0.004 </td> <td> Phosphate </td> <td> micromoles per liter</td> </tr>
<tr><td> NO3+NO2 </td> <td> 0.04-0.08 </td> <td> 0.06 </td> <td> Nitrate+Nitrite</td> <td> micromoles per liter</td> </tr>
<tr><td> Si(OH)4 </td> <td> 0.13-0.24 </td> <td> 0.16 </td> <td> Silicate </td> <td> micromoles per liter</td> </tr>
<tr><td> NO2 </td> <td> 0.003-0.004 </td> <td> 0.003 </td> <td> Nitrite </td> <td> micromoles per liter</td> </tr>