Dataset: NEP1998_bio_opt
Deployment: NEP_buoy_dep2b

Data from mooring deployed 1998 on Northeast Peak
Principal Investigator: 
Robert C. Beardsley (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, WHOI)
Jim Irish (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, WHOI)
Deployment Synonyms:

GLOBEC Georges Bank Long-term Moored Array Component

N.E. Peak Mooring Site
41 44' N, 66 32' W

One deployment was made in 1998 at this site, Nov 19. 1998 to Mar 11 1999. (Dates reflect dates of data not deployment dates)


Sampling rates vary from instrument to instrument.

Data Submitted by:

Jim Irish
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Woods Hole, MA 02543
phone:  508 289 2732
fax:    508 457 2195

1. The nominal position of the mooring is the designed deployment site
   and actual deployments varied by about 0.5 nm around this position.
2. Sensor depths are nominal designed depths.  In water sensors vary
   around this designed depth by about 1 m, variation larger at greater
   distance below buoy.
3. Temperatures are listed in the IPTS68 standard, rather than IPT90.
4. Salinity conversion from conductivity was done with PSS78
5. Sensor normalization was done with pre-cruise calibrations, and checked
   with post-cruise calibrations.
6. Only minor editing has been done to remove spikes from records.
7. No corrections have been made to fluorometer and transmissometer data
   to remove biological fouling induced drift.
8. No corrections have been made to salinity for drifts due to biological

 updated 06/15/05; gfh
More information about this dataset deployment