Dataset: oi_sst_movies
Deployment: OI_SST_JB

Daily cloud-free, AVHRR-derived, optimally interpolated SST movies
Lead Principal Investigator: 
James J. Bisagni (University of Massachusetts Dartmouth SMAST, UMASSD-SMAST)
Principal Investigator: 
James J. Bisagni (University of Massachusetts Dartmouth SMAST, UMASSD-SMAST)
BCO-DMO Data Manager: 
Robert C. Groman (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, WHOI BCO-DMO)

PI: J. J. Bisagni Dataset: Daily Cloud-Free, AVHRR-Derived, Optimally Interpolated (OI) SST movies

The files are listed by calendar year, have a time-step of 1 day, are in Quicktime format, and vary in size from ~3-12 Mbytes. Also shown is our standard temperature color bar legend.


OI SST Movies

Daily AVHRR-derived OI SST movies for the GOMRMRP & U.S. GLOBEC Georges Bank Program studies


39.107-45.511 deg N latitude, 63.504-72.164 deg W longitude,

Data Provider:

 	Dr. J. J. Bisagni

 	28 Tarzwell Drive/
 	Narragansett, RI 02882/
 	(401) 782-3313


  • Please see documentation provided for OI SST Images.

As a courtesy, please notify Jim Bisagni via email about your intent to use the SST OI fields, so that he may keep a record.

More information about this dataset deployment