Dataset: EcoMon Plankton 10m2
Deployment: EK8006

EcoMon plankton counts from Bongo tows. Includes MARMAP data.
Jonathan Hare (Northeast Fisheries Science Center - Narragansett, NOAA NEFSC)
James P. Manning (Northeast Fisheries Science Center - Woods Hole, NOAA NEFSC)
Ms Maureen Taylor (Northeast Fisheries Science Center - Woods Hole, NOAA NEFSC)
BCO-DMO Data Manager: 
Robert C. Groman (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, WHOI BCO-DMO)
EcoMon Zooplankton (EcoMon Zooplankton)
Current State: 
Cruise complete


  1. Values are the number of organisms beneath 10 m^2 of sea surface.
  2. Taxa were selected based on time series mean abundance > 100 per 100 m^3 and occurrence in greater than 5% of samples.
  3. Number of stations between the 100 m^3 and 10 m^2 datasets may be different because the number of larvae under 10 m^2 was not calculated at stations where the net was greater than 5-m off the bottom.

Date: 26 January 2011:
As of July 30, 2010 we have attempted to replace the taxonomic abbreviations with the actual names in the displayed data. The original abbreviations are shown below for historical purposes.

List of taxonomic abbreviations and MARMAP codes:

ctyp		Centropages typicus	103
calfin		Calanus finmarchicus	101
pseudo		Pseudocalanus spp.	102 and 4128
penilia		Penilia avirostris	611 and 613
tlong		Temora longicornis	104
cham		Centropages hamatus	109
echino		Echinodermata		1500-1599
append		Appendicularia		700-799
para		Paracalanus parvus	135
gas		Gastropoda		300-399, 1100-1199, 
acarspp		Acartia spp.		4027
mlucens		Metridia lucens		105
evadnespp	Evadne spp.		605
salps		Salpa			3400-3499
oithspp		Oithona spp.		138
cirr		Cirripedia		2100-2199
chaeto		Chaetognatha		200-299
hyper		Hyperiidea		400-499, 800-849, 
gam		Gammaridea		870-899, 4400-4499
evadnord	Evadne nordmanni	607
coe		Coelenterata		1200-1299, 1800-
                                        1899, 2300-2399
calminor	Calanus minor		143
copepoda	Copepoda		100
clauso		Clausocalanus arcuicornis	157
dec		Decapoda		500-599, 1000-
euph		Euphausiacea		2000-2099
prot		Protozoa		3900-3999
acarlong	Acartia longiremis	107
euc		Eucalanus spp.		180
pel		Pelecypoda		1300-1399
poly		Polychaeta		2500-2599
podon		Podon spp.		601
fish		Pisces			3500
bry		Bryozoa			900-949
fur		Clausocalanus furcatus 	4064
calspp		Calanus spp.		178
oncaea		Oncaea spp.		191
cory		Corycaeidae		4045
ost		Ostracoda		3600-3699
tstyl		Temora stylifera	153
oithspin	Oithona spinirostris	114
mysids		Mysidacea		2800-2899
temspp		Temora spp.		4059
tort		Tortanus discaudatus	108
paraspp		Paracalanus spp.	4118


NOAA/NMFS Data Use and Acknowledgement Policy:
These data are provided by the Northeast Fisheries Science Center of the U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service. A number of different vessels have been involved in sampling, and gear and methods have evolved over time. All of these factors affect sampling and the interpretation of data. The agency has developed correction factors to adjust for these changes and use other statistical tools for population estimates. The data we present here can be used as an index of abundance (over time or space) within a species or among species with similar vulnerability to the sampling gear. The data refer to a standard tow or sample and are not normalized to a unit area. Please refer to the detailed metadata for each dataset for more information, and to the data products for useful summaries of the data. Users are encouraged to contact the responsible agencies for guidance in using the data.

It is not ethical to publish data without proper attribution or co-authorship. The data are the intellectual property of the collecting investigator(s).

The intellectual investment and time committed to the collection of a data set entitles the investigator to the fundamental benefits of the data set. Publication of descriptive or interpretive results derived immediately and directly from the data is the privilege and responsibility of the investigators who collect the data.

The purpose of a data archive is to facilitate collaboration between scientists, to allow the combination of multiple data sets for interdisciplinary and comparative studies, and the development and testing of new theories. The data managed by the Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office (BCO-DMO) are made available even though they may not be "final" (i.e., error free) data.

Any person making substantial use of a data set must communicate with the investigators who acquired the data and/or the Data Management Office prior to publication and anticipate that the data collectors will be co-authors of published results. This extends to model results and to data organized for retrospective studies.

The data available here are intended for scholarly use by the academic and scientific community, with the express understanding that any such use will properly acknowledge the originating investigator. Use or reproduction of any material herein for any commercial purpose is prohibited without prior written permission from the Data Management Office.

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