cruiseid |
Cruise identifier
dimensionless |
cruiseid |
year |
Year, GMT e.g. 1997.
dimensionless |
year |
month_gmt |
Month of year, GMT. Calculated from yrday and year.
month, 1-12 |
month_gmt |
day_gmt |
Day of month, GMT. Calculated from yrday and year.
day, 1-31 |
day_gmt |
lat |
Latitude (south is negative). Decimal degrees calculated from degrees/decimal minutes. Originally named 'pcode_lat_deg' and 'pcode_lat_min'.
decimal degrees |
lat |
lon |
Longitude (west is negative). Decimal degrees calculated from degrees/decimal minutes. Originally named 'pcode_long_deg' and 'pcode_long_min'.
decimal degrees |
lon |
depth_w_12 |
Water depth in meters recorded by high frequency (12 kHz) transducer. Originally named 'echosounder_hf_value'.
meters |
depth_w |
temp_air |
Air temperature. Originally named 'air_temp_osu_doghouse' or 'air_temp_rmyoung_doghouse' (depending on cruise).
degrees C |
temp_air |
humidity |
Percent relative humidity. Originally named 'humidity_vaisela_doghouse'.
percent |
humidity |
press_bar |
Barometric pressure in millibars. Originally named 'baro'.
millibars |
press_bar |
temp_ss5 |
Sea surface temperature measured by the thermosalinograph located 5 m below the water's surface. Originally named 'water_temp_seabird_flothru'.
degreesC |
temp_ss5 |
sal_ss5 |
Sea surface salinity, measured from thermosalinograph located 5 m below water surface.
no_bcodmo_term |
temp_air2 |
Air temperature from second source. Originally named 'air_temp_vaisela_doghouse'.
degrees C |
temp_air |
yrday |
Day of the year. Originally named 'truetime_day'.
yearday, 1-365 |
yrday |
wind_speed |
Wind speed measured in m/s. Originally named 'wind_speed_doghouse'.
m/s |
wind_speed |
radiation_s |
Shortwave radiation. Originally named 'down_welling_shortwave_psp_doghouse'.
watts/m^2 |
radiation_s |
PAR_doghouse |
PAR measured in quanta/cm^2/sec. (6 x 10^17 quanta/m^2/sec = 1 microEinstein(uE)/m^2/sec). Originally named 'down_welling_par_doghouse'.
quanta/(cm^2*s) |
no_bcodmo_term |
radiation_l |
Longwave radiation. Originally named 'down_welling_longwave_doghouse'.
watts/m^2 |
radiation_l |
wind_dir_stbd |
Wind direction measured on the starboard side in degrees from true North. Originally named 'wind_heading_starboard'.
degrees from true North |
wind_dir |
wind_dir_port |
Wind direction measured on the port side in degrees from true North. Originally named 'wind_heading_port'.
degrees from true North |
wind_dir |
wind_speed_kts_stbd |
Wind speed in knots, measured from the starboard side of the ship. Originally named 'wind_speed_starboard'.
knots |
wind_speed_kts |
wind_speed_kts_port |
Wind speed in knots, measured from the port side of the ship. Originally named 'wind_speed_port'.
knots |
wind_speed_kts |
cond_ss5 |
Sea surface conductivity, measured by sensor 5 m below the water's surface. Originally named 'conductivity_seabird_flothru'.
siemens/meter |
no_bcodmo_term |
temp_ss |
Sea surface temperature. Originally named 'water_temp_seabird_engineroom'.
degrees C |
flvolt_mV |
Fluorometer reading in milliVolts (relative value). Originally named 'fluorometer_value_met2'.
milliVolts |
fluor_mV |
speedlog_long |
Speed ahead in knots. Originally named 'speedlog_water_longitude'.
knots |
no_bcodmo_term |
speedlog_trans |
Speed to starboard (transverse). Originally named 'speedlog_water_transverse'.
knots |
no_bcodmo_term |
gyro |
The gyro's reading in degrees from true North. Originally named 'gyro_compass' or 'syncro' (depending on the cruise).
degrees from true North |
no_bcodmo_term |
temp_pir_case |
Temperature of the PIR case. Originally named 'pir_case_temp'.
degrees C |
no_bcodmo_term |
temp_pir_hemi |
Temperature of the PIR hemisphere. Originally named 'pir_hemisphere_temp'.
degrees C |
no_bcodmo_term |
ship |
Name of the ship.
dimensionless |
ship |
cog |
cog; units not supplied.
unknown |
cog |
sog |
sog; units not supplied.
unknown |
sog |
time_gmt |
Time, in GMT format. Calculated from hour_gmt and minute_gmt (which were originally named 'pcode_hour' and 'pcode_minute').
time_gmt |
ISO_DateTime_UTC |
Date and time in ISO 8601 format: yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS.
yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.S |
ISO_DateTime_UTC |