Mean winter (Jan-Mar) upwelling index averaged at 36°N and 39°N, mean winter precipitation averaged across NOAA NCDC California Divisions 4 and 6, mean winter sea level at San Francisco detrended to remove a linear increasing trend, winter Northern Oscillation Index, and CCwinter (leading principal component of upwelling, sea level, and NOI). See Methods for explanations of the data time series.
Black, B., Bograd, S., Sydeman, W. (2013) Supplementary data: physical data (1895-2010) for California Current winter climate reconstruction (California Current upwelling modes project). Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office (BCO-DMO). (Version 2013-12-03) Version Date 2013-12-03 [if applicable, indicate subset used]. [access date]
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