Underway Continuous Measurements
Approximately 1,800 continuous measurements of pH, TCO2, salinity, and temperature were collected from August 31, 2012, to September 2, 2012, using a flow-through Multiparameter Inorganic Carbon Analyzer (MICA) and Sea-Bird SBE49 CTD attached to the flow-through system of the USCGC Healy. The intake of the shipboard flow-through system was located approximately 8 meters (m) below the sea surface on the port side of the vessel. Water entered the sampling baffles at depth, was pumped to an ice chest for separation of ice, and was then pumped to a multi-port sampling manifold located in the ship's laboratory. Filtered seawater then flowed through a custom made PVC de-bubbler containing a Sea-Bird SBE49, and was pumped peristaltically into the intake port of the MICA. Measurements were taken and logged approximately every 2 min except during a MICA flushing cycle which occurred for approximately 10 min each hour (h). The MICA was calibrated using Certified Reference Material from Professor Andrew Dickson of the University of California at San Diego. Precision and accuracy for each channel was 0.002 for pH and 2 micromoles per kilogram (umol/kg) for TCO2.
The QA/QC process looked for internal consistencies in the data by comparing the values to known ranges for Arctic seawater. Additionally, the light intensity of acid and base spectrophotometric wavelengths were analyzed and points that did not meet minimum threshold values were discarded.
For aditional information see:
HLY1202 Cruise Report, Appendix E
U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 862 - Methods
BCO-DMO Processing Notes
- Generated from original file: "HLY1202_MICA.csv" contributed by Lisa Robbins
- Parameter names edited to conform to BCO-DMO naming convention found at Choosing Parameter Name
- Single Date/Time field split into separate Date and Time fields
- Date reformatted from MM/DD/YYYY to YYYYMMDD
- Time reformatted from HH:MM to HHMM
- Duplicate Date/Time column deleted