The VMPS as described by Wiebe and Benfield (2003) is named the Ocean Research Institute Vertical Multiple Plankton Sampler (ORI-VMPS) with specifications: 100 cm x 100 cm rectangular mouth opening multiple net system that can be equipped with 4 to 10 nets, 510 cm long with 0.33 mm nylon mesh. Nets are opened/closed by surface commands down transmitted via conduction cable to an underwater unit (see Plate 31 C (Wiebe and Benfield, 2003)).
References:Dataset Name | PI-Supplied Description | PI-Supplied Name |
Mesozooplankton from R/V Kaiyo-Maru cruise KY0103-02 in the Northwestern Sub-Arctic Pacific in 2001 (SEEDS I project) | Vertical Multi-layer Plankton Sampler |