Deployment: DI-92-03

1992-09-01 - 1992-11-30 U.S. JGOFS Equatorial Pacific Platform:R/V Discoverer (vessel)


NOAA boreal spring and fall section cruises east and west of 140°W:

R/V Discoverer (DI-92-03 legs 03,04,05)

Dates: September-November 1992
Chief Scientist: (leg 03: R. Feely, 04: R. Wanninkhof, 05: P. Murphy)
Location: 10°N-10°S at 95°W,110°W, 125°W, 140°W, 170°W

DatasetLatest Version DateCurrent State

Deployment Report


Chief Scientist: Richard A. Feely
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Chief Scientist: Paulette P. Murphy
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Chief Scientist: Dr Rik H. Wanninkhof
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
