Dataset: limpet R-code and images
Deployment: Denny_2013

Respiration chamber images and R-code for analysis of size measurements and derived respiration rates
Principal Investigator: 
Dr Mark W Denny (Stanford University - Hopkins, Stanford-HMS)
Co-Principal Investigator: 
Dr Bengt J Allen (California State University Long Beach, CSULB)
Luke P. Miller (Stanford University - Hopkins, Stanford-HMS)
BCO-DMO Data Manager: 
Nancy Copley (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, WHOI BCO-DMO)
Current State: 
Final no updates expected
Version Date: 

This dataset provides links to images of the respiration chamber used in the other datasets for this project and also an example of the R-code used to analyze the limpet mass and body volume data.

Growth data for animals on experimental plates in the field during 2013 was collected monthly via digital photographs and measured using ImageJ software. Respiration of limpets collected from the field during summer 2013 was measured in air or seawater at a range of temperatures for one hour or two hours.

Related Reference:

Miller, L.P., B.J. Allen, F.A. King, D.R. Chilin, V.M. Reynoso and M.W. Denny (2015). Warm microhabitats drive both increased respiration and growth rates of intertidal consumers. Marine Ecology Progress Series 522: 127-143 doi:

These data are also available at the Stanford Digital Repository:

Download R code: 2013_limpet_mass_analysis.R

Related Datasets (includes metadata) Download original data files
limpet mass and body volume 2013_limpet_mass_master.csv
limpet aquatic respiration 2013_summer_aquatic_respiration_rates.csv
limpet aerial respiration 2013_summer_aerial_respiration_rates.csv


More information about this dataset deployment