site |
Site in Palmyra where data were collected.
unitless |
site |
date |
Date data were collected; mm/dd/yy
unitless |
date |
time |
Time data were collected; HH:MM
unitless |
time |
pH_1_1m |
In situ pH on the total hydrogen ion scale; 3 x n matrix; data collected at 1.1m above the benthos.
pH |
pH |
pH_0_5m |
In situ pH on the total hydrogen ion scale; 3 x n matrix; data collected at 0.5m above the benthos.
pH |
pH |
pH_0_3m |
In situ pH on the total hydrogen ion scale; 3 x n matrix; data collected at 0.3m above the benthos.
pH |
pH |
temp_1_1m |
Temperature in Celsius; 3 x n matrix; data collected at 1.1m above the benthos.
celsius |
temperature |
temp_0_5m |
Temperature in Celsius; 3 x n matrix; data collected at 0.5m above the benthos.
celsius |
temperature |
temp_0_3m |
Temperature in Celsius; 3 x n matrix; data collected at 0.3m above the benthos.
celsius |
temperature |
DO_1_1m |
Dissolved O2; 3 x n matrix; data collected at 1.1m above the benthos.
umol/kg |
O2 |
DO_0_5m |
Dissolved O2; 3 x n matrix; data collected at 0.5m above the benthos.
umol/kg |
O2 |
DO_0_3m |
Dissolved O2; 3 x n matrix; data collected at 0.3m above the benthos.
umol/kg |
O2 |
OMEGA_1_1m |
Aragonite Saturation State; 3 x n matrix; data collected at 1.1m above the benthos.
unitless |
OM_ar |
OMEGA_0_5m |
Aragonite Saturation State; 3 x n matrix; data collected at 0.5m above the benthos.
unitless |
OM_ar |
OMEGA_0_3m |
Aragonite Saturation State; 3 x n matrix; data collected at 0.3m above the benthos.
unitless |
OM_ar |
Photosynthetically Available Radiation
umol photons m-2 s-1 |
pressure |
Pressure; 3 x n matrix.
decibars |
press |
current_speed |
Current speed at 1.4 m above benthos.
meters per second |
curr_speed_rel |
salinity |
practical salinity units |
sal |
Net Community Production
mmol O2 m-2 hr-1 |
production |
NCC_Q_0_8 |
Net Community Calcification; 5 x n matrix; NCC value calculated using Q of 0.8
mmol CaCO3 m-2 hr-1 |
calcification |
NCC_Q_0_9 |
Net Community Calcification; 5 x n matrix; NCC value calculated using Q of 0.9
mmol CaCO3 m-2 hr-1 |
calcification |
NCC_Q_1_0 |
Net Community Calcification; 5 x n matrix; NCC value calculated using Q of 1.0
mmol CaCO3 m-2 hr-1 |
calcification |
NCC_Q_1_1 |
Net Community Calcification; 5 x n matrix; NCC value calculated using Q of 1.1
mmol CaCO3 m-2 hr-1 |
calcification |
NCC_Q_1_2 |
Net Community Calcification; 5 x n matrix; NCC value calculated using Q of 1.2
mmol CaCO3 m-2 hr-1 |
calcification |
ISO_DateTime_UTC |
Date/Time (UTC) ISO formatted
unitless |
ISO_DateTime_UTC |
lat |
Latitude; N is positive.
decimal degrees |
lat |
lon |
Longitude; E is positive
decimal degrees |
lon |