Instrument: Salinometer

Acronym: Salinometer
External Identifier:


A salinometer is a device designed to measure the salinity, or dissolved salt content, of a solution.

Dataset NamePI-Supplied DescriptionPI-Supplied Name
Water and sediment microbial sequence accession and collection information from R/V Blackbeard and R/V Neil Armstrong cruises in coastal North Carolina in 2018 and 2019YSI Salinometer
Water column properties and carbon geochemistry from R/V Blackbeard and R/V Neil Armstrong cruises in coastal North Carolina in 2018 and 2019YSI Salinometer
Alkalinity and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) from sea water samples collected at coral reefs from equatorial central Pacific in 1973, 2012, 2015, and 2018The samples collected in 1973 were tested for salinity using a Plessey model 6230N laboratory conductivity salinometer.  Plessey model 6230N
Phytoplankton and nutrients from R/V Sagar Kanya, R/V Sagar Sampada SK256, SS263, SS273, SS286 in the N. Arabian Sea from 2009-2011 (Arabian Sea Noctiluca project)Autosal® Salinometer Salinometer
Discrete bottle data from Hydrostation S in the Sargasso Sea from January 1955 through December 2023Guildline salinometer
Empirical orthogonal functions (EOFs) and benthic communities at Wailupe and Black Point on Oahu, Hawai'iPortasal Salinometer 8410A
Salinity was measured with a benchtop salinometer (Orion StarTM A12, Thermo Scientific), which was calibrated using MilliQ water and known salinity CRM seawater before each sample analysis. Calcium ([Ca2+]) concentration was measured using automatic potentiometric titration with ethylene glycol tetraacetic acid (EGTA), with a precision of ±0.2% [59]. A Metrohm® Titrando calcium-selective electrode on a titration system (Metrohm Titrando 888) was used to detect the endpoint.  Benchtop Salinometer (OrionStar A12, Thermo Scientific)
Salinity was measured with an OrionStar A12 Benchtop salinometer manufactured by Thermo Scientific.  Benchtop salinometer (OrionStar A12, Thermo Scientific)
The density (mg CaCO3/cm^3) of the skeleton of Clathromorphum nereostratum, when assessed as function of increasing seawater temperature and pCO2 concentrationTo measure salinity and temperature of tanks YSI3200 meter with K=10 conductivity electrode and temperature probe
Experimental study to estimate per capita sea urchin (Strongylocentrotus polyacanthus) grazing rates on the alga Clathromorphum nereostratum as a function of seawater temperature and pCO2 concentrationTo measure salinity and temperature of tanks YSI3200 meter with K=10 conductivity electrode and temperature probe
Organic alkalinity data from estuary transects in Coastal Gulf of Maine (Pleasant, Maine; St. John, New Brunswick) in May and October of 2018 and 2019Discrete sample salinity was measured with a Guildline Portasal salinometer (Guildline, Smiths Falls Canada).  Guildline Portasal salinometer (Guildline, Smiths Falls Canada)
Average sediment grain size at in- and out-flow at Carlsbad Desalination Plant, Southern California,2014-2016 (Effluent Impacts on Coastal Ecology project)Guideline Portasal
Time series observations: hydrography, nutrients, and microbial, phytoplankton and zooplankton communities from the Skidaway River Estuary on the southeastern Atlantic coast of Georgia from 1986-2011 (SRiMP project)Surface salinity was measured with an AGE model 2100 salinometer from 1986 to 1996 AGE Model 2100 Salinometer
Synthesis Product for Ocean Time Series (SPOTS) AGE model 2100 Minisal salinometer used by HOT Guildline Portasal 8410 salinometer used by CARIACO Guildline 8400 bench salinometer used by HOT, CVOO, K2, KNOT, Irminger & Iceland Sea TS.  OPTIMARE Precision salinometer OPS-20 used by CVOO PorterSal salinomters used by OWSM Salinometer
Water chemistry analysis of samples collected at the Carlsbad Desalination Plant along the coast of Southern California in 2014-2016 (Effluent Impacts on Coastal Ecology project)Guideline Portasal
Water chemistry from discrete seawater samples collected from 2012-2016 at Jarvis IslandGuildline autosal salinometer