The marsh area sampled included the marsh interior, marsh edge, and unvegetated mudflat within 3 m of the marsh edge at paired sill and control marsh sites. Nekton from the below sampling methods were speciated where possible and counted. This dataset reports the biomass of two categories of organisms, fish and crabs.
Fyke nets:
Two fyke nets were sesimultaneously at each site during a night spring high tide and recovering gear during the subsequent low tide (~6 h sets). Fyke nets were placed at the sill drop-downs or gaps at the sill sites and haphazardly along the edge of control marsh sites. Fyke net openings were set at approximately the same distance from the marsh edge (3–5 m, depending on sill location relative to the marsh edge) at each paired site. The fyke nets consisted of a 0.9 × 0.9 × 5.1 m compartmentalized, 3.175 mm mesh bag with 0.9 × 5.1 m wings that stretched out from the bag (set for a total mouth width of 8 m).
Seine nets:
Two seines at each site were conducted during afternoon spring low tides parallel to the shoreline for 20 m (~5 m from the sill or marsh edge). Seines were 7.3 m wide by 1.8 m tall, made from 3.175 mm mesh, and included a 1.8 × 1.8 × 1.2 m bag.
Minnow traps:
Minnow traps (3.175- mm- galvanized mesh) were set at the edge of each shoreline type 2 h before high tide and collecting the traps 2 h after high tide.
For full details of data collection, see reference:
Gittman R.K., Peterson C.H., Currin C.A., Fodrie F.J., Piehler M.F., and Bruno J.F. 2016. Living shorelines can enhance the nursery role of threatened coastal habitats. Ecological Applications 26(1): 249-263. DOI: 10.1890/14-0716