depth |
sampling depth in meters
meters (m) |
depth |
SampleID |
The OFP naming convention uses the month of the mooring recovery cruise, the sequential number of the trap cup, and trap depth. E.g. %11/10-4 1500 denotes the sample was recovered in Nov 2010, was the fourth trap cup in the sampling rotation during the deployment and the sediment trap was located at 1500m depth. Samples collected using the single cup trap (prior to 1989), are named by the recovery date only (Please note: The Sample ID does NOT indicate the date of sample collection!! The start date of the sample collection is provided by the sequence day (Sequence Day 1 = 4 Apr 1978) and the start calendar date.
unitless |
sample |
SeqDay |
Number of days since the beginning of the OFP time-series (SeqDay 1=4 April 1978). The SeqDay is the first day of the sample collection period.
unitless |
time_elapsed |
midSeqDay |
Sequence day of the middle of the sample collection period
unitless |
day |
StartYr |
Start year for sample
unitless |
year |
StartMo |
Start month for sample
unitless |
month |
StartDay |
Start day for sample
unitless |
day |
MidJDay |
Mid Julian Day is the Julian Day (Day of Year) of the midpoint of the sample collection period.
unitless |
day |
Duration |
number of days the sample collected
unitless |
duration |
Fr_gt_1000 |
mass of sample >1000 um size fraction, in mg
milligrams (mg) |
mass |
Fr500_1000 |
mass of sample between 500-1000 um size fraction, in mg
milligrams (mg) |
mass |
Fr125_500 |
mass of sample between 125-500 um size fraction, in mg
milligrams (mg) |
mass |
Fr37_125 |
mass of sample between 37-125 um size fraction, in mg (measured 1978-1996 only)
milligrams (mg) |
mass |
Fr_lt_37 |
mass of sample <37 um size fraction, in mg (measured 1978-1996 only)
milligrams (mg) |
mass |
Fr_lt_125 |
mass of sample <125 um size fraction, in mg
milligrams (mg) |
mass |
MassFlux |
in mg per m2 per day. NOTE: The 500m and 1500m fluxes are semi-quantitative for deployments between Oct 1992 and Jan 1996 (see "2019_OFP methodologies" file)
milligrams per square meter per day (mg/m2/day) |
flux |
pcnt_Carb37_125 |
percent carbonate by weight, 37-125 um size fraction
unitless (percent) |
no_bcodmo_term |
pcnt_Carb_lt_37 |
percent carbonate by weight, <37 um size fraction
unitless (percent) |
no_bcodmo_term |
pcnt_Carb_lt_125 |
percent carbonate by weight, <125 um size fraction
unitless (percent) |
no_bcodmo_term |
CarbFlux |
total carbonate flux, in mg per m2 per day.
milligrams per square meter per day (mg/m2/day) |
flux |
pcnt_Corg37_125 |
percent organic carbon by weight, 37-125 um size fraction
unitless (percent) |
C_org |
d13Corg37_125 |
the isotopic composition of organic carbon (in ‰), 37-125 um size fraction
per mil (‰) |
no_bcodmo_term |
pcnt_Corg_lt_37 |
percent organic carbon by weight, <37 um size fraction
unitless (percent) |
C_org |
d13Corg_lt_37 |
the isotopic composition of organic carbon (in ‰), <37 um size fraction
per mil (‰) |
no_bcodmo_term |
d13Corg_lt_37_A |
the isotopic composition of organic carbon (in ‰), <37 um size fraction. These analyses were conducted by M. Altabet (see "2019_OFP methodologies" file)
per mil (‰) |
no_bcodmo_term |
pcnt_Corg_lt_125 |
percent organic carbon by weight, <125 um size fraction
unitless (percent) |
C_org |
d13Corg_lt_125 |
the isotopic composition of organic carbon (in ‰), <125 um size fraction
per mil (‰) |
no_bcodmo_term |
CorgFlux |
total organic carbon flux, in mg per m2 per day.
milligrams per square meter per day (mg/m2/day) |
flux |
pcnt_N37_125 |
percent nitrogen by weight, 37-125 um size fraction
unitless (percent) |
N |
d15N37_125 |
the isotopic composition of N (in ‰), in 37-125 um size fraction
per mil (‰) |
no_bcodmo_term |
pcnt_N_lt_37 |
percent nitrogen by weight, <37 um size fraction
unitless (percent) |
N |
d15N_lt_37 |
the isotopic composition of N (in ‰), <37 um size fraction
per mil (‰) |
no_bcodmo_term |
d15N_lt_37_A |
the isotopic composition of N (in ‰), <37 um size fraction. These analyses were conducted by M. Altabet (see "2019_OFP methodologies" file)
per mil (‰) |
no_bcodmo_term |
pcnt_N_lt_125 |
percent nitrogen by weight, <125 um size fraction
unitless (percent) |
N |
d15N_lt_125 |
the isotopic composition of N (in ‰), <125 um size fraction
per mil (‰) |
no_bcodmo_term |
d15N_lt_125_A |
the isotopic composition of N (in ‰), <125 um size fraction. These analyses were conducted by M. Altabet (see "2019_OFP methodologies" file)
per mil (‰) |
no_bcodmo_term |
Nflux |
total nitrogen flux, in mg per m2 per day.
milligrams per square meter per day (mg/m2/day) |
flux |
pcnt_Ppart_lt_37 |
the percent phosphorus by weight, in <37 um particle size fraction.
unitless (percent) |
P |
pcnt_Ppart_lt_125 |
the percent phosphorus by weight, in <125 um particle size fraction.
unitless (percent) |
P |
pcnt_Ppart_lt_1000 |
the percent phosphorus by weight, in the <1000 um size fraction.
unitless (percent) |
P |
pcnt_Psuper |
the dissolved/colloidal phosphorus present in the supernatant, normalized to the sample mass.
unitless (percent) |
P |
PtotalFlux |
the phosphorus flux, in ug m-2 d-1. Includes both phosphorus measured in the particle phase as well as dissolved/colloidal phosphorus measured in the trap cup supernatant.
micrograms per square meter per day (ug/m2/day) |
P |
pcnt_Opal37_125 |
mass percent opal, in 37-125 um size fraction. (3200m data only)
unitless (percent) |
opal |
pcnt_Opal_lt_37 |
mass percent opal, in <37 um size fraction. (3200m data only)
unitless (percent) |
opal |
pcnt_Opal_lt_1000est |
estimated mass percent opal, for <1000 um size fraction.
unitless (percent) |
opal |
OpalFlux |
the opal flux, in mg per m2 per day.
milligrams per square meter per day (mg/m2/day) |
flux |
pcnt_Lith_lt_1000est |
estimated mass percent lithogenic material, for <1000 um size fraction.
unitless (percent) |
no_bcodmo_term |
LithFlux |
the estimated lithogenic flux, in mg per m2 per day.
milligrams per square meter per day (mg/m2/day) |
no_bcodmo_term |
Comments |
unitless |
comment |
Start_Date |
Start date in format YYYY-MM-DD
unitless |
date |