Data Processing:
All nutrient data are stored in a common database Following analyses, nutrient standard curves are examined to ensure that calibration coefficients are within the range of variability of a long-term (5-year) dataset (±3%). Fluorometer measurements are entered into a spreadsheet containing the fluorometer calibration coefficients, which are used to calculate chlorophyll a and phaeophytin concentrations. The fluorometer is calibrated annually against extracted chlorophyll astandards. CO2 and DIC gas chromatograph measurements are entered into a spreadsheet program that calculates all inorganic carbon species concentrations, as well as pH and carbonate alkalinity. Concentrations are then corrected for any temperature difference between in situ and time of analysis. Stable isotope measurements are stored in a stable isotope database, while DOC measurement data are stored along with nutrient, chlorophyll and inorganic carbon measurements in a chemistry database.
CTD data are processed using the "SBE Data Processing" software package provided by Sea-Bird Scientific. The processing modules used were configured as follows:
Data Conversion. Potential temperature anomaly set to 0. Tau correction is applied to dissolved oxygen measurements, with a 2-second window.
Filter. Low pass filter A time constant = 0.1 seconds. Low pass filter B time constant = 0.5 seconds.
Align CTD. An advance value of 0.1 seconds was applied to conductance measurements, and an advance value of 5 seconds was applied to dissolved oxygen measurements.
Loop Edit. Minimum CTD velocity set to 0.1 meters per second. Scans marked bad are excluded.
Bin Average. Bin type = Depth. Bin size = 0.25 meters. Both the upcast and the downcast were processed.