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DOI: 10.4319/lom.2014.12.1

Dataset Relation
[DEPRECATED] Dissolved mercury measurements from the Western Arctic Ocean, which were sampled as part of the 2015 US GEOTRACES Cruise (GN01; HLY1502) Methods
Measurements of total dissolved gaseous mercury in surface waters from the US GEOTRACES Arctic cruise (HLY1502, GN01) from August to October 2015 Methods
Mercury and methylmercury concentrations in aerosols from the US GEOTRACES Arctic cruise (HLY1502, GN01) from August to October 2015 Methods
Mercury and methylmercury concentrations in ice cores from the US GEOTRACES Arctic cruise (HLY1502, GN01) from August to October 2015 Methods
Mercury and methylmercury concentrations in melt pond water from samples collected during the GEOTRACES Arctic Ocean cruise in 2015 (HLY1502, GN01). Methods
Mercury and methylmercury concentrations in surface snow samples from USCGC Healy HLY1502 in the Canada and Makarov Basins of the Arctic Ocean; Dutch Harbor to Dutch Harbor from August to October 2015 Methods
Mercury and methylmercury in wet deposition samples from USCGC Healy HLY1502 in the Canada and Makarov Basins of the Arctic Ocean; Dutch Harbor to Dutch Harbor from August to October 2015 Methods
Concentrations of dissolved and particulate mercury species collected on the US GEOTRACES Arctic cruise (HLY1502, GN01) from August to October 2015 Methods
Coastal phytoplankton and mercury dynamics in watersheds along the U.S. East Coast from New Jersey to Maine assessed using particulate and dissolved samples collected in 2015 and 2016 Methods
Atmospheric total gaseous mercury from the US GEOTRACES Arctic cruise (HLY1502, GN01) from August to October 2015 Methods
Dissolved mercury (Hg) speciation in the California Current System from samples collected on R/V Roger Revelle cruise RR2105 in July to August 2021 Methods
Suspended particle total mercury and monomethylmercury in the California Current Ecosystem (CCE) determined from samples collected on R/V Roger Revelle cruise RR2105 (P2107) in July to August 2021 Methods
Total mercury and methylmercury concentrations measured across 10 tissues of the longnose lancetfish (Alepisaurus ferox) collected from the central and eastern North Pacific between 2018 and 2023 Methods
Concentrations of mercury forms and ancillary parameters in size fractionated plankton samples and in water collected during 2014 from Long Island Sound and the adjacent shelf Results
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Citation Text: 
Munson, K. M., Babi, D., & Lamborg, C. H. (2014). Determination of monomethylmercury from seawater with ascorbic acid-assisted direct ethylation. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods, 12(1), 1–9. doi:10.4319/lom.2014.12.1
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