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DOI: 10.1016/j.marchem.2011.07.001

Dataset Relation
Silica uptake by Synechococcus cells in response to a gradient of silicic acid concentrations from lab experiments at Dauphin Island Sea Lab and University of Santa Barbara between 2012-2015 (Si_in_Syn project) Methods
Synechococcus cell silica uptake from cultures with added nutrients from laboratory experiments at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab between 2013 and 2015 (Si_in_Syn project) Methods
Synechococcus silica uptake rates from cultures with and without added orthophospate from laboratory experiments at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab from August of 2013 to September of 2014 (Si_in_Syn project) Methods
Silicon uptake rates from samples collected during the R/V Point Sur cruise PS1312 along the Central California coast from June to July of 2013 (Diatom Group Si Prod project) Methods
Silicon Uptake Kinetics sampled aboard the R/V Pelican during during PE17-04 and PE17-20 along the Northern Gulf of Mexico, specifically the Louisiana Shelf region dominated by the discharge of the Mississippi River plume. Methods
Water column data sampled aboard the R/V Pelican during August and September 2016 and May 2017 in Northern Gulf of Mexico, specifically the Louisiana Shelf region dominated by the discharge of the Mississippi River plume. Methods
Results from a laboratory-based investigation into sediment Silicon sorption capacities using standardized clay samples and the radioactive tracer 32Si Methods
Synechococcus silica quotas from cultures with various Si:P mole ratios from laboratory experiments at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab from June to August of 2015 (Si_in_Syn project) General
Silica production rates and concentrations quantified using 32Si and PDMPO using samples from the R/V Point Sur cruise PS1312 along the Central California coast from June to July of 2013 (Diatom Group Si Prod project) General
Citation Style: 
Citation Text: 
Krause, J. W., Brzezinski, M. A., & Jones, J. L. (2011). Application of low-level beta counting of 32Si for the measurement of silica production rates in aquatic environments. Marine Chemistry, 127(1-4), 40–47. doi:10.1016/j.marchem.2011.07.001
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