Instrument: Apollo SciTech AS-C3 Dissolved Inorganic Carbon (DIC) analyzer

Acronym: Apollo SciTech AS-C3
External Identifier: skos:exactMatch:


A Dissolved Inorganic Carbon (DIC) analyzer, for use in aquatic carbon dioxide parameter analysis of coastal waters, sediment pore-waters, and time-series incubation samples. The analyzer consists of a solid state infrared CO2 detector, a mass-flow controller, and a digital pump for transferring accurate amounts of reagent and sample. The analyzer uses an electronic cooling system to keep the reactor temperature below 3 degrees Celsius, and a Nafion dry tube to reduce the water vapour and keep the analyzer drift-free and maintenance-free for longer. The analyzer can handle sample volumes from 0.1 - 1.5 milliliters, however the best results are obtained from sample volumes between 0.5 - 1 milliliters. It takes approximately 3 minutes per analysis, and measurement precision is plus or minus 2 micromoles per kilogram or higher for surface seawater. It is designed for both land based and shipboard laboratory use.

Dataset NamePI-Supplied DescriptionPI-Supplied Name
DIC, TA, calculated pH and carbonate saturation state in the summer bottom water in North Gulf of Mexico from 2006 to 2017
DIC, TA, pH, DO from nGOM cruises conducted aboard the R/V Pelican throughout 2017, 2018 and July 2019.DIC and TA were measured using the instruments from Apollo Scitech Inc.
Benthic flux data from sediment cores collected in the York River Estuary, VA in 2020DIC was analyzed on an Apollo, model AS-C3 (Apollo SciTech, Newark DE). Apollo model AS-C3
Concentrations, d13C and D14C data for DOC and DIC in fluids collected from North Pond Cork Observatories U1382A and U1383C and from bottom seawater in 2012, 2014 and 2017.DIC concentrations: AS-C3 analyzer (Apollo Scitech, Newark, DE, USA) AS-C3 analyzer (Apollo Scitech, Newark, DE, USA)
Carbonate chemistry in Mission Aransas Estuary from May 2014 to Feb 2017 and Dec 2018 to Feb 2020AS-C3 DIC analyzer, Apollo Scitech Inc
Dissolved inorganic carbon and total alkalinity fluxes from sediment incubation experiments during four R/V Pelican cruises to the Louisiana shelf in 2017 and 2018For DIC, 1 milliliter of water sample was measured in triplicate with an infrared CO2 detector-based DIC analyzer (Apollo SciTech AS-C3 Dissolved Inorganic Carbon analyzer). Apollo SciTech AS-C3 Dissolved Inorganic Carbon (DIC) analyzer
Dissolved Inorganic Carbon (DIC) measurements were performed with an AS-C3 DIC analyzer (Apollo SciTech Inc.) and analyzed by acidifying 0.5 mL water samples with 0.5 mL 10% H3PO4 using a 2.5 mL syringe pump, with a precision of +/-0.1%.  AS-C3 DIC analyzer (Apollo SciTech Inc.)
Dissolved inorganic carbon was analyzed with an AS-C3 DIC analyzer manufactured by Apollo SciTech Inc., by acidifying 0.5 mL water samples with 0.5 mL 10% H3PO4 using a 2.5 mL syringe pump, with a precision of +/-0.1%. AS-C3 DIC analyzer (Apollo SciTech Inc.)
Nutrient and metabolic fluxes on oyster reefs from the Choptank River and Harris Creek, Maryland data from June through August of 2017 (published in Jackson et al., 2018)
Daily water chemistry measurements from a larval growth experiment culturing Olympia oysters in 50 unique combinations of temperature, salinity, and pCO2 over up to 17 days of larval life.Appolo SciTech AS-C3 DIC analyzer
Seasonal hydrography, abundance, and distribution of pteropods from MOCNESS and CTD casts during R/V Tioga cruises in the Gulf of Maine from 2013 to 2015Apollo SciTech DIC auto-analyzer
O2 consumption of pteropods held for 1-14 days in three CO2 treatments with pteropods collected with a Reeve net during R/V Tioga cruises in the Gulf of Maine from 2013 to 2014Apollo SciTech DIC auto-analyzer
Discrete bottle sample measurements for carbonate chemistry, organic alkalinity and organic carbon from samples collected in Waquoit Bay and Vineyard Sound, MA in 2016Apollo SciTech DIC auto-analyzer (Model AS-C3)
Discrete bottle sample measurements for carbonate chemistry from samples collected in the Sage Lot Pond salt marsh tidal creek in Waquoit Bay, MA from 2012 to 2015Apollo SciTech DIC auto-analyzer (Model AS-C3)
Water column data collected during Dataflow cruises in the lower York River Estuary, VA during and following two successive harmful algal bloomsDIC was analyzed on an Apollo, model AS-C3 (Apollo SciTech, Newark DE) Apollo model AS-C3