Relative proportion (rel_proportion) of adults was calculated yearly for each of the 47 EcoMon plankton strata for the two seasons (1 = spring, 2 = fall). The number of plankton strata (n = 47) is lower than the bottom trawl survey (n = 108) as the narrow inshore stratum and the offshore shelf-break stratum of the bottom trawl survey (Azarovitz 1981) are combined in the EcoMon plankton sampling design. See the map of the EcoMon plankton strata (under Supplemental Files).
The number of adults per trawl was calculated by summing the number of fish caught greater than or equal to the estimated median size at maturity based on the swept area of the trawl. All trawls completed within a stratum, year, and season were averaged, and then this mean was multiplied by the stratum area (km2) to estimate stratum abundance (mean_abund). Thus, there were two estimates of adult abundance for each stratum per year, one for each season (spring and fall). The relative proportion of adults in a stratum and year for each season was estimated by dividing the estimated number of adults within a stratum and year in a single season by the sum of all strata from the year and season. If no samples were collected in a stratum for a year and season a 'nd' was placed in the mean_abund and rel_proportion columns.
Azarovitz TR. 1981. A brief historical review of the Woods Hole Laboratory trawl survey time series. Canadian Special Publication of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 58:62-7.
BCO-DMO Processing:
- Sorted data by taxa, year, season, strata.
- Replaced spaces with underscores in taxa names.
- Modified parameter names to conform with BCO-DMO naming conventions.
- Replaced 'NaN' with 'nd'.