catalogNumber |
permanent identifying code for a vouchered specimen at SIO-BIC
unitless |
sample |
phylum |
unitless |
phylum |
class |
unitless |
class |
order |
unitless |
order |
family |
unitless |
family |
genus |
unitless |
genus |
species |
unitless |
species |
identifiedBy |
person(s) responsible for the most recent identification of this specimen
unitless |
person |
typeStatus |
status of this specimen as a name-bearing type for this species, e.g. holotype
unitless |
sample_descrip |
individualCount |
number of individuals represented by this lot
unitless |
count |
sex |
sex(es) of the individual(s) in this lot
unitless |
sex |
lifeStage |
developmental life stage, e.g. larva
unitless |
stage |
genBankAccessionNumber |
NCBI GenBank accession number(s) for DNA sequence(s) derived from this lot
unitless |
accession_number |
materialPreserved |
physical material available, e.g. whole or tissue
unitless |
sample_descrip |
voucherTreatment |
initial chemical treatment of the morphological voucher, e.g. formalin
unitless |
sample_descrip |
voucherPreservative |
long-term preservative of the morphological voucher, e.g. ethanol
unitless |
sample_descrip |
otherCodes |
identifying codes, other than SIO-BIC catalog number; may include temporary field codes and catalog numbers from other institutions
unitless |
sample_descrip |
diveNumber |
submersible dive number; may be followed by a sampling event code or deployment number
unitless |
dive_id |
locality |
name or description of collection location
unitless |
site |
country |
country of collection
unitless |
site |
ocean |
ocean of collection
unitless |
site |
lat_start |
latitude of collection; south is negative; if collection occurred between two points, this point represents the start point
decimal degrees |
lat |
lon_start |
longitude of collection; west is negative; if collection occurred between two points, this point represents the start point
decimal degrees |
lon |
lat_end |
latitude of collection; south is negative; if collection occurred between two points, this point represents the end point
decimal degrees |
lat |
lon_end |
longitude of collection; west is negative; if collection occurred between two points, this point represents the end point
decimal degrees |
lon |
depth_start |
depth of collection; if collection occurred between two depths, this point represents the minimum depth
meters (m) |
depth |
depth_end |
depth of collection; if collection occurred between two depths, this point represents the maximum depth
meters (m) |
depth |
collectionDate |
date of collection; format ISO8601 (YYYY-MM-DD); in local time (UTC-6)
unitless |
date |
submersible |
name of submersible
unitless |
instrument |
ship |
name of support ship
unitless |
ship |
collectedBy |
person(s) who participated in the submersible dive or preserved the specimen
unitless |
person |
collectionEventRemarks |
further details about the submersible dive and sampling event
unitless |
comment |