Dataset: Particle Flux
Deployment: FK170124

Particle Flux
Principal Investigator: 
Colleen Durkin (Moss Landing Marine Laboratories, MLML)
Co-Principal Investigator: 
Margaret L. Estapa (Skidmore College)
Melissa Omand (University of Rhode Island, URI-GSO)
Colleen Durkin (Moss Landing Marine Laboratories, MLML)
BCO-DMO Data Manager: 
Taylor Heyl (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, WHOI BCO-DMO)
Shannon Rauch (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, WHOI BCO-DMO)

Samples were collected at the New England shelf break aboard the R/V Endeavor on 3-7 November 2017 (EN572) and 13-18 June 2016 (EN581) and on a transit between Honolulu, Hawaii and Portland, Oregon aboard the R/V Falkor between 24 January-20 February, 2017 (FK170124).

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