Data File(s) | Type | Description | Action |
---|---|---|---| (2.31 GB) | ZIP Archive (ZIP) | Model output files containing simulated biogeochemical parameters averaged over the entire model domain in MATLAB .mat format. Each .mat file contains 12 years of model output from 2003 to 2014, and there are a total of 57 files corresponding to the 56 sensitivity heterogeneous mode experiments. Reference: Liu, X. and Levine, N. M., 2021. Ecosystem implications of fine-scale frontal disturbances in the oligotrophic ocean - an idealized modeling approach. Progress in Oceanography, File names: A suite of modeling experiments was conducted and a MATLAB file was generated for each of these experiments: Example: Rv120_`aa`Year_`bb`_`cc`_`dd`min_`ee`dflux_`ff`day.mat where: `aa` = total length of the simulation `bb` = start year of the simulation `cc` = end year of the simulation `dd’ = time step for model evolution and numerical integration `ee` = disturbance flux in meters per day `ff` = disturbance duration in days Key parameters: In each file, simulated biogeochemical parameters averaged over the entire model domain are saved in a MATLAB data structure named “PATCH”: DAY: time elapsed since the start of the simulation in days SST: sea surface temperature in degree C NO3: nitrate concentration in mmol per cubic meter NH4: ammonium concentration in mmol per cubic meter PHYTO_C: **phytoplankton carbon biomass concentration in mmol per cubic meter GROWTH_C: **phytoplankton carbon biomass production in mmol per cubic meter per day PHYTO_CHL: **phytoplankton chlorophyll concentration in mg per cubic meter ZOO_C: zooplankton carbon biomass concentration in mmol per cubic meter POC: particulate organic carbon concentration in mmol per cubic meter DOC: dissolved organic carbon concentration in mmol per cubic meter EXPORT_C: particulate organic carbon exported vertically out of the model domain FLUX: vertical flux dissolved nitrogen from the deep boundary layer into the model domain **: these phytoplankton related parameters were simulated for three functional/size groups: small phytoplankton (row 1), large phytoplankton (row 2), and diazotrophs (row 3). | |
Supplemental File(s) | Type | Description | Action |
Liu_and_Levine_modelDescription.pdf (709.14 KB) | Portable Document Format (.pdf) |
Type: ZIP Archive (ZIP)
Description: Model output files containing simulated biogeochemical parameters averaged over the entire model domain in MATLAB .mat format. Each .mat file contains 12 years of model output from 2003 to 2014, and there are a total of 57 files corresponding to the 56 sensitivity heterogeneous mode experiments. Reference: Liu, X. and Levine, N. M., 2021. Ecosystem implications of fine-scale frontal disturbances in the oligotrophic ocean - an idealized modeling approach. Progress in Oceanography, File names: A suite of modeling experiments was conducted and a MATLAB file was generated for each of these experiments: Example: Rv120_`aa`Year_`bb`_`cc`_`dd`min_`ee`dflux_`ff`day.mat where: `aa` = total length of the simulation `bb` = start year of the simulation `cc` = end year of the simulation `dd’ = time step for model evolution and numerical integration `ee` = disturbance flux in meters per day `ff` = disturbance duration in days Key parameters: In each file, simulated biogeochemical parameters averaged over the entire model domain are saved in a MATLAB data structure named “PATCH”: DAY: time elapsed since the start of the simulation in days SST: sea surface temperature in degree C NO3: nitrate concentration in mmol per cubic meter NH4: ammonium concentration in mmol per cubic meter PHYTO_C: **phytoplankton carbon biomass concentration in mmol per cubic meter GROWTH_C: **phytoplankton carbon biomass production in mmol per cubic meter per day PHYTO_CHL: **phytoplankton chlorophyll concentration in mg per cubic meter ZOO_C: zooplankton carbon biomass concentration in mmol per cubic meter POC: particulate organic carbon concentration in mmol per cubic meter DOC: dissolved organic carbon concentration in mmol per cubic meter EXPORT_C: particulate organic carbon exported vertically out of the model domain FLUX: vertical flux dissolved nitrogen from the deep boundary layer into the model domain **: these phytoplankton related parameters were simulated for three functional/size groups: small phytoplankton (row 1), large phytoplankton (row 2), and diazotrophs (row 3).
Supplemental Files
Type: Portable Document Format (.pdf)