Data File(s) | Type | Description | Action |
---|---|---|---| (19.82 MB) | ZIP Archive (ZIP) | 10 ADCP files in netCDF format. Filelist: Example netCDF header (from file netcdf ADCP_BB15 { dimensions: z = 30 ; time = 2719 ; variables: double u(time, z) ; u:units = "m/s" ; u:comment = "East/West velocities" ; double v(time, z) ; v:units = "m/s" ; v:comment = "North/South velocities" ; double w(time, z) ; w:units = "m/s" ; w:comment = "vertical velocities, from beam 5" ; double P(time) ; P:units = "dbar" ; double dnum(time) ; double unixtime(time) ; double z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:comment = "vertical positive up, above bottom" ; // global attributes: :time_coverage_start = "26-Jul-2018 12:00:00" ; :time_coverage_end = "14-Aug-2018 09:00:00" ; :time_zone = "MT" ; :longitude = "-115.186" ; :latitude = "27.863" ; :name = "BB15" ; } | |
Supplemental File(s) | Type | Description | Action | (42.04 MB) | ZIP Archive (ZIP) | ADCP data. Contains matlab .mat files and txt files containing exported vectors and arrays from the .mat file. This file bundle contains subfolders named by deployment ID (transectID+target_depth). Each folder contains a file ending with _Info.txt which contains deployment information such as start and end time, lat,lon, depth, units. Within each folder is the .mat file for the deployment containing a structure "DATA" % example DATA struct % DATA = % % struct with fields: % % East: [30×2719 double] % North: [30×2719 double] % Vert: [30×2719 double] % Time: [7.3727e+05 7.3727e+05 7.3727e+05 7.3727e+05 7.3727e+05 7.3727e+05 7.3727e+05 7.3727e+05 7.3727e+05 7.3727e+05 … ] % pressure: [14.8000 14.7660 14.7140 14.7010 14.6850 14.6770 14.6160 14.6470 14.5660 14.5670 14.5920 14.5690 14.5730 … ] % bin_MAB: [0.9000 1.4000 1.9000 2.4000 2.9000 3.4000 3.9000 4.4000 4.9000 5.4000 5.9000 6.4000 6.9000 7.4000 7.9000 … ] % SiteInfo: [1×1 struct] % % DATA.SiteInfo % % ans = % % struct with fields: % % programming: [1×1 struct] % start_date: 7.3727e+05 % end_date: 7.3729e+05 % Time_Zome: 'MT' % latitude: 27.8630 % longitude: -115.1860 % notes: {'Not really near kelp, Sandy bed'} % name: 'BB15' % DATA.SiteInfo.programming % % ans = % % struct with fields: % % vert_vel_prec: 0.0070 % hor_vel_prec: 0.0220 Velocity units are meters per second (m/s). Pressure units are decibars(dbar). Time is a matlab datenum type in time zone Mountain Time (MT). | |
deploy_info.csv (5.04 KB) | Comma Separated Values (.csv) | Deployment Information for transects and moorings. Columns (parameter) info: Data_Type, Data type collected (e.g. MiniDOT,CTD) Deployment_ID, Deployment identifier. Prefix letters represent a cross-shore transect line and the 2 numerals represent the approximate target depth of a mooring along that line. Transect_ID, There were 4 transects (LG,PP, MP, BB). Target_Depth, Moorings targed deployment depth along transect. Targeted at 15, 20, and 25m on each transect. Start_Date,Start Date local time zone (MT) in format "%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S" End_Date, End Date local time zone (MT) in format "%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S" Time_Zone, Timezone (MT, mountain time) used for Start_Date and End_Date ISO_DateTime_UTC_Start, Start Date time zone UTC in ISO 8601 format "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" Latitude, latitude in decimal degrees Longitude, longitude in decimal degrees Units,units used for the data type Depth, notes "Bottom(seafloor) or no value" |
Type: ZIP Archive (ZIP)
Description: 10 ADCP files in netCDF format. Filelist: Example netCDF header (from file netcdf ADCP_BB15 { dimensions: z = 30 ; time = 2719 ; variables: double u(time, z) ; u:units = "m/s" ; u:comment = "East/West velocities" ; double v(time, z) ; v:units = "m/s" ; v:comment = "North/South velocities" ; double w(time, z) ; w:units = "m/s" ; w:comment = "vertical velocities, from beam 5" ; double P(time) ; P:units = "dbar" ; double dnum(time) ; double unixtime(time) ; double z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:comment = "vertical positive up, above bottom" ; // global attributes: :time_coverage_start = "26-Jul-2018 12:00:00" ; :time_coverage_end = "14-Aug-2018 09:00:00" ; :time_zone = "MT" ; :longitude = "-115.186" ; :latitude = "27.863" ; :name = "BB15" ; }
Supplemental Files
Type: ZIP Archive (ZIP)
Description: ADCP data. Contains matlab .mat files and txt files containing exported vectors and arrays from the .mat file. This file bundle contains subfolders named by deployment ID (transectID+target_depth). Each folder contains a file ending with _Info.txt which contains deployment information such as start and end time, lat,lon, depth, units. Within each folder is the .mat file for the deployment containing a structure "DATA" % example DATA struct % DATA = % % struct with fields: % % East: [30×2719 double] % North: [30×2719 double] % Vert: [30×2719 double] % Time: [7.3727e+05 7.3727e+05 7.3727e+05 7.3727e+05 7.3727e+05 7.3727e+05 7.3727e+05 7.3727e+05 7.3727e+05 7.3727e+05 … ] % pressure: [14.8000 14.7660 14.7140 14.7010 14.6850 14.6770 14.6160 14.6470 14.5660 14.5670 14.5920 14.5690 14.5730 … ] % bin_MAB: [0.9000 1.4000 1.9000 2.4000 2.9000 3.4000 3.9000 4.4000 4.9000 5.4000 5.9000 6.4000 6.9000 7.4000 7.9000 … ] % SiteInfo: [1×1 struct] % % DATA.SiteInfo % % ans = % % struct with fields: % % programming: [1×1 struct] % start_date: 7.3727e+05 % end_date: 7.3729e+05 % Time_Zome: 'MT' % latitude: 27.8630 % longitude: -115.1860 % notes: {'Not really near kelp, Sandy bed'} % name: 'BB15' % DATA.SiteInfo.programming % % ans = % % struct with fields: % % vert_vel_prec: 0.0070 % hor_vel_prec: 0.0220 Velocity units are meters per second (m/s). Pressure units are decibars(dbar). Time is a matlab datenum type in time zone Mountain Time (MT).
Type: Comma Separated Values (.csv)
Description: Deployment Information for transects and moorings. Columns (parameter) info: Data_Type, Data type collected (e.g. MiniDOT,CTD) Deployment_ID, Deployment identifier. Prefix letters represent a cross-shore transect line and the 2 numerals represent the approximate target depth of a mooring along that line. Transect_ID, There were 4 transects (LG,PP, MP, BB). Target_Depth, Moorings targed deployment depth along transect. Targeted at 15, 20, and 25m on each transect. Start_Date,Start Date local time zone (MT) in format "%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S" End_Date, End Date local time zone (MT) in format "%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S" Time_Zone, Timezone (MT, mountain time) used for Start_Date and End_Date ISO_DateTime_UTC_Start, Start Date time zone UTC in ISO 8601 format "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" Latitude, latitude in decimal degrees Longitude, longitude in decimal degrees Units,units used for the data type Depth, notes "Bottom(seafloor) or no value"