Cruise_ID |
Cruise ID number
unitless |
cruise_id |
Station_ID |
Station ID number
unitless |
station |
Start_Date_UTC |
Date (UTC) at start of sample collection
unitless |
date |
Start_Time_UTC |
Time (UTC) at start of sample collection
unitless |
time |
Start_ISO_DateTime_UTC |
Date and time (UTC) at start of sample collection in ISO8601 format
unitless |
ISO_DateTime_UTC |
End_Date_UTC |
Date (UTC) at end of sample collection
unitless |
date |
End_Time_UTC |
Time (UTC) at end of sample collection
unitless |
time |
End_ISO_DateTime_UTC |
Date and time (UTC) at end of sample collection in ISO8601 format
unitless |
ISO_DateTime_UTC |
Start_Latitude |
Latitude at start of sample collection
degrees North |
lat |
Start_Longitude |
Longitude at start of sample collection
degrees East |
lon |
End_Latitude |
Latitude at end of sample collection
degrees North |
lat |
End_Longitude |
Longitude at end of sample collection
degrees East |
lon |
Cast_number |
Cast number
unitless |
cast |
Event_ID |
Event number
unitless |
event |
Sample_ID |
GEOTRACES sample ID number
unitless |
sample |
Sample_Depth |
Sample depth
meters (m) |
depth |
Ni_D_CONC_BOTTLE_j33jms |
Total dissolved Ni (<0.2 um) by Niskin or similar water sampling bottle
nanomoles per kilogram (nmol/kg) |
Ni |
SD1_Ni_D_CONC_BOTTLE_j33jms |
One standard deviation of Ni_D_CONC_BOTTLE_j33jms
nanomoles per kilogram (nmol/kg) |
Ni |
Flag_Ni_D_CONC_BOTTLE_j33jms |
Quality flag for Ni_D_CONC_BOTTLE_j33jms
unitless |
q_flag |
Cu_D_CONC_BOTTLE_pp1kvz |
Total dissolved Cu (<0.2 um) by Niskin or similar water sampling bottle
nanomoles per kilogram (nmol/kg) |
Cu |
SD1_Cu_D_CONC_BOTTLE_pp1kvz |
One standard deviation of Cu_D_CONC_BOTTLE_pp1kvz
nanomoles per kilogram (nmol/kg) |
Cu |
Flag_Cu_D_CONC_BOTTLE_pp1kvz |
Quality flag for Cu_D_CONC_BOTTLE_pp1kvz
unitless |
q_flag |
Ni_D_CONC_FISH_e6ltcx |
Total dissolved Ni (<0.2 um) by trace-metal clean towed surface sampler
nanomoles per kilogram (nmol/kg) |
Ni |
SD1_Ni_D_CONC_FISH_e6ltcx |
One standard deviation of Ni_D_CONC_FISH_e6ltcx
nanomoles per kilogram (nmol/kg) |
Ni |
Flag_Ni_D_CONC_FISH_e6ltcx |
Quality flag for Ni_D_CONC_FISH_e6ltcx
unitless |
q_flag |
Cu_D_CONC_FISH_lfp3bg |
Total dissolved Cu (<0.2 um) by trace-metal clean towed surface sampler
nanomoles per kilogram (nmol/kg) |
Cu |
SD1_Cu_D_CONC_FISH_lfp3bg |
One standard deviation of Cu_D_CONC_FISH_lfp3bg
nanomoles per kilogram (nmol/kg) |
Cu |
Flag_Cu_D_CONC_FISH_lfp3bg |
Quality flag for Cu_D_CONC_FISH_lfp3bg
unitless |
q_flag |