“Happy Holidays! BCO-DMO will be on break from 23 December to 2 January 2025. Submissions and questions will still be accepted, however our responses may be delayed during this time.”

Parameter: Mn_LLP_CONC

Master parameters information
Short Name:
Short Description:
Official Name:
No Data Value:

Manganese (Mn). Concentrations may be reported in parts per million, nanomoles per liter, or other units. Refer to dataset metadata for units.

Dataset-parameters information
Supplied Name: 
Supplied Units: 
nanomoles per liter (nM)
Conversion Necessary: 
Conversion Utility: 
No Data Value: 
Concentration of large leachable particulate (LLP; >5 micrometers (um) size fraction) manganese (Mn). The notation 'na' = 'not applicable' was used for samples not analyzed. Values below the limit of detection [see Table 2 for detection limits] are replaced with 'nd' for 'not detectable' and accompanied by Flag 6 in the dataset.