Data File(s) | Type | Description | Action |
905161_v1_pp_amino_acid_c_isotopes.csv (7.78 KB) | Comma Separated Values (.csv) | Primary data file for dataset ID 905161, version 1. | |
Supplemental File(s) | Type | Description | Action |
Stahl_et_al_2023_L&O_BCO-DMO_Supplemental_DataSet.pdf (193.37 KB) | Portable Document Format (.pdf) | Supplemental file for dataset ID 905161, version 1. Contains the identification and laboratory culture conditions for four major groups of eukaryotic microalgae: diatoms, dinoflagellates, raphidophytes, and prasinophytes, including taxonomy, size range, distribution, collection location, and culture growth conditions (media, temperature, salinity, and light intensity and duration). Column names, descriptions, units: Group = Taxonomic group of eukaryotic microalgae and Taxonomic Class. Genus Species = Genus and species of eukaryotic microalgae. Size Range = Typical cell size range of this species of eukaryotic microalgae (micrometers (µm)). Ocean Distribution = Typical natural geographic distribution of this species of eukaryotic microalgae. Collection Region = Specific location of collection of the strain of eukaryotic microalgae used in this study. Media = Cell growth media type from National Center for Marine Algae and Microbiota. Temp = Incubation temperature for that culture of eukaryotic microalgae (degrees Celsius). Salinity = Salinity of water for that culture of eukaryotic microalgae (PSU). Light Intensity = Light intensity experienced by that culture of eukaryotic microalgae (microEinsteins (µE)). Light-Dark duration = Light and dark exposure experienced by that culture of eukaryotic microalgae (hours). |
Type: Comma Separated Values (.csv)
Description: Primary data file for dataset ID 905161, version 1.
Supplemental Files
Type: Portable Document Format (.pdf)
Description: Supplemental file for dataset ID 905161, version 1. Contains the identification and laboratory culture conditions for four major groups of eukaryotic microalgae: diatoms, dinoflagellates, raphidophytes, and prasinophytes, including taxonomy, size range, distribution, collection location, and culture growth conditions (media, temperature, salinity, and light intensity and duration). Column names, descriptions, units: Group = Taxonomic group of eukaryotic microalgae and Taxonomic Class. Genus Species = Genus and species of eukaryotic microalgae. Size Range = Typical cell size range of this species of eukaryotic microalgae (micrometers (µm)). Ocean Distribution = Typical natural geographic distribution of this species of eukaryotic microalgae. Collection Region = Specific location of collection of the strain of eukaryotic microalgae used in this study. Media = Cell growth media type from National Center for Marine Algae and Microbiota. Temp = Incubation temperature for that culture of eukaryotic microalgae (degrees Celsius). Salinity = Salinity of water for that culture of eukaryotic microalgae (PSU). Light Intensity = Light intensity experienced by that culture of eukaryotic microalgae (microEinsteins (µE)). Light-Dark duration = Light and dark exposure experienced by that culture of eukaryotic microalgae (hours).