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The Thermo Scientific DELTA V Plus is an isotope ratio mass spectrometer designed to measure isotopic, elemental and molecular ratios of organic and inorganic compounds. The DELTA V Plus is an enhanced model of the DELTA V series of isotope ratio mass spectrometers, which can be upgraded from the DELTA V Advantage. The DELTA V Plus can be operated in Continuous Flow or Dual Inlet mode and can accommodate up to 10 collectors, ensuring flexibility to cover many applications. The DELTA V Plus is controlled by an automated, integrated Isodat software suite. A magnet, whose pole faces determine the free flight space for the ions, eliminates the traditional flight tube. The magnet is designed for fast mass switching which is further supported by a fast jump control between consecutive measurements of multiple gases within one run. The sample gas is introduced at ground potential, eliminating the need for insulation of the flow path, ensuring 100 percent transfer into the ion source. The amplifiers register ion beams up to 50 V. The DELTA V Plus has refined optics, enabling greater ion transmission than the DELTA V Advantage. It has a sensitivity of 800 molecules per ion (M/I) in Dual Inlet mode and 1100 M/I in Continuous Flow mode. It has a system stability of < 10 ppm and an effective magnetic detection radius of 191 nm. It has a mass range of 1 - 96 Dalton at 3 kV.