2018 Ross Sea Zooplankton Abundance: IKMT | 2018 Ross Sea Zooplankton Abundance: IKMT | bio-acoustic plankton surveys | ISO_DateTime_UTC_start |
2018 Ross Sea Zooplankton Abundance: Ring net | 2018 Ross Sea Zooplankton Abundance: ring net | bio-acoustic plankton surveys | ISO_DateTime_UTC_start |
ADCP_5minute | Five minute ADCP data | SOGLOBEC | time_start |
ADCP_hourly | Hourly ADCP data | SOGLOBEC | time_start |
ADV_field | Velocity measurements from the turbulence generator and off the FHL dock taken with an Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter. | jellyfish predation in turbulence | time_start |
AEROSOL | Aerosol Data | CLIVAR AEROSOL | Time_Start |
artificial and transplant reef census | 2010 census data at artificial and transplant reefs at Lee Stocking Island, Bahamas. | Lionfish Invasion | time_start |
AT18-02_CTD | CTD data from cruise AT18-02 in the Gulf of Mexico, Nov-Dec 2010. | DWH_Deep_Microbes | time_start_utc |
Bacterial cell counts | Bacterial cell counts during CDOM monoculture experiment | PlankDOM | time_start |
Behavior of focal lionfish at different prey densities | Focal lionfish behaviors at different densities of local lionfish and prey fish. | BiodiversityLossEffects_lionfish | time_start |
biosilica | Bio Silica | SEEDS I | time_start |
Blacktip shark respirometry | Blacktip shark acceleration and oxygen consumption | Shark Metabolic Rate | time_start |
BONGO - Zooplankton | BONGO net tow zooplankton abundance estimates | GATEKEEPERS | Time_Deployed |
bongo and RMT tows | List of all bongo and RMT tows conducted during AMT24. | Plankton Population Genetics | time_start |
Boron and Calcium in mussel larvae | Boron and Calcium geochemistry of mussel larvae bulk material | OA_Proxies | time_start |
Boron and Calcium in mussel larvae - mass spec headers | Mass spec headers for Boron and Calcium geochemistry of mussel larvae bulk material | OA_Proxies | time_start |
bottle | Niskin bottle data from cruise KN207-03 (NA-VICE). | NA-VICE | time_start |
bottle | Niskin bottle data from EN524 cruise. | OA, Hypoxia and Warming | time_start |
bottle_KN207-01 | Niskin bottle data from cruise KN207-01. | SargassoSeaLipids | time_start |
Cell counts - water | Cell counts from Mariana and Kermadec trenches, 2014 | Mariana Perspectives | TIME_DEPLOYED |
Chl - Concentrations | Chlorophyll concentrations at sampled depths | SOIREE | Time_Start |
chlorophyll | Chlorophyll concentrations | SEEDS I | time_start |
chlorophyll and phaeophytin | pigments; chlorophyll and phaeophytin | EDDIES | time_start |
clarke-bumpus_copes | Copepods from Georges Bank identified by Clarke & Bumpus, 1939-1941 | CBGB | time_start |
CliOMZ AT50-10 AUV Clio Data: Clio Dive Log | CliOMZ AT50-10 AUV Clio Data: Clio Dive Log | CliOMZ | SAMPLE_START_TIME_UTC |
CliOMZ AT50-10 Underway Sampling Log | Underway Sampling log AUV Clio Cruise | CliOMZ | Start_Time_UTC |
Coastal Gulf of Maine model output | | MuLTI-2, GOMEPRO | Start_Time, file_size_MB |
comparative lionfish behavior | Behavioral observations of lionfish at native Pacific and invaded Atlantic locations. | Lionfish Invasion | time_start, time_start_adjusted |
consumer residence times | Residence times of consumers in Galápagos subtidal, Isla Baltra | GMR Trophic Cascades | time_enter |
CTD - AT37-12 | AT37-12 CTD data at the Eastern Tropical North Pacific | vent O2 NO3 roles | time_start_UTC |
CTD data from LMG1110 | CTD downcasts from LMG-1110 in the Antarctic in November, 2011. | Salp_Antarctic | time_start_gmt |
CTD event log | CTD station and Niskin bottle event log | EDDIES | time_start |
CTD KN195-03 | CTD data from KN195-03 in the equatorial and north Pacific. | Subseafloor Microbial Life | time_start |
CTD KN223 | CTD data from KN223 in the western North Atlantic. | AMOC Last Glacial Max | time_start |
CTD Profiles | CTD profile data from EN524 cruise. | OA, Hypoxia and Warming | time_start |
CTD profiles | CTD profiles collected on an August 2015 cruise on the NW Atlantic shelf off New England | Ciliate Diversity | time_start |
CTD_CH0112 | CTD data from 39 stations from CH0112 cruise. | CiliateSequencing | time_start |
CTD_KM1301 | Processed CTD data from POWOW2 cruise (KM1301). | POWOW | time_start |
CTD_KM1312 | Processed CTD data from POWOW3 cruise (KM1312). | POWOW | time_start |
CTD_MOCNESS1_CCRings | CTD data collected during MOCNESS hauls | NAtlDarkData | time_gmt |
CTD_Profiles | CTD Profiles from cruise KN207-03 (NA-VICE). | NA-VICE | time_start |
CTD_Profiles_KN207-01 | CTD Profiles from cruise KN207-01. | SargassoSeaLipids | time_start |
CTD_profiles_LIS | CTD data from 2008 Long Island Sound cruise | CiliateDivGenePop | time_start_gmt |
CTD_TN277 | Processed CTD data from POWOW1 cruise (TN277). | POWOW | time_start |
Damselfish Energetics | | Gnathiid isopod ecology | starttime |
Delaware estuary solar irradiance | Solar irradiance in Delaware Estuary, Nov. 2011 - Nov. 2013 | PAPI: Photochemistry and Photoheterotroph Interactions | time_start |
diatoms | Diatoms in the surface mixed layer in the patch | SEEDS I | time_start |
DICAlk | DIC and Total alkalinity | SEEDS I | time_start |
DOC | DOC | SEEDS I | time_start |
dogfish_alloys | spiny dogfish and rare earth metals | NEC_ProjDev | time_begin_set |
Doliolid diet: CTD casts | CTD data from SAV-15-10, SAV-15-19, SAV-15-31 | Doliolid Diet | time_start |
drifters_argos | Raw drifter data | SOGLOBEC | time_start_gmt |
Effect of lionfish density on native reef fishes | Effect of lionfish densities on native coral-reef fishes | BiodiversityLossEffects_lionfish | time_start |
Effect of lionfish in main seagrass habitats | Effect of lionfish presence on native fish abundance in main reefs where lionfish resided. | BiodiversityLossEffects_lionfish | start |
Effect of lionfish in seagrass open area habitats | Effect of lionfish presence on native fish abundance in open areas. | BiodiversityLossEffects_lionfish | time_start |
Effect of lionfish in seagrass satellite coral head habitats | Effect of lionfish presence on native fish abundance on satellite coral heads. | BiodiversityLossEffects_lionfish | start |
Effect of lionfish in standardized habitat units in seagrass | Effect of lionfish presence on native fish abundance in standardized habitat units. | BiodiversityLossEffects_lionfish | time_start |
EN589 Marine Aerosol Generator Operating Conditions | Configuration and Operation of Marine Aerosol Generator Deployed on R/V Endeavor during Sept./Oct. 2016 | Refractory DOC Recycling | Start_Time_local |
euphotic zone | Euphotic Zone | SEEDS I | time_start |
Event Logs | Event Logs - All Wecoma Cruises | RISE | Time_Start |
FHL PIV field annotations 2013 | In situ video frames of Mitrocoma swimming for PIV analysis. | jellyfish predation in turbulence | time_start |
fish species counts | Fish species counts in 3, 20x40 m transects, Panama (1980-2010) | EPac Corals 1982/82 El Nino: VII, EPac Corals 1982/82 El Nino: VI, EPac Corals 1982/83 El Nino: III, EPac Corals 1982/83 El Nino: II, EPac Corals 1982/83 El Nino: IV, EPac Corals 1982/82 El Nino: V, EPac Corals 1982/83 El Nino: I | time_start |
fish_abund | Fish abundance data from MOC-10 trawls. | SOGLOBEC | time_start |
FRRF | FRRF Fv/Fm | SEEDS I | time_start |
GN01 CTD cast logs | CTD cast logs from GEOTRACES-Arctic Section cruise HLY1502 (pdf) | U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | TIME_START |
GN01 HLY1502 - eventlog | GEOTRACES-Arctic Section cruise HLY1502 event log, 10 August to 7 October 2015 | U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | TIME_START |
GN01 Pump cast logs | Pump cast logs from GEOTRACES-Arctic Section cruise HLY1502 (pdf) | U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | TIME_START |
GN01 Sample logs | Water sample logs from GEOTRACES-Arctic Section cruise HLY1502 (pdf) | U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | TIME_START |
GP16 Be-7 Aerosol | Beryllium-7 aerosol concentration from GEOTRACES Peru-Tahiti section | EPZT Be-7, U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | time_start_utc |
GP16 Core Top Major Elements | Core-top (0-1cm) sediment data from GEOTRACES EPZT (GP16) cruise | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, GEOTRACES EPZT Suspended Particles | TIME_START |
GP16 Cruise Event Log | Scientific Sampling Event Log | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | TIME_START |
GP16 CTD - Cast Logs | CTD - Cast Logs from TN303 cruise | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | TIME_START |
GP16 CTD - Sample Logs | CTD - Sample Logs from TN303 | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | TIME_START |
GP16 Dissolved Organic Carbon | Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) measurements from the 2013 EPZT cruise of the US GEOTRACES Program. | GEOTRACES EPZT Suspended Particles, U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | Time_Start_PI |
GP16 Elemental selenium and particulate Acid-Volatile Sulfide | Particulate Acid-Volatile Sulfide (pAVS) and elemental Selenium (pSe) depth profiles from McLane pump | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, EPZT_Redox_Elements | TIME_START_EVENT |
GP16 GeoFish - Cast Logs | GeoFish - Cast Logs from TN303 | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | TIME_START |
GP16 Lead dissolved | Dissolved Pb data from US GEOTRACES East Pacific Zonal Transect | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | TIME_START_EVENT |
GP16 PUMPs - Cast Logs | PUMPs - Cast Logs from TN303 | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | TIME_START |
GP17-OCE Beryllium-7 in seawater and aerosols | GP17-OCE Beryllium-7 in seawater and aerosols | GP17-OCE Be-7, GP17-OCE | Start_Time_UTC |
GS02 Beryllium-7 in seawater and aerosols | GS02 Beryllium-7 in seawater and aerosols | SWINGS Be-7 | Start_Time_UTC |
GT10 - Cruise Event Log | GT10 - Scientific Sampling Event Log | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | time_start |
GT10-11 - DI Water Soluble Aerosol Trace Elements | DI water soluble aerosol trace elements for the North Atlantic GEOTRACES cruises. | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | time_start_utc |
GT10-11 - Filtered Rainwater | Trace metal concentrations in filtered rainwater. | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | time_start_utc |
GT10-11 - Hg Aerosol | Concentration of atmospheric aerosol total mercury (Hg) from the 2010 and 2011 U.S. GEOTRACES cruises | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | time_start |
GT10-11 - N African Mineral Dust Composition | North African mineral dust composition from the 2010 and 2011 U.S. GEOTRACES cruises. | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | time_start_utc |
GT10-11 - Trace Metals Aerosol | Total aerosol trace metal concentrations. | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | time_start_utc |
GT10-11 - Unfiltered Rainwater | Trace metal and major anion concentrations in unfiltered rainwater. | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | time_start_utc |
GT11 - Be-7 Aerosol | Beryllium-7 in aerosol | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | time_start_utc |
GT11 - Cruise Event Log | GT11 (KN204-01) scientific sampling event log. | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | time_start |
HADES-K - Navigation Track Images | HADES-K - Navigation Track Images | HADES | Time_Start |
HADES-K - Specify Export 201305190833 Final | HADES-K - Specify Export 201305190833 Final | HADES | Start_Time |
Heatwave Experiment: Photosynthetic Irradiance | Heatwave Experiment: Photosynthetic Irradiance | Holobiont Integration | Start_time |
HPLC | HPLC Pigments | SEEDS I | time_start |
Hydrography Summary | Salinity and temperature data collected at the MBL dock. | Mnemiopsis feeding in turbulence | time_start |
Impacts of OA on Crab-Oyster Behavior - Behavior Metrics | Impacts of OA on Crab-Oyster Behavior - Behavior Metrics | OA - Ocean Acidification and Warming Impact on Calcification | Start_trial_time, Action_start |
Impacts of OA on Crab-Oyster Behavior - Unsuccessful Events | Impacts of OA on Crab-Oyster Behavior - Unsuccessful Events | OA - Ocean Acidification and Warming Impact on Calcification | Start_trial_time, Action_start |
Integrated Acoustic Scattering BIP | Nautical Area Scattering Coefficients (NASC) from BIP XII cruise, Guaymas Basin. | Jumbo Squid El Nino Response | time_start |
Integrated Acoustic Scattering NH | Nautical Area Scattering Coefficients (NASC) from NH1006 and NH1106 cruises, Guaymas Basin. | Jumbo Squid Physiology | time_start |
Isolates | Isolates from Mariana and Kermadec trenches, 2014 | Mariana Perspectives | TIME_DEPLOYED |
juv_fish_bycatch_redux | Species counts from control and gear manipulation trials to reduce bycatch of juvenile fish. | NEC_ProjDev | time_start |
KM1314 bottle | Bottle data from cruise KM1314, Aug. 8 - Sept. 4, 2013 in the northern Pacific | Nitrification and Marine Planktonic Biodiversity | time_start |
KM1314 CTD | CTD data from cruise KM1314, Aug. 8 - Sept. 4, 2013 in the northern Pacific | Nitrification and Marine Planktonic Biodiversity | time_start |
LB_2012_Mooring_Optics | Moored time-series records for chlorophyll and turbidity | Long Bay Wintertime Bloom | time_start |
Lemon shark respirometry | Lemon shark acceleration and oxygen consumption | Shark Metabolic Rate | time_start |
lionfish cleaner bottle expt | Cleaner and host species observed on Bahamian reefs under varying experimental conditions | Lionfish Invasion | time_start |
lionfish density effect on behavior | Lionfish behavior observed during study of effect of density on lionfish behavior. | Lionfish Invasion | time_start |
lionfish density effects on native fish | Experiment testing for the effects of lionfish density on native fishes. | Lionfish Invasion | time_start |
Lionfish movement between reefs and seagrass | The number of lionfish that moved between reefs and seagrass. | BiodiversityLossEffects_lionfish | time_start |
mesozooplankton | Mesozooplankton | SEEDS I | time_start |
microzooplankton | Microzooplankton | SEEDS I | time_start |
MOC10_abund | Zooplankton abundance data from the 10m2 MOCNESS | GB | time_start |
MOCNESS - Stations | MOCNESS - Stations | GATEKEEPERS | Time_Deployed |
MOCNESS - Zooplankton | MOCNESS tow zooplankton abundance estimates | GATEKEEPERS | Time_Deployed |
MOCNESS physical parameters | MOCNESS physical parameters | GATEKEEPERS | Time_Deployed |
Moorings - ADCP | Moorings - ADCP Data | RISE | Start_Time |
Moorings - Metadata | Moorings - Metadata | RISE | Start_Time |
Moorings - PRESSURE | Moorings - PRESSURE Data | RISE | Start_Time |
Moorings - TEMPERATURE | Moorings - TEMPERATURE | RISE | Start_Time |
Moorings - WATER TEMP and SALINITY | Moorings - Water Temp and Salinity | RISE | Start_Time |
Moorings - WIND SPEED | Moorings - WIND SPEED | RISE | Start_Time |
Mussel larvae mass spec analyses: spots and lines | Elemental analysis of mussel larvae bulk material | OA_Proxies | time_start |
Mussel larvae mass spec headers: spots and lines | Elemental analysis of mussel larvae bulk material | OA_Proxies | time_start |
N-uptake | N-uptake | SEEDS I | time_start |
Native prey fish surveys | Censuses of the native prey fish populations at the end of each survey. | BiodiversityLossEffects_lionfish | time_start |
naupliar net tows | List of all naupliar net tows conducted during AMT24. | Plankton Population Genetics | time_start |
NBST flux measurements | | EAGER DNA BioPump | time_start |
NH1106 Midwater Trawl | Descriptive data from Isaacs-Kidd midwater trawls (IKMT) from NH1106, Guaymas Basin. | Jumbo Squid Physiology | time_start |
Nurse shark respirometry | Nurse shark acceleration and oxygen consumption in cold and warm water | Shark Metabolic Rate | time_start |
Nurse shark respirometry: error estimates | Nurse shark respirometry estimates standard errors | Shark Metabolic Rate | time_start |
nutrients | Nutrients | SEEDS I | time_start |
ODP cruise metadata | Dates and locations of select ODP cruises | OA_Paleocene-Eocene | arrive_time |
opc_ccs_alt | Display of OPC data with size classes in rows, not separate columns. | NEP | start_time_gmt |
opc_ccs_nonzero | OPC data where biomass values of 0 have been removed from display | NEP | start_time_gmt |
opc_ccs_orig | Optical Plankton Counter data from process cruises | NEP | start_time_gmt |
phosphorus | Phosphorus - TDP, PO4, DOP, PP | SEEDS I | time_start |
Pigments | HPLC analyses of algal pigment concentrations. | CoFeMUG | time_start_gmt |
POC_PON | POC and PON | SEEDS I | time_start |
primary production | Primary Production | SEEDS I | time_start |
Prochlorococcus in situ growth rates | Prochlorococcus in situ growth rates from cell cycle analysis. | Picophytoplankton_Regulation | time_start_UTC |
PRR | PRR - Attenuation coefficient of PAR | SEEDS I | time_start |
PUMP CASTS | PUMP CASTS | SuspendSinkPart | HST_start_time |
ROV Dive Log (Wood Fall project) | Provides information for all dives with the remotely operated vehicle. | Wood Fall | start_dive_time, start_bottom_time |
SAMI-CO2 pCO2 Temperature and Oxygen Time series dataset | SAMI-CO2 pCO2 Temperature and Oxygen Time series dataset | DOGEE-II | Time_Start |
SBDOM11 mini-remineralization expt. | bacterial abundance, growth rates, and DOC from SBDOM11 cruise | SBDOM | Initiation_time |
SEEPC ACM | Acoustic Current Meter data from SEEPC moorings | SEEPC | time_start |
Series 2: CO2 Aggregation Experiment - General Information | Series 2: CO2 Aggregation Experiment - General Information | OA - Ocean Acidification and Aggregation | Rolling_Start_Time_on_2010_06_14 |
sinking particles | Sinking Particles | SEEDS I | time_start |
SPOT cruises | Listing of monthly cruises to San Pedro Channel sampling station | Bacterial, Archaeal, and Protistan Biodiversity, Marine Viral Dynamics | time_start |
SPOT virus 18S rDNA peak abund | SPOT Microbial Observatory Protist 18S rDNA TRFLP relative peak abundance | Marine Viral Dynamics, Bacterial, Archaeal, and Protistan Biodiversity, Mar. Microbial Communities | time_start |
SPOT virus 3H peak abund | SPOT Microbial Observatory Myovirus g23 3' TRFLP relative peak abundance | Marine Viral Dynamics, Bacterial, Archaeal, and Protistan Biodiversity, Mar. Microbial Communities | time_start |
SPOT virus 5H peak abund | SPOT Microbial Observatory Myovirus g23 5' TRFLP relative peak abundance | Marine Viral Dynamics, Bacterial, Archaeal, and Protistan Biodiversity, Mar. Microbial Communities | time_start |
SPOT virus ARISA | SPOT Microbial Observatory Bacterial ARISA relative peak abundance | Marine Viral Dynamics, Bacterial, Archaeal, and Protistan Biodiversity, Mar. Microbial Communities | time_start |
SPOT virus environmental | Environmental data for SPOT virus sampling | Mar. Microbial Communities, Marine Viral Dynamics, Bacterial, Archaeal, and Protistan Biodiversity | time_start |
SST - Hard Hat | Sea Surface Temperature from Hard Hat Precision Thermistor | SAGE | Time_Start |
station list | Station List | SEEDS I | time_start |
Stations - Proposed | Proposed Station Locations | ASPIRE | Time_Start |
surface drifters | Surface drifter measurements of temperature and drogue tension from KOK1108 | Fukushima Radionuclide Levels | start_time |
Tide Pool Community Surveys: Mobile organisms | Tide Pool Community Surveys: Mobile organisms | Sitka CO2 and Temp Expt | Time_drained |
Tide Pool Community Surveys: Sessile organisms | Tide Pool Community Surveys: Sessile organisms | Sitka CO2 and Temp Expt | Time_drained |
Tow log and catch data | Tow log | Windowpane Bycatch | time_start |
trace metals | Trace Metals | SEEDS I | time_start |
Trench CFUs | CFUs from Mariana and Kermadec trenches, 2014 | Mariana Perspectives | TIME_DEPLOYED |
UCSB Mussel Growth - Raw Shuck Data | UCSB Mussel Growth - Raw Shuck Data | OMEGAS-II | ARC_Start_Time |
Video transects (Wood Fall project) | Datasheet provides information for all video transects taken with the remotely operated vehicle. | Wood Fall | start_time |
West Bay 2011-2012 Acoustic Time Series: raw files | West Bay 2011-2012 Acoustic Time Series: raw files | Larval settlement soundscapes | time_start |
WS1010_CTD | CTD data from cruise WS1010 in the Gulf of Mexico, May-June 2010. | DWH_Deep_Microbes | time_start_utc |
Zooplankton Densities | Zooplankton densities by species and life stage in a seasonally hypoxic fjord. | PelagicHypoxia | time_start |
zooplankton tow meta | Zooplankton net haul metadata and specimen removal records | Calanus_Diapause | time_start |
zoo_cb_meter_bongo | Zooplankton meter3 counts from GSO/URI - Bongo Nets only | GB | time_utc_begin |
zoo_cb_meter_moc | Zooplankton meter3 count data from GSO/URI - MOCNESS 1m2 only | GB | time_utc_begin |
zoo_cb_meter_pump | Zooplankton meter3 counts from GSO/URI - Pump data only | GB | time_utc_begin |
zoo_sq_meter_bongo | Zooplankton meter2 counts from GSO/URI - Bongo Nets only | GB | time_utc_begin |
zoo_sq_meter_moc | Zooplankton meter2 count from GSO/URI - 1m2 MOCNESS nets only | GB | time_utc_begin |
zoo_sq_meter_pump | Zooplankton meter2 counts from GSO/URI - Pump data only | GB | time_utc_begin |