Ammonium (NH4) data from CTD rosette bottles from R/V Thomas G. Thompson and R/V Kilo Moana cruises TN277, KM1301, KM1312 in the Eastern North Pacific Ocean from 2012-2013 (POWOW project) | Rosette position of the bottle.
| bot |
Ambient ammonium and urea concentrations from RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer NBP-96-4A, NBP-97-1, NBP-97-3, NBP-97-8 cruises in the Southern Ocean in 1997 (U.S. JGOFS AESOPS project) | rosette bottle number
| bot |
Bacteria abundance and thymidine/leucine incorporation from R/V Thomas G. Thompson TT043, TT045, TT049, TT054 cruises in the Arabian Sea in 1995 (U.S. JGOFS Arabian Sea project) | CTD rosette bottle number
| bot |
Total bacteria, including Archaea and Prochlorococcus, by flow cytometry from R/V Thomas G. Thompson cruise TN277 in the Eastern North Pacific Ocean in 2012 (POWOW project) | Rosette position of the bottle.
| bot |
Bacterial abundance Thymidine & Leucine incorporation from R/V Thomas G. Thompson cruises TT007, TT011 in the Equatorial Pacific in 1992 during the U.S. JGOFS Equatorial Pacific (EqPac) project | rosette bottle number
| bot |
Bacterial abundance, cell volume, thymidine & leucine incorporation from RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer and R/V Roger Revelle cruises in the Southern Ocean, 1997-1998 (U.S. JGOFS AESOPS project) | CTD rosette bottle number
| bot |
Bacterial abundance and production from bottle samples from R/V Melville cruise COOK19MV from the Southern Ocean, south of New Zealand in 2002 (SOFeX project) | Niskin bottle number
| bot |
Bacterial production rates from R/V Kilo Moana, R/V Roger Revelle cruises KM0414, ZHNG09RR from the Hawaiian Islands HOT Site, NW SubArctic Pacific Ocean K2 Site, 2004-2005 (VERTIGO project) | Niskin bottle number
| bot |
Barium VUB - Dissolved Ba; particulate Ba, Sr, Ca, Al from Niskins from VERTIGO cruises KM0414, ZHNG09RR from the Hawaiian Islands HOT Site, NW SubArctic Pacific Ocean K2 Site, 2004-2005 (VERTIGO project) | Niskin bottle number
| bot |
Seawater biogeochemistry inshore and offshore the Bermuda coral reef from the Bermuda coral reef platform and adjacent Sargasso Sea extending to Bermuda Atlantic Time Series-station from 2014-2018 | niskin number
| niskin_no |
Water-column Biogenic silica concentrations from RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer NBP0601, NBP0608 cruises in the Ross Sea Southern Ocean (CORSACS project) | bottle number
| bot |
Biogenic silicate from R/V Kilo Moana KM0715 in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre north of Hawaii, near (24 N, 159.0 W) from August 2007 (C-MORE project) | rosette bottle number
| bot |
Niskin bottle data from R/V Kilo Moana, R/V Roger Revelle cruises KM0414, ZHNG09RR from the Hawaiian Islands HOT Site, NW SubArctic Pacific Ocean K2 Site, 2004-2005 (VERTIGO project) | Niskin bottle number
| bot |
Hydrographic Data: temperature, salinity, nutrients from Niskin bottle samples from R/V Thomas G. Thompson cruises in the Arabian Sea in 1995 (U.S. JGOFS Arabian Sea project) | CTD rosette bottle number
| bot |
Temperature, salinity, nutrients from CTD/Niskin casts from RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer and R/V Roger Revelle cruises in the Southern Ocean, 1997-1998 (U.S. JGOFS AESOPS project) | CTD rosette bottle number
| bot |
Bottle sample data from the first cruise of SPIROPA project, R/V Neil Armstrong cruise AR29, to the New England Shelfbreak in April 2018. | Bottle number
| Bottle |
Niskin bottle basic CTD hydrographic data from R/V Oceanus OC404-01, OC404-04, OC415-01, OC415-02, OC415-03, OC415-04 in the Sargasso Sea, 2004-2005 (EDDIES project) | Niskin bottle number
| bot |
CTD Bottle Data from R/V Kilo Moana, R/V Seward Johnson KM0703, SJ0609 in the tropical and subtropical Southwest Pacific, and tropical North Atlantic from 2006-2007 (DIAZOTROPHS project) | bottle number
| bot |
Niskin bottle salinity measurements from R/V Oceanus OC404-01, OC404-04, OC415-02, OC415-04 in the Sargasso Sea, 2004-2005 (EDDIES project) | Niskin bottle number
| bot |
Salinity, SF6 and chlorophyll-a from bottle cast samples from USCGC Polar Star cruise PS02_2002 from the Southern Ocean, south of New Zealand in 2002 (SOFeX project) | Niskin bottle number
| bot |
Merged bottle and nutrient data from R/V Thomas G. Thompson cruises TT007, TT008, TT011, TT012 in the Equatorial Pacific in 1992 during the U.S. JGOFS Equatorial Pacific (EqPac) project | ctd rosette bottle number
| bot |
Combined water sample data from variety of sampling devices from USCGC Polar Star cruise PS02_2002 in the Southern Ocean, south of New Zealand in 2002 (SOFeX project) | Niskin bottle number (Nis.pos)
| bot |
SIO-CTD rosette bottle basic CTD hydrographic and nutrient data from R/V Melville, R/V Roger Revelle cruises COOK19MV, DRFT08RR from the Southern Ocean, south of New Zealand in 2002 (SOFeX project) | Rosette bottle number
| bot |
Niskin bottle basic hydrographic data, thorium-234, pigments and nutrients from VERTIGO cruises KM0414, ZHNG09RR from the Hawaiian Islands HOT Site, NW SubArctic Pacific Ocean K2 Site, 2004-2005 (VERTIGO project) | Niskin bottle number
| bot |
Trace Metal clean rosette bottle hydrographic and nutrient data from R/V Roger Revelle cruise DRFT08RR from the Southern Ocean, south of New Zealand in 2002 (SOFeX project) | TM Rosette bottle number
| bot |
Discrete samples of extracted chlorophyll and phaeophytin. from R/V Kilo Moana KM0715 in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre north of Hawaii, near (24 N, 159.0 W) from August 2007 (C-MORE project) | rosette bottle number
| bot |
Extracted chlorophyll data from CTD rosette bottles from R/V Thomas G. Thompson and R/V Kilo Moana cruises TN277, KM1301, KM1312 in the Eastern North Pacific Ocean from 2012-2013 (POWOW project) | Rosette position of the bottle.
| bot |
Fluorometric chlorophyll-a from R/V Roger Revelle KIWI6, KIWI7, KIWI8, KIWI9 cruises in the Southern Ocean, 1998 (U.S. JGOFS AESOPS project) | rosette bottle number
| bot |
Bacterial transcriptional response to picoeukaryote Micromonas commoda | Bottle ID
| Bottle_ID |
Core data from R/V Kilo Moana KM0715, KM0817, KM0704, KM0814 in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre north of Hawaii, and from Suva Fiji to Honolulu to Port Hueneme CA from 2007-2008 (C-MORE project) | rosette bottle number
| bot |
BULA HPLC pigment data from R/V Kilo Moana cruise KM0704 along the transect from Suva, Fiji to Honolulu, Hawaii in April 2007 | rosette bottle number
| bot |
Core HPLC from R/V Kilo Moana KM0715, KM0814 in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre north of Hawaii, near (24 N, 159.0 W), North Pacific Subtropical Gyre north of Hawaii from 2007-2008 (C-MORE project) | rosette bottle number
| bot |
Preliminary bottle data from the R/V Atlantic Explorer AE0922 cruise in the North Atlantic, Bermuda BATS region during 2009 (TZEX project) | Bot Num
| Bot_Num |
CTD hydrographic and nutrients data from R/V Endeavor cruise EN496 in July 2011 in the Gulf of Mexico (GoMX - N2 Fixation project) | Bottle
| Bottle |
CTD hydrographic and nutrient data from R/V Endeavor cruise EN509 in May-June 2012 in the Gulf of Mexico (GoMX - N2 Fixation project) | Bottle
| Bottle |
CTD hydrographic and nutrient data from R/V Oceanus cruise OC468-02 in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010 (GoMX - N2 Fixation project) | Bottle Number
| Bottle |
CTD cast data from R/V Melville cruise MV1101 in the Southern Ocean (30-60S) in 2011 (Great Calcite Belt project) | Bottle Position in Carousel
| bpos |
d15N and d18O isotopic analysis of nitrate samples from R/V Kilo Moana cruise KM0414 from the Hawaiian Islands, HOT Site in 2004 (VERTIGO project) | Niskin bottle number
| bot |
Total CO2 and delta 13C of seawater from Niskin bottles from RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer and R/V Roger Revelle cruises in the Southern Ocean, 1997-1998 (U.S. JGOFS AESOPS project) | CTD bottle sequence number
| bot |
Natural nitrogen and carbon stable isotopic composition from RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer and R/V Roger Revelle cruises in the Southern Ocean, 1997-1998 (U.S. JGOFS AESOPS project) | rosette bottle number
| bot |
Dissolved inorganic carbon from R/V Thomas G. Thompson and R/V Kilo Moana cruises TN277, KM1301 in the Eastern North Pacific Ocean from 2012-2013 (POWOW project) | Rosette position of the bottle.
| bot |
Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) from bottle casts from RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer NBP-96-4A, NBP-97-1, NBP-97-8 cruises in the Southern Ocean in 1997 (U.S. JGOFS AESOPS project) | CTD rosette bottle number
| bot |
MPn-derived methane production by epiphytic bacteria on pelagic Sargassum seaweed from 2017-2019 (Cyanobacteria Hydrocarbons project) | Identifier for each bottle in a condition.
| Bottle |
Processed CTD data from cruises R/V Atlantis (AT15-61) in Jan-Feb 2010 and R/V Melville (MV1104) in Mar-Apr 2011 in the Eastern Tropical South Pacific | Bottles fired
| nbf |
Small and large particulate Th and Pa samples from different depth profiles collected on R/V Thomas G. Thompson in the Eastern Tropical Pacific during 2013 (EPZT Th Pa project) | Sample bottle designation
Soluble iron (Fe) passed through 10 kDa cross-flow filter, from R/V Knorr cruise KN199-04 in the Subtropical northern Atlantic Ocean in 2010 (U.S. GEOTRACES NAT project) | Alphanumeric characters identifying bottle type (e.g., NIS representing Niskin and GF representing GOFLO) and position on a CTD rosette. PI-supplied values were identical to those in the intermediate US GEOTRACES master file. Originally submitted as 'BTLNBR', this parameter name has been changed to conform to BCO-DMO's GEOTRACES naming conventions.
| bottle_GEOTRC |
Total dissolved Cobalt and labile Cobalt concentrations from R/V Knorr cruises KN199-04 and KN204-01 in the Subtropical northern Atlantic Ocean from 2010-2011 (U.S. GEOTRACES NAT project) | Alphanumeric characters identifying bottle type (e.g., NIS representing Niskin and GF representing GOFLO) and position on a CTD rosette. PI-supplied values were identical to those in the intermediate US GEOTRACES master file. Originally submitted as 'BTLNBR', this parameter name has been changed to conform to BCO-DMO's GEOTRACES naming conventions.
| bottle_GEOTRC |
Profiles of stable isotopes of silicon (Si) in silicic acid (Si(OH)4) from R/V Knorr cruises KN199-04, KN204-01 in the Subtropical northern Atlantic Ocean from 2010-2011 (U.S. GEOTRACES NAT project) | Alphanumeric characters identifying bottle type (e.g., NIS representing Niskin and GF representing GOFLO) and position on a CTD rosette. Values were added from the intermediate US GEOTRACES master file (see Processing Description).
| bottle_GEOTRC |
delta 13C measurement of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) from R/V Knorr cruises KN199-04 and KN204-01 in the Subtropical northern Atlantic Ocean from 2010-2011 (U.S. GEOTRACES NAT project) | Alphanumeric characters identifying bottle type (e.g., NIS representing Niskin and GF representing GOFLO) and position on a CTD rosette. Values were added from the intermediate US GEOTRACES master file (see Processing Description).
| bottle_GEOTRC |
Dissolved Ga and Ba from GEOTRACES Rosette bottles R/V Knorr cruises KN199-04 and KN204-01 (GA03) in the Subtropical northern Atlantic Ocean from 2010-2011 (U.S. GEOTRACES NAT project) | Alphanumeric characters identifying bottle type (e.g., NIS representing Niskin and GF representing GOFLO) and position on a CTD rosette. PI-supplied values were identical to those in the intermediate US GEOTRACES master file. Originally submitted as 'BTLNBR', this parameter name has been changed to conform to BCO-DMO's GEOTRACES naming conventions.
| bottle_GEOTRC |