Parameter: light_bs

Short Description: light backscattered
Short Name: light_bs
Official Name: light_bs
Units: volts
No Data Value: nd


light backscattered

DatasetPI-Supplied DescriptionPI-Supplied Name
Acartia tonsa mortality collected from a plankton net with associated CTD data from 5 day-trips in mid-Chesapeake Bay from August to October 2013 (CopesPopDynHypoZone project)Optical backscatter as recorded by CTD sensor for each cast obs
CTD profile data, including beam attenuation from R/V Thomas G. Thompson TT039, TT043, TT045, TT049, TT050, TT053, TT054 cruises in the Arabian Sea (U.S. JGOFS Arabian Sea project)backscattered light from a Light Scattering Sensor light_bs
CTD Profiles from multiple C-MORE cruises in the north and south Pacific from 2007-2008 (C-MORE project)light backscattered light_bs
Taxonomy and abundance of microbial cells (phytoplankon and heterotrophic bacteria) during a deployment of the Environmental Sample Processor (ESP) in Fall, 2014 in Monterey Bay, CAnon-pigmented bacteria mean DNA content from flow cytometer HBact_Mean_DNA
Taxonomy and abundance of microbial cells (phytoplankon and heterotrophic bacteria) during a deployment of the Environmental Sample Processor (ESP) in Fall, 2014 in Monterey Bay, CAnon-pigmented bacteria mean forward scatter from flow cytometer HBact_Mean_FS
Taxonomy and abundance of microbial cells (phytoplankon and heterotrophic bacteria) during a deployment of the Environmental Sample Processor (ESP) in Fall, 2014 in Monterey Bay, CAnon-pigmented bacteria mean side scatter from flow cytometer HBact_Mean_SS
Taxonomy and abundance of microbial cells (phytoplankon and heterotrophic bacteria) during a deployment of the Environmental Sample Processor (ESP) in Fall, 2014 in Monterey Bay, CAhigh Phycoerythrin and Chlorophyll cell chlorophyll mean content from flow cytometer HiPE_Phyto_Mean_Chl
Taxonomy and abundance of microbial cells (phytoplankon and heterotrophic bacteria) during a deployment of the Environmental Sample Processor (ESP) in Fall, 2014 in Monterey Bay, CAhigh Phycoerythrin and Chlorophyll cell mean DNA content from flow cytometer HiPE_Phyto_Mean_DNA
Taxonomy and abundance of microbial cells (phytoplankon and heterotrophic bacteria) during a deployment of the Environmental Sample Processor (ESP) in Fall, 2014 in Monterey Bay, CAhigh Phycoerythrin and Chlorophyll cell mean forward scatter from flow cytometer HiPE_Phyto_Mean_FS
Taxonomy and abundance of microbial cells (phytoplankon and heterotrophic bacteria) during a deployment of the Environmental Sample Processor (ESP) in Fall, 2014 in Monterey Bay, CAhigh Phycoerythrin and Chlorophyll cell mean side scatter from flow cytometer HiPE_Phyto_Mean_SS
Taxonomy and abundance of microbial cells (phytoplankon and heterotrophic bacteria) during a deployment of the Environmental Sample Processor (ESP) in Fall, 2014 in Monterey Bay, CAphotosynthetic eukaryote chlorophyll mean content from flow cytometer Peuk_Mean_Chl
Taxonomy and abundance of microbial cells (phytoplankon and heterotrophic bacteria) during a deployment of the Environmental Sample Processor (ESP) in Fall, 2014 in Monterey Bay, CAphotosynthetic eukaryote mean DNA content from flow cytometer Peuk_Mean_DNA
Taxonomy and abundance of microbial cells (phytoplankon and heterotrophic bacteria) during a deployment of the Environmental Sample Processor (ESP) in Fall, 2014 in Monterey Bay, CAphotosynthetic eukaryote mean forward scatter from flow cytometer Peuk_Mean_FS
Taxonomy and abundance of microbial cells (phytoplankon and heterotrophic bacteria) during a deployment of the Environmental Sample Processor (ESP) in Fall, 2014 in Monterey Bay, CAphotosynthetic eukaryote mean side scatter from flow cytometer Peuk_Mean_SS
Taxonomy and abundance of microbial cells (phytoplankon and heterotrophic bacteria) during a deployment of the Environmental Sample Processor (ESP) in Fall, 2014 in Monterey Bay, CAProchlorococcus chlorophyll mean content from flow cytometer Pro_Mean_Chl
Taxonomy and abundance of microbial cells (phytoplankon and heterotrophic bacteria) during a deployment of the Environmental Sample Processor (ESP) in Fall, 2014 in Monterey Bay, CAProchlorococcus mean DNA content from flow cytometer Pro_Mean_DNA
Taxonomy and abundance of microbial cells (phytoplankon and heterotrophic bacteria) during a deployment of the Environmental Sample Processor (ESP) in Fall, 2014 in Monterey Bay, CAProchlorococcus mean forward scatter from flow cytometer Pro_Mean_FS
Taxonomy and abundance of microbial cells (phytoplankon and heterotrophic bacteria) during a deployment of the Environmental Sample Processor (ESP) in Fall, 2014 in Monterey Bay, CAProchlorococcus mean side scatter from flow cytometer Pro_Mean_SS
Taxonomy and abundance of microbial cells (phytoplankon and heterotrophic bacteria) during a deployment of the Environmental Sample Processor (ESP) in Fall, 2014 in Monterey Bay, CASynechococcus chlorophyll mean content from flow cytometer Syn_Mean_Chl
Taxonomy and abundance of microbial cells (phytoplankon and heterotrophic bacteria) during a deployment of the Environmental Sample Processor (ESP) in Fall, 2014 in Monterey Bay, CASynechococcus mean DNA content from flow cytometer Syn_Mean_DNA
Taxonomy and abundance of microbial cells (phytoplankon and heterotrophic bacteria) during a deployment of the Environmental Sample Processor (ESP) in Fall, 2014 in Monterey Bay, CASynechococcus mean forward scatter from flow cytometer Syn_Mean_FS
Taxonomy and abundance of microbial cells (phytoplankon and heterotrophic bacteria) during a deployment of the Environmental Sample Processor (ESP) in Fall, 2014 in Monterey Bay, CASynechococcus mean side scatter from flow cytometer Syn_Mean_SS
Vertical CTD profiles, bin-averaged, and downcast from the R/V Savannah cruises in the South Atlantic Bight (SAB) continental shelf off Long Bay (-79W, 32N; -77W, 34 N) (Long Bay Wintertime Bloom project)voltage 2: optical backscatter meter; raw output light_bs
Physcial data from GLOBEC Georges Bank Long-term Moored Array Component on the Northeast Peak, Mar-Aug 1999optical backscatter opt_back
Diel series of pico-cyanobacteria concentration and cell properties from the RV Cape Hatteras cruises CH0409 and CH0510 in the Western Sargasso Sea in 2009 and 2010.Mean Prochlorococcus cellular forward angle light scatter pro_fals
Diel series of pico-cyanobacteria concentration and cell properties from the RV Cape Hatteras cruises CH0409 and CH0510 in the Western Sargasso Sea in 2009 and 2010.Mean Synechococcus cellular forward angle light scatter syn_fals
CTD-associated variables, bottle salinity measurements, oxygen titrations, nutrient analyses, biogeochemical/biological variables, and DIC/Freon chemistry variables from R/V Roger Revelle cruise RR2004 along the 150W meridian from 30S to 60Sbackscattering measured with a WET Labs ECO-BB V5_WET_Labs_ECO_BB_Volts
SCANFISH data from R/V Pelican cruises PE03-NGOMEX, PE04-NGOMEX, PE06-NGOMEX, PE07-NGOMEX, PE09-05, PE11-06 in the Northern Gulf of Mexico, 28-30N 89-94W; 2003-2010 (GoMX NGOMEX project)Backscatter Backscatter
Environmental data, nitrifier abundance, ammonia oxidation rates from six from R/V Savannah cruises in the South Atlantic Bight in 2014 (GCE-LTER)Optical backscatter; raw output. See processing description for more details. opt_bs
Species composition from net tows and associated CTD data from a small boat in the Mid-Chesapeake Bay from August to October 2013 (CopesPopDynHypoZone project)Optical backscatter as recorded by CTD sensor for each cast obs
CTD bottle data collected near the Axial Seamount on the Juan de Fuca Ridge on R/V Thomas G. Thompson TN327 in August 2015.Light scattering sensor output in volts. LSS_V4
CTD bottle data collected near the Axial Seamount on the Juan de Fuca Ridge on R/V Thomas G. Thompson TN327 in August 2015.Light scattering sensor output in volts. LSS_V5
Video Plankton Recorder environmental sensor data from the third cruise of SPIROPA project, R/V Thomas G. Thompson cruise TN368, to the New England Shelfbreak in July of 2019ECO Bb. ECO-triplet backscatter. ECO_Bb