Abalone and Urchin Recruitment Modules | Abalone and Urchin Recruitment Modules | Urchin metapopulations | Size |
anemone observations log | anemone log | Reef Fish Resilience | anem_dia |
Antillogorgia americana Branch Variation | Antillogorgia americana Branch Variation | Invertebrate vegetative reproduction, Octocoral Community Dynamics | AvgDiam, Diam6, Diam1, Diam2, Diam3, Diam4, Diam5 |
Antillogorgia americana Monthly Surveys | Antillogorgia americana Monthly Surveys | Invertebrate vegetative reproduction, Octocoral Community Dynamics | Diam4, Diam5, Avg_diam, Diam1, Diam2, Diam3 |
Belize core data | MBRS coral core data | Thermal History and Coral Growth | core_diameter |
Black sea bass pCO2 experiments: Morphometrics | | HYPOA, GenomAdapt | ED |
Bleaching Moorea 2019 | Bleaching Moorea 2019 | Pocilloporid Coral Diversity | Longest_cm |
Brown_et_al_2016 SizeComparison | Data collected on the die off of vermetids in French Polynesia. | Vermetids_Corals | SHELL_OPENING_DIA_MM, OPERCULUM_DIA_MM |
Carbon Flux Explorer CCE_LTER P1706 - Particulate Carbon Flux | | C-SNOW Development, CCE LTER, C-SNOW | ECD_um |
Carbon flux for Caribbean coral reef sponges | | Sponge_Loop | od, bd |
Carpinteria Salt Marsh Reserve Biogeochemistry | Carpinteria Salt Marsh Reserve Biogeochemistry | Cryptic CH4 Cycling | Pushcore_Inner_Diameter |
CliOMZ AT50-10 McLane log | McLane pump logs - AUV Clio cruise | CliOMZ | Filter_diameter |
coral growth 2019 | Height, surface area, and mass of Pocillopora damicornis in pacific Panama | Coral Climate ETP | Initial_Trunk_Diam, Final_Trunk_Diam |
Coral growth and mortality (submission to L&O) | Growth and mortality,1996-2018 | RUI-LTREB | Start_mm, Final_mm |
Coral sizes in support of Edmunds and Perry (2023) MEPS | | St John Coral Reefs, RUI-LTREB, Hurricane Irma and St. John Reefs, St. John LTREB | Millepora_spp, Madracis_mirabilis, Madracis_decactis, Porites_astreoides, Favia_fragum, Stephanocoenia_intersepta, Porites_colonensis, Helioseris_cucullata, Pseudodiploria_strigosa, Porites_porites, Solenastrea_hyades, Agaricia_agaricites, Agaricia_lamarcki, Diploria_labyrinthiformis, Scolymia_cubensis, Meandrina_meandrites, Siderastrea_radians, Isophyllia_sinuosa, Colpophyllia_natans, Acropora_palmata, Siderastrea_siderea, Dendrogyra_cylindrus, Mycetophyllia_spp, Orbicella_spp, Mussa_angulosa, Eusmilia_fastigiata, Acropora_cervicornis, Dichocoenia_stokesii, Montastrea_cavernosa, Manicina_areolata |
Coral Surface Area and Zooxanthellae Counts | Coral Surface Area and Zooxanthellae Counts | Sponge Holobiont DOM | Skeletal_fragment_diameter |
Edmunds 2021 Ecosphere 2B,C: size | Ecosphere 2021: fig 2B - size | RUI-LTREB, Octocoral Community Dynamics | Size_cm |
Eukaryotic Phytoplankton Flow Cytometry from Salp Grazing Incubations | Eukaryotic Phytoplankton Flow Cytometry from Salp Incubations | Salp Food Web Ecology | ESD_fsc |
Fecundity Trial | Fecundity Trial | HYPOA | Avg_max_oocyte_size |
Fecundity Trial - Egg Measurements | Fecundity Trial - Egg Measurements | HYPOA | Dia |
Feeding Assays | Feeding Assays | High latitude kelp dynamics | Urchin_D |
Gross et al.: Pocillopora verrucosa colony growth | | OA coral adaptation | d_begin, d_end |
GT10 - Spctrl_Absp | Spectral absorption coefficients of phytoplankton | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | diameter_1, diameter_2 |
HADES-K Sediment Macrofaunal Diversity | HADES-K - macrofauna raw counts | HADES | CoreDiameter |
Haplotypes Moorea 2019 | Haplotypes Moorea 2019 | Pocilloporid Coral Diversity | Photos_max_length_cm |
IFCB Image Data | Image Flow CytoBot Image Data | Project SWARM | FeretDiameter, shapehist_kurtosis_normEqD, shapehist_mean_normEqD, shapehist_median_normEqD, shapehist_mode_normEqD, shapehist_skewness_normEqD, summedFeretDiameter, EquivDiameter |
Island benthic survey urchin size biomass - 2014 | island benthic survey of urchin size and biomass-2014 | OA Kelp Forest Function | urchin_diameter_mm |
Juvenile Urchin Data | Juvenile Urchin Data | Ecology of Cloning | DD1_um, DD2_um |
Lab urchin grazing assay fx size | lab urchin grazing vs. size | OA Kelp Forest Function | urchin_diameter_mm |
Lab urchin grazing assay fx temp and pCO2 | lab urchin grazing vs. temperature and pCO2 | OA Kelp Forest Function | urchin_diameter_mm |
LTVR - Vermetid Sizes in Quadrats | Sizes of Vermetids on Long Term Vermetid Removal Reefs | Vermetids_Corals | Diam27, Diam6, Diam17, Diam28, Diam7, Diam18, Diam29, Diam8, Diam19, Diam30, Diam9, Diam20, Diam31, Diam10, Diam21, Diam11, Diam22, Diam1, Diam12, Diam23, Diam2, Diam13, Diam24, Diam3, Diam14, Diam25, Diam4, Diam15, Diam26, Diam5, Diam16 |
McKeon_et_al_2012 Multiple Defender Effects | This dataset is part 1 of a 2 part manipulative experiment to investigate the existence of cooperative synergy in defensive behaviors of ‘guard’ crustaceans. | CDD_in_Reef_Fish | Culcita_Diameter |
Mortality Moorea 2019 | Mortality Moorea 2019 | Pocilloporid Coral Diversity | Longest_cm |
Nematostella ocean acidification experiment: Egg Size | OA experiment: Nematostella egg size | Coral Resilience | Egg_Diameter |
Octocoral Recruitment | Octocoral Recruitment 2014-2019 | Octocoral Community Dynamics, VI Octocorals | Minor_axis, Major_axis |
Oyster Morphology 2019 | | Identifying molecules of fear | diameter |
Oyster morphology differences 2020 | | Identifying molecules of fear | diameter |
Palau Coral Stress Band Data | Palau Coral Stress Band Data | Biophysics of Coral Reef Resilience | Diam_m |
Particle AA CSIA ALOHA: Amino acid specific isotopes in particles | Amino acid specific isotopes in particles, station ALOHA | Hg_Biogeochemistry | Particle_size |
Phytoplankton Growth Acclimation | Growth rates and ESD of H. akashiwo after temperature transition | Planktonic Herbivore Temp Dependence | MeanESD_t |
Phytoplankton size over temperature range | ESD of H. akashiwo grown at 10 temperatures | Planktonic Herbivore Temp Dependence | MeanESD |
Reciprocal transplant expt. - ecological survey | Reciprocal transplant expt. - ecological survey, 2017 | Varadero Reef | diam_max, diam_min |
Sampling Locations | Keratoisis Sample Locations | Bamboo Coral Boron Isotopes | Diameter |
Spawning Trial - Egg Production | Egg Production | HYPOA | Diameter |
Species Sizes | Species Sizes | Urchin metapopulations | Size |
T. pseudonana fatty acids per cell | T. pseudonana fatty acids by cell | Phytoplankton Community Responses | mean_cell_dia, sd_cell_dia |
Tagged kelp size and depth | | Linking Kelp to Beaches | Max_diameter_1_cm, Orthogonal_diameter_cm |
Target site benthic survey urchin size biomass - 2014 | Target site benthic survey urchin size and biomass - 2014 | OA Kelp Forest Function | urchin_diameter_mm |
Thread mechanics | | OA - Ecomaterials Perspective | Distal_Diam |
Trait Data | Trait data captured from literature sources, field observations and measurements of sessile marine invertebrates from coastal sites across a geographic gradient spanning the sub-arctic to the tropics | Competition and Predation across Latitude | Egg_size |
Tubeworms | | Costa Rica Seeps | Diameter |
UCSB Mussel Growth - Mussel body size data for RNA-Seq project | UCSB Mussel Growth - Mussel body size data for RNA-Seq project | OMEGAS-II | max_diameter |
Urchin diameters at Sitka Sound and Torch Bay | | High latitude kelp dynamics | Test_Diameter |
Urchins | Sea urchin data | Coral Reef Adjustment | diameter |
ZOO | ZOO UVP5 | GoA Particles | avgesd_116id, avgesd_20id, avgesd_84id, avgesd_52id, avgesd_95id, avgesd_63id, avgesd_127id, avgesd_31id, avgesd_10id, avgesd_74id, avgesd_42id, avgesd_106id, avgesd_53id, avgesd_117id, avgesd_21id, avgesd_85id, avgesd_32id, avgesd_96id, avgesd_64id, avgesd_128id, avgesd_11id, avgesd_75id, avgesd_43id, avgesd_107id, avgesd_54id, avgesd_118id, avgesd_22id, avgesd_86id, avgesd_33id, avgesd_97id, avgesd_1id, avgesd_65id, avgesd_12id, avgesd_76id, avgesd_44id, avgesd_108id, avgesd_55id, avgesd_119id, avgesd_23id, avgesd_87id, avgesd_34id, avgesd_98id, avgesd_2id, avgesd_66id, avgesd_13id, avgesd_77id, avgesd_45id, avgesd_109id, avgesd_56id, avgesd_120id, avgesd_24id, avgesd_88id, avgesd_35id, avgesd_99id, avgesd_3id, avgesd_67id, avgesd_14id, avgesd_78id, avgesd_46id, avgesd_110id, avgesd_57id, avgesd_121id, avgesd_25id, avgesd_89id, avgesd_36id, avgesd_100id, avgesd_4id, avgesd_68id, avgesd_15id, avgesd_79id, avgesd_47id, avgesd_111id, avgesd_58id, avgesd_122id, avgesd_26id, avgesd_90id, avgesd_37id, avgesd_101id, avgesd_5id, avgesd_69id, avgesd_16id, avgesd_80id, avgesd_48id, avgesd_112id, avgesd_59id, avgesd_123id, avgesd_27id, avgesd_91id, avgesd_38id, avgesd_102id, avgesd_6id, avgesd_70id, avgesd_17id, avgesd_81id, avgesd_49id, avgesd_113id, avgesd_60id, avgesd_124id, avgesd_28id, avgesd_92id, avgesd_39id, avgesd_103id, avgesd_7id, avgesd_71id, avgesd_18id, avgesd_82id, avgesd_50id, avgesd_114id, avgesd_61id, avgesd_125id, avgesd_29id, avgesd_93id, avgesd_40id, avgesd_104id, avgesd_8id, avgesd_72id, avgesd_19id, avgesd_83id, avgesd_51id, avgesd_115id, avgesd_62id, avgesd_126id, avgesd_30id, avgesd_94id, avgesd_41id, avgesd_105id, avgesd_9id, avgesd_73id |