Physiology measurements on collected coral pairs from Kaneohe Bay, Oahu, HI between July and December 2019 | Coral fragment gross photosynthesis rate
| GPumolmin |
Physiology measurements on collected coral pairs from Kaneohe Bay, Oahu, HI between July and December 2019 | Coral Fragment net photosynthesis rate
| NPumolmin |
Montipora capitata and Porites compressa Physiological Measurements for Experimental Corals and Parent Colonies from 2014-2015 (RAPID Hawaii project) | Gross photosynthesis.
| Gross_P |
Physiological parameters of three corals species collected from Hawaii and exposed to four treatment conditions for 22-months as part of a mesocosm experiment | gross photosynthesis
| gross_P_umol_hr_1_cm_2 |
Physiological parameters of three corals species collected from Hawaii and exposed to four treatment conditions for 22-months as part of a mesocosm experiment | gross photosynthesis
| gross_P_umol_hr_1_gdw_1 |
Physiological parameters of three corals species collected from Hawaii and exposed to four treatment conditions for 22-months as part of a mesocosm experiment | net photosynthesis
| net_P_umol_hr_1_cm_2 |
Physiological parameters of three corals species collected from Hawaii and exposed to four treatment conditions for 22-months as part of a mesocosm experiment | net photosynthesis
| net_P_umol_hr_1_gdw_1 |
Measurements of respiration, net photosynthesis, and gross photosynthesis of five different genotypes of Symbiodinium microadriaticum in culture at three different temperatures | Gross photosynthesis
| GrossPhoto |
Measurements of respiration, net photosynthesis, and gross photosynthesis of five different genotypes of Symbiodinium microadriaticum in culture at three different temperatures | Gross photosynthesis per 1000 cells
| GrossPhotoPer1000 |
Measurements of respiration, net photosynthesis, and gross photosynthesis of five different genotypes of Symbiodinium microadriaticum in culture at three different temperatures | Net photosynthesis
| NetPhoto |
Measurements of respiration, net photosynthesis, and gross photosynthesis of five different genotypes of Symbiodinium microadriaticum in culture at three different temperatures | Net photosynthesis per 1000 cells
| NetPhotoPer1000 |
Coral physiology parameters acquired during a heatwave experiment done September to November 2018 using reef building corals collected in Kāne'ohe Bay, O'ahu, Hawai'i. | Gross photosynthesis measurement normalized to host surface area. Units are change in oxygen levels
| Pgross_umol_cm2_hr |
Coral physiology parameters acquired during a heatwave experiment done September to November 2018 using reef building corals collected in Kāne'ohe Bay, O'ahu, Hawai'i. | Net photosynthesis measurement normalized to endosymbiont density. Units are change in oxygen levels
| Pnet_cell |
Coral physiology parameters acquired during a heatwave experiment done September to November 2018 using reef building corals collected in Kāne'ohe Bay, O'ahu, Hawai'i. | Net photosynthesis measurement normalized to host surface area. Units are change in oxygen levels
| Pnet_umol_cm2_hr |
Coral physiology parameters acquired during a heatwave experiment done September to November 2018 using reef building corals collected in Kāne'ohe Bay, O'ahu, Hawai'i. | Ratio of Net photosynthetic rates (; u mol cm-2 h-1) to Respiration rates (; u mol cm-2 h-1)
| PR |
Symbiont removed and anemone reinfected with one of two strains of Symbiodinium from (AnemoneOA project) | Net photosynthesis per symbiont cell
| photo_output_symb |
Imaging pulse amplitude modulator fluorometer data collected from Acropora cervicornis under different pH and temperature treatments from experiments at Summerland Key, Florida from July to September 2017 | change in photosynthetic yield between July and September 2017 after dark acclimation (unitless, but represents the proportion of electrons being used for photosynthesis, potential values range from 0 - 1)
| mYield |
Imaging pulse amplitude modulator fluorometer data collected during Acropora cervicornis experiments at Summerland Key, Florida from July to September of 2016 | Photosynthetic yield after dark acclimation
| mYield |
Coral biometrics data from a heating experiment using samples collected from Nikko Bay and Rebotel Reef in Palau in the spring of 2018 | Gross oxygen production rate normalized to algal cell and time
| Gross_photosynthesis |
Photosynthesis and respiration data recorded during experiments conducted to examine two coral species' responses to thermal stress | measurements of algal symbiont photosynthesis for each ramet
| NetPS |
Photosynthesis-Irradiance curve (P-E) raw data for coral Orbicella faveolata from Varadero and Rosario reef sites, Colombia, Oct. 2016 and May 2017 (Varadero Reef project) | rate of oxygen production was normalized per surface area
| Rate_O2_prod |
Photosynthesis-Irradiance curve (P-E) raw data for coral Orbicella faveolata from Varadero and Rosario reef sites, Colombia, Oct. 2016 and May 2017 (Varadero Reef project) | rate of oxygen production curve
| Slope_O2_prod |
Laboratory experiment analyzing the photosynthetic and calcification rates of Pleurochrysis carterae (Ocean acidification effects on copes and coccoliths project) | Unit conversion to give photosynthetic rate in pmol units.
| photoRate_cellDensity_pmolC |
Laboratory experiment analyzing the photosynthetic and calcification rates of Pleurochrysis carterae (Ocean acidification effects on copes and coccoliths project) | P24 corrected to the cell density of the replicate to give a per cell photosynthetic rate.
| photoRate_cellDensity_ugC |
Laboratory experiment analyzing the photosynthetic and calcification rates of Pleurochrysis carterae (Ocean acidification effects on copes and coccoliths project) | Rate of organic carbon production by Pleurochrysis corrected to a 14-10 h light-dark cycle.
| photoRate_LDcycle |
Laboratory experiment analyzing the photosynthetic and calcification rates of Pleurochrysis carterae (Ocean acidification effects on copes and coccoliths project) | Rate of organic carbon production by Pleurochrysis based on a 3 h incubation in the light; divided by 0.125 (3 h/24 h) to give a rate per day.
| photo_rate |
Physiological data from Breviolum antillogorgia genotypes grown in laboratory growth chambers in Los Angeles, CA in 2021. | Gross photosynthesis per cell
| GrossPhotoperCell |
Physiological data from Breviolum antillogorgia genotypes grown in laboratory growth chambers in Los Angeles, CA in 2021. | Net photosynthesis per cell
| NetPhotoperCell |
Physiological data from Breviolum antillogorgia genotypes grown in laboratory growth chambers in Los Angeles, CA in 2021. | Gross photosynthesis
| TotalGrossPhoto |
Physiological responses of the coral host and associated endosymbionts measured during two experiments testing the effects of acute and chronic thermal stress on the scleractinian coral, Stylophora pistillata | measurements of algal symbiont photosynthesis for each ramet
| NetPS |
Physiology of Montipora capitata and Porites compressa from October 2019 to September 2022 in response to marine heatwaves (2015 and 2019) in Hawaiʻi | PR (photosynthesis to respiration ratio)
| PR |
Biomass-normalized dark respiration and net photosynthesis rates in coral and algae as a function of pCO2 where LEDR (light-enhanced dark respiration) was measured (OA coral adaptation project) | rate of net photosynthesis normalized to biomass
| photosynthesis |
CTD-associated variables, bottle salinity measurements, oxygen titrations, nutrient analyses, biogeochemical/biological variables, and DIC/Freon chemistry variables from R/V Roger Revelle cruise RR2004 along the 150W meridian from 30S to 60S | Average photosynthesis rate
| Psy_Avg_P |
Experimental results of nitrate-limited or nitrate-replete continuous culture studies of Thalassiosira pseudonana at 5 temperatures with either high or low pCO2 and irradiance | mean Photosynthetic Irradiance
| PI |
CTD-associated variables, bottle salinity measurements, oxygen titrations, nutrient analyses, biogeochemical/biological variables, and DIC chemistry variables from R/V Thomas G. Thompson cruise TN376 from January to March 2020 | Average photosynthesis rate
| Psy_Avg_P |
CTD-associated variables, bottle salinity measurements, oxygen titrations, nutrient analyses, biogeochemical/biological variables, and DIC chemistry variables from R/V Thomas G. Thompson cruise TN376 from January to March 2020 | standard deviation of photosynthesis rate
| Psy_P_SD |