2018 Ross Sea Zooplankton Abundance: IKMT | 2018 Ross Sea Zooplankton Abundance: IKMT | bio-acoustic plankton surveys | Clione_limacina_antarctica, Ecrystallorophias_small_juveniles, Spongiobranchaea_australis, Euphausia_superba, Fish_Pleuragramma_antarctica_adult_juv, Thysanoessa_macrura, Pleuragramma_antarctica_larvae, Amphipods_Vibilia_stebbingi, Channichthyidae, Primno_macropa, Decapods_Notocrangon_antarcticus, Themisto_gaudichaudii, Other_Polychaeta, Hyperoche_sp, Ctenaphora, Eusirus_sp, Medusae, Chaetognaths_Pseudosagitta, Pteropods_Limacina_rangii, Euphausiids_Euphausia_crystallorophias |
2018 Ross Sea Zooplankton Abundance: Ring net | 2018 Ross Sea Zooplankton Abundance: ring net | bio-acoustic plankton surveys | Gaidius_tenuispinus, Polychaeta_Pelagobia_longicirrata, Salpidae, Heterorhabdus_sp, Polychaete_larvae, Unspecified_Nauplii, Fish_Pleuragramma_antarctica_larvae, Euphausiids_Euphausia_crystallorophias, Pleuragramma_antarctica_juvenile, Copepods_Calanoides_acutus, Thysanoessa_macrura, Channichthyidae, C_acutus_CIII_to_V, Decapods_Notocrangon_antarcticus, Artedidraconidae, Metridia_gerlachei, Amphipods_Themisto_gaudichaudii, Other_Ostracods, Oithona_similis, Hyperoche_sp, Chaetognatha, Calanus_simillimus, Vibilia_stebbingi, Ctenophora, Paraeuchaeta_antarctica, Pteropods_Limacina_rangii, Scyphozoa, Oncaea_sp, Clione_limacina_antarctica, Siphonophore |
2018 Salt Pond | Site and sampling information, infected host and dinospore count data. | Coastal Parasites | Total_euk_count |
Aleutian kelp forest density data from 2008-10 | Kelp and urchin mean densities from Aleutian habitat surveys 2008-2010 | Kelp Forest Apex Predator Collapse | Laminaria_longipes, Agarum_spp, Thalassiophyllum_sp, Cymatherea_triplicata, Sea_Urchins, Eualaria_fistulosa, Laminaria_spp, Laminaria_yezoensis |
Anchovy data of Chesapeake Bay | Anchovies from hypoxic waters of the Chesapeake Bay | DeZoZoo | fish_abund |
ARISA relative abundances | ARISA relative abundances (bacterial community structure), San Pedro Channel, 5 depths | Bacterial, Archaeal, and Protistan Biodiversity, Marine Viral Dynamics | bact_abund, viral_abund |
Azotobacter_SiderophoreConcentrations | | Bacteria Iron Siderophores | amphibactins, crochelin_A, catechol_siderophores, OD620, vibrioferrin |
Bacterial Growth ACTivity | New data and new versions of previous data: Bacterial growth rate ACTivity in Delaware Bay | Coastal Bacterial Growth Rates | viral_count |
Barnacle larval supply and settlement 2014-2015 | Barnacle larval supply and settlement 2014-2015 | Nearshore larval transport | Live_Cyprids |
Benthic foraminiferal abundances | Benthic foraminiferal abundances from Mud Patch multicores | OA, Hypoxia and Warming | abundance |
Benthic macrofaunal abundance | Benthic macrofaunal abundance, 2014-2016 | Effluent Impacts on Coastal Ecology | abundance |
Bergen MesoHux 2017 Bacteria and Virus Abundance | Bergen MesoHux 2017 Bacteria and Virus Abundance | Light-dependent host virus interactions | Bacteria_abund, Virus_like_particles_abund |
BIB Experiments | Bloom in Bottle (BIB) experiments; culture studies of the effect of Si and N stress on diatoms of the Santa Barbara Channel. | SBC LTER, SBDOM | phyt_abun |
Bigelow Bight_sm invertebrates | Benthic habitat correlates of juvenile fish - invertebrates | NEC-CoopRes | abundance |
biogeochem_microbes | Moorea Coral Reef algae, bacteria, DOC, inorganic and organic nutrients | Coral DOM, MCR LTER | bac_plank, phytopl_tot |
BioLog Eco-plates experiment - 14C-labeled uptake | BioLog Eco-plates experiment - 14C-labeled uptake | Cocco-Mix | Cell_count |
biological samples | Cs134, Cs137, Ag110m, and K40 in zooplankton and small fish | Fukushima Radionuclide Levels | abundance_species |
Biomass and density data | Biomass and density of MPAs and non-MPAs in Fiji | Killer Seaweeds | abundance |
BLOOFINZ-IO Flow Cytometry Abundance | BLOOFINZ-IO Flow Cytometry Abundance | BLOOFINZ-IO | HBACT, HEUK, MEUK, PRO, SYN, PEUK |
BONGO - Zooplankton | BONGO net tow zooplankton abundance estimates | GATEKEEPERS | Abund, Vol |
calvet_ak_ltop | AK-LTOP CalVET Net Tow counts/biomass | NEP | abundance |
Carmel River State Beach Offshore Phyto 2011 | Time series of avg daily phyto concentration offshore of Carmel River State Beach, CA. | Surf zone larval transport | Thalassionema, Skeletonema, Thalassiosira, Pennate, Rhizoselenia, PseudoN, Chaetoceros |
Carmel River State Beach Offshore Zoo 2011 | Time series of avg daily zooplankton concentration in the waters offshore of Carmel River State Beach, CA. | Surf zone larval transport | cyphonautes, Barnacle_stg_IV_VI, Majid_zoea_I_II, Bopalid_isopod_larvae, Cyprid, Majid_megalopa, Copepod_nauplii, terrestrial_bugs, Grapsid_zoea_I_III, Porcellanid_zoea_I_II, Harpacticoid, doliolids, Grapsid_zoea_IV_V, Porcellanid_megalopa, Larvacean, detritus, Grapsid_megalopa, Emerita_stg_I, Cladoceran, euphasid_larvae, Cancer_zoea_I_III, Bivalves_veligers, Mysid, Cancer_zoea_IV_V, Gastropod_veligers, Amphipod, Cancer_megalopa, Spionid_poly_larvae, Ctenophore, Pinnotherid_zoea_I_III, Other_polychaete_larvae, Hydromedusii, Pinnotherid_zoea_IV_V, Urchin_larvae, Barnacle_stg_I_III, Pinnotherid_megalopa |
Carmel River State Beach Rocky Shore Phyto 2011 | Time series of avg daily phyto concentration at the rocky shore next to Carmel River State Beach, CA. | Surf zone larval transport | PseudoN, Chaetoceros, Thalassionema, Skeletonema, Thalassiosira, Pennate, Rhizoselenia |
Carmel River State Beach Surf Zone Phyto 2011 | Time series of avg daily phyto concentration in the surf zone at Carmel River State Beach, CA. | Surf zone larval transport | Rhizoselenia, PseudoN, Chaetoceros, Thalassionema, Skeletonema, Thalassiosira, Pennate |
Carmel River State Beach Surf Zone Zoo 2011 | Time series of avg daily zooplankton concentration in the surf zone at Carmel River State Beach, CA. | Surf zone larval transport | Bivalves_veligers, Mysid, Cancer_zoea_IV_V, Gastropod_veligers, Amphipod, Cancer_megalopa, Spionid_poly_larvae, Ctenophore, Pinnotherid_zoea_I_III, Other_polychaete_larvae, Hydromedusii, Pinnotherid_zoea_IV_V, Urchin_larvae, Barnacle_stg_I_III, Pinnotherid_megalopa, cyphonautes, Barnacle_stg_IV_VI, Majid_zoea_I_II, Bopalid_isopod_larvae, Cyprid, Majid_megalopa, terrestrial_bugs, Copepod_nauplii, Grapsid_zoea_I_III, Porcellanid_zoea_I_II, doliolids, Harpacticoid, Grapsid_zoea_IV_V, Porcellanid_megalopa, detritus, Larvacean, Grapsid_megalopa, Emerita_stg_I, euphasid_larvae, Cladoceran, Cancer_zoea_I_III |
Cell abundance and chlorophyll content | Cell abundance and chlorophyll content | MixoEvo | D2Pop, D3Pop, D4Pop, D1Pop |
Chemistry and cell counts | Chemistry and cell counts of formation fluids from North Pond | North Pond Microbes | Cell_counts |
ciliate abundance and biomass | Abundance and biomass of ciliates in the Sargasso Sea from inverted microscope counts. | Trophic BATS | abundance |
Coccolithophore survival in darkness | | Cocco-Mix | Cell_count |
Cold Core Rings Stratified Euphausiid Abundance and Zooplankton Biomass | CCR stratified euphausiid abund and carbon, 1973-1977 | NAtlDarkData | Euphausia_krohni, Stylocheiron_abbreviatum, Thysanopoda_aequalis, Euphausia_mutica, Stylocheiron_affine, Thysanopoda_obtusifrons, Euphausia_pseudogibba, Stylocheiron_carinatum, Thysanopoda_pectinata, Euphausia_tenera, Stylocheiron_elongatum, Thysanopoda_tricuspidata, Nematobrachion_boopis, Stylocheiron_longicorne, Thysanopoda_monacantha, Nematobrachion_flexipes, Stylocheiron_maximum, Thysanopoda_orientalis, Nematobrachion_sexspinosum, Stylocheiron_suhmi, Meganyctiphanes_norvegica, Euphausia_americana, Nematoscelis_atlantica, Thysanoessa_gregaria, Bentheuphausia_amblyops, Euphausia_brevis, Nematoscelis_megalops, Thysanoessa_longicaudata, Euphausia_gibboides, Nematoscelis_microps, Thysanoessa_parva, Euphausia_hemigibba, Nematoscelis_tenella, Thysanopoda_acutifrons |
Composition of experimental marine invertebrate communities across latitude | Composition of experimental marine invertebrate communities across latitude | Competition and Predation across Latitude | Abundance |
Composition of marine invertebrate communities across latitude with exposure to predation | | Competition and Predation across Latitude | Abundance |
Copepod abundance - bongo net tows | Copepod species abundances from bongo tows from two Arabian Sea JGOFS Process cruises | Arabian Sea, Arabian Sea Diapausing Copepods | abundance |
Copepod abundance - MOCNESS | Copepod species abundances from MOCNESS tows from the Arabian Sea, 1994-1995 | Arabian Sea, Arabian Sea Diapausing Copepods | abundance |
Copepod Abundances in MOCNESS tows | Abundances of copepod species in each net from MOCNESS tows in the Eastern Tropical North Pacific | ETP, Metabolic Index | Lop_fro_Adults, Eua_nod_Adults, Euc_ine_C1, Met_pri_Adults, Sca_mag_Adults, Euc_spi_Adults, Luc_fla_Adults, Euc_cal_Adults, Sub_sub_Adults, Gae_kru_Adults, Euc_ine_C2, Par_cal_Adults, Luc_hul_Adults, Euc_cal_C4_M, Dis_pal_Adults, Gae_pse_Adults, Euc_ine_Imm_C3_C4F_C5F, Ple_abd_Adults, Luc_ova_Adults, Euc_cal_C5_M, Hal_lon_Adults, Dis_pal_C5, Ple_joh_Adults, Euc_ine_C4_M, Euc_cal_C5_F, Mec_cla_Adults, Het_lon_Adults, Eua_mag_Adults, Ple_qua_Adults, Euc_ine_C5_M, Euc_ine_Adults, Met_bre_Adults |
Coral and macroalgae abundance and distribution | Scleractinian, octocoral, and macroalgae abundance and percent cover. | VI Octocorals, St. John LTREB | PlexauraAbundance_SE, AntillogorgiaAbundance_mean, totalAbundance_mean, AntillogorgiaAbundance_SE, totalAbundance_SE, GorgoniaAbundance_mean, GorgoniaAbundance_SE, PlexauraAbundance_mean |
Coral colony densities from 1992-2019 in support of Edmunds and Perry (2023) MEPS | | St. John LTREB, RUI-LTREB, Hurricane Irma and St. John Reefs, St John Coral Reefs | Acropora_cervicornis, Eusmilia_fastigiata, Orbicella_spp, Mussa_angulosa, Montastrea_cavernosa, Manicina_areolata, Dichocoenia_stokesi, Porites_astreoides, Favia_fragum, Stephanocoenia_intersepta, Pseudodiploria_strigosa, Porites_porites, Solenastrea_hyades, Millepora_spp, Madracis_mirabilis, Madracis_decactis, Porites_colonensis, Helioseris_cucullata, Agaricia_agaricites, Agaricia_lamarcki, Diploria_labyrinthiformis, Siderastrea_radians, Isophyllia_sinuosa, Meandrina_meandrites, Scolymia_cubensis, Siderastrea_siderea, Dendrogyra_cylindrus, Colpophyllia_natans, Acropora_palmata, Mycetophyllia_spp |
coral community structure fig 2 coral cover | Coral cover in St. John, US Virgin Islands from 2007-2016 | RUI-LTREB | Coral_recruits_to_tiles_Tektite, Small_corals_all_taxa_West_Tektite, Coral_recruits_to_tiles_White, Small_corals_all_taxa_Donkey_Bite, Coral_recruits_to_tiles_Yawzi, Small_corals_all_taxa_Yawzi_Point, Coral_recruits_to_tiles_Mean, Small_corals_all_taxa_White_Point, Coral_recruits_to_tiles_SE, Small_corals_all_taxa_Tektite_East, Small_corals_all_taxa_Cabritte, Small_corals_all_taxa_Mean, Small_corals_all_taxa_SE, Coral_recruits_to_tiles_Cabritte, Coral_recruits_to_tiles_Europa |
coral community structure fig 3 | Coral cover, density, and recruits in St. John, US Virgin Islands from 2007-2016 | RUI-LTREB | Coral_recruits_Agaricidae, Coral_recruits_Poritidae, Juvenile_coral_density_Porites, Juvenile_coral_density_Agaricia, Juvenile_coral_density_Favia, Juvenile_coral_density_Siderastrea, Coral_recruits_Siderastreidae, Coral_recruits_Faviidae |
coral community structure fig 4 | Coral cover, density, and recruits in St. John, US Virgin Islands from 2007-2016 | RUI-LTREB | Juveniles_Porites, Juveniles_Agaricia, Juveniles_Favia, Juveniles_Siderastrea, Juveniles_Other |
coral cover and environmental | Long-term variation in growth of Orbicella in association with variation in Symbiodinium genotypes | RUI-LTREB | Quad_1_Lobe_20, Quad_2_Lobe_1, Quad_2_Lobe_3, Quad_2_Lobe_5, Quad_1_Lobe_1, Quad_2_Lobe_7, Quad_1_Lobe_3, Quad_1_Lobe_6, Quad_1_Lobe_7, Quad_1_Lobe_8, Quad_1_Lobe_12, Quad_1_Lobe_17 |
coral microbe T-RF - biogeography | Hawaiian coral terminal-restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) analysis | MiCoDe | abund |
coral microbe T-RF - temp stress | Terminal restriction fragments from 16S rRNA genes amplified from coral-associated microbes, response to temperature stress | MiCoDe | abund |
Coral Species Frequency | Frequency of coral species richness in 36 cm × 36 cm quadrats from field surveys. | Killer Seaweeds | Coral_species_present |
Coral Surface Area and Zooxanthellae Counts | Coral Surface Area and Zooxanthellae Counts | Sponge Holobiont DOM | Zoox_cells_per_mL_dilution, Zoox_cells_per_fragment, Cells_per_cm2 |
coral-microbe T-RF - development | Specificity of associations between bacteria and the coral Pocillopora meandrina during early development | MiCoDe | abund |
coral-microbe T-RF - spawning | T-RFLP, response of the microbial community to coral spawning, lagoon and reef flats, Oahu, 2006-7 | MiCoDe | egg_abund, Synech_abund, picoeuk_abund, nonpig_bact_abund, abund |
CPR plankton abundance in the WN Atlantic 1958-2021 | | CPR Plankton Survey | id_393, id_226, id_961, id_1602, id_134, id_104, id_60, id_165, id_432, id_259, id_10603, id_10632, id_357, id_91, id_178, id_459, id_275, id_1, id_10684, id_1551, id_408, id_237, id_1577, id_1632, id_309, id_47, id_151, id_419, id_248, id_10588, id_10615, id_326, id_374, id_200, id_475, id_980, id_13, id_10532, id_394, id_227, id_963, id_1603, id_135, id_107, id_61, id_166, id_434, id_261, id_10604, id_10634, id_431, id_310, id_179, id_460, id_276, id_3, id_10705, id_1586, id_123, id_409, id_238, id_1592, id_1634, id_311, id_48, id_152, id_421, id_249, id_10593, id_10620, id_328, id_375, id_203, id_476, id_981, id_19, id_10587, id_395, id_228, id_977, id_1604, id_148, id_108, id_62, id_167, id_435, id_262, id_10605, id_10636, id_634, id_319, id_180, id_461, id_750, id_4, id_10744, id_1588, id_124, id_410, id_239, id_1593, id_1635, id_312, id_10590, id_50, id_154, id_422, id_250, id_10594, id_10622, id_329, id_376, id_217, id_480, id_984, id_21, id_10638, id_805, id_396, id_229, id_978, id_1606, id_197, id_112, id_80, id_168, id_440, id_263, id_10606, id_1639, id_313, id_320, id_182, id_462, id_806, id_5, id_10745, id_1608, id_125, id_411, id_240, id_1599, id_488, id_1000, id_22, id_10671, id_51, id_155, id_423, id_251, id_10595, id_10623, id_347, id_377, id_219, id_169, id_449, id_264, id_10607, id_10639, id_807, id_399, id_230, id_985, id_1607, id_270, id_113, id_81, id_126, id_412, id_241, id_1618, id_1642, id_314, id_325, id_187, id_463, id_818, id_6, id_10754, id_1609, id_378, id_220, id_509, id_1001, id_30, id_10673, id_53, id_156, id_424, id_253, id_10596, id_10624, id_350, id_82, id_171, id_450, id_265, id_10608, id_10641, id_813, id_400, id_231, id_988, id_1612, id_300, id_114, id_40, id_127, id_413, id_242, id_1622, id_1679, id_315, id_358, id_190, id_464, id_947, id_7, id_1628, id_379, id_221, id_510, id_1002, id_31, id_10742, id_55, id_157, id_425, id_254, id_10598, id_10625, id_351, id_83, id_172, id_454, id_266, id_10609, id_10668, id_946, id_401, id_232, id_997, id_1616, id_301, id_116, id_41, id_128, id_414, id_243, id_1677, id_1680, id_316, id_369, id_192, id_466, id_950, id_8, id_1629, id_380, id_222, id_601, id_1568, id_34, id_10749, id_56, id_160, id_427, id_255, id_10599, id_10626, id_352, id_84, id_173, id_455, id_267, id_10610, id_10680, id_951, id_402, id_233, id_999, id_1621, id_303, id_117, id_42, id_130, id_415, id_244, id_1678, id_1681, id_321, id_370, id_194, id_467, id_956, id_9, id_1644, id_382, id_223, id_604, id_1579, id_35, id_101, id_57, id_161, id_428, id_256, id_10600, id_10629, id_353, id_88, id_175, id_456, id_268, id_10695, id_10681, id_974, id_404, id_234, id_1570, id_1623, id_304, id_121, id_43, id_131, id_416, id_245, id_5500, id_1682, id_322, id_371, id_195, id_471, id_958, id_10, id_1648, id_383, id_224, id_626, id_1585, id_36, id_102, id_58, id_162, id_429, id_257, id_10601, id_10630, id_354, id_89, id_176, id_457, id_269, id_10703, id_10682, id_1543, id_405, id_235, id_1574, id_1624, id_306, id_122, id_44, id_132, id_417, id_246, id_10066, id_1690, id_323, id_372, id_196, id_472, id_962, id_11, id_1654, id_386, id_225, id_955, id_1601, id_39, id_103, id_59, id_163, id_430, id_258, id_10602, id_10631, id_355, id_90, id_177, id_458, id_271, id_10737, id_10683, id_1549, id_407, id_236, id_1576, id_1627, id_307, id_45, id_133, id_418, id_247, id_10069, id_10375, id_324, id_373, id_198, id_473, id_976, id_12, id_10031 |
Cyanophage abundance | El Nino virus abundance | El Nino and virus diversity, Cyanophage Evolutionary Ecology | abundance |
DDA nutrient acquisition | DDA nutrient acquisition | META-DDA | Hemiaulus_cellspermL, Richelia_cellspermL, Asymb_cellspermL |
Delta Nitrification Study - Potential Nitrification Rates | Nitrification rates and ammonia oxidizer gene abundances | N-Cycling Microbial Communities | AOA_amoA, AOB_amoA, log_AOAtoAOB |
Diadema mexicanum population densities in Pacific Panama 2016-2018 | | Coral Climate ETP | Diadema |
diatom_abundance_Ant1 | Diatom abundances from Antarctic phyto and microzooplankton experiments | Antarctic microzooplankton , CORSACS | abundance |
Dinoflagellate Functional Response during Microplastic Feeding | Effect of microplastic ingestion on heterotrophic dinoflagellate functional responses | Planktonic Herbivore Temp Dependence | Het_Dino_Abundance_Tfinal, Total_Prey_Particle_Count_T0, Total_Prey_Particle_Count_Tfinal, I_galbana_Abundance_T0, I_galabana_Abundance_Tfinal, Microplastics_Abundance_T0, Microplastic_Abundance_Tfinal, Het_Dino_Abundance_T0 |
Dinoflagellate Microplastic Ingestion Rates | Effect of microplastic ingestion on heterotrophic dinoflagellate ingestion rates | Planktonic Herbivore Temp Dependence | Microplastics_Abundance, I_galbana_Abundance, Het_Dino_Abundance |
Disko Bay Environmental and Biological Observations | Environmental and biological conditions characterizing Disko Bay, Greenland in April-May 2011 | Planktonic Herbivore Temp Dependence | Phaeocystis_Colony |
Doliolid diet: lab chlorophyll, carbon, nitrogen | Nutrients and chlorophyll-a from CTD casts 2015-2017 | Doliolid Diet | D_geg_abund, D_geg_abund_stdev |
Doliolid diet: zooplankton abundance | Zooplankton abundances | Doliolid Diet | abundance_m3 |
DOM remineralization bioassays | DOM remineralization bioassays | Smoke on the water | bact_cells, sd_bact_cells |
Ecological monitoring Natividad 2006-2021: Algae | | Abalone Safe Places | ABUNDANCE, EXTRAPOLATION |
Ecological monitoring Natividad 2006-2021: Fish | | Abalone Safe Places | ABUNDANCE |
Ecological monitoring Natividad 2006-2021: Invertebrates | | Abalone Safe Places | ABUNDANCE |
EcoMon Plankton 100m3 | EcoMon plankton counts from Bongo tows. Includes MARMAP data. | EcoMon Zooplankton | count |
EcoMon Plankton 10m2 | EcoMon plankton counts from Bongo tows. Includes MARMAP data. | EcoMon Zooplankton | count |
Edmunds 2020 L&O: recruitment | recruitment | MCR LTER, RUI-LTREB, St. John LTREB | Recruitment |
Edmunds 2021 Ecosphere 2A: density | Ecosphere 2021: coral density | RUI-LTREB, Octocoral Community Dynamics | Density |
Edmunds 2021 Ecosphere S3A: density | Ecosphere 2021: fig S3A density | RUI-LTREB, Octocoral Community Dynamics | Density |
Edmunds et al. 2024 Oecologia: Settler Density | | MCR LTER | All_corals, Pocillopora |
Eelgrass Shoot Density | Eelgrass meadow conditions assessed from eelgrass shoot density measurements | Eelgrass disease | Total_Shoots, Flowering_Shoots, Density_Shoots |
Effect of lionfish density on native reef fishes | Effect of lionfish densities on native coral-reef fishes | BiodiversityLossEffects_lionfish | invert_count |
Effect of lionfish in main seagrass habitats | Effect of lionfish presence on native fish abundance in main reefs where lionfish resided. | BiodiversityLossEffects_lionfish | eel_shark_count |
Effect of lionfish in seagrass satellite coral head habitats | Effect of lionfish presence on native fish abundance on satellite coral heads. | BiodiversityLossEffects_lionfish | eel_shark_count |
Effects of protists on HBx predation | Population Changes | Predators of bacteria | Protists, Vibrio, Halobacteriovorax |
Epibenthic community abundance | Epibenthic community abundance in an Aleutian Island kelp forest, 2016-2017 | Kelp Forest Ecosystem Engineer Loss | Cryptonatica_spp, Paguridae_spp, Alaria_marginata, Henricia_spp, Leucilla_nuttingi, Staurozoa_spp, Balanus_spp, Modiolus_modiolus, Trochidae_spp, Eualaria_fistulosa, Polychaeta_spp, Halocynthia_aurantium, Leptasterias_camtschatica, Pycnopodia_helianthoides, Chlamys_rubida, Octocorallia_spp, Stephanasterias_albula, Cucumaria_spp, Pagurus_beringanus, Alcyonacea_spp, Henricia_tumida, Leukoma_staminea, Polynoidae_spp, Bathymaster_spp, Mopalia_ciliata, Turbonilla_spp, Eudistylia_vancouveri, Lacuna_spp, Odontohenricia_violacea, Hemilepidotus_spp, Leptasterias_derbeki, Rostanga_pulchra, Cirripedia_spp, Limneria_spp, Strongylocentrotus_spp, Dendrophylliidae_spp, Pagurus_brandti, Alcyonidium_gelatinosum, Henricia_uluudax, Laingia_aleutica, Polyplacophora_spp, Beringius_spp, Musculus_discors, Urticina_spp, Eunoe_spp, Oedignathus_inermis, Henricia_elachys, Leptasterias_hexactis, Saccharina_dentigera, Colus_spp, Lithodidae_spp, Styela_rustica, Derbesia_marina, Pagurus_dalli, Alcyonium_spp, Henricia_vermilion, Laminaria_longipes, Pteraster_militaris, Boreotrophon_spp, Musculus_niger, Velutina_spp, Euphrosine_multibranchiata, Oenopota_spp, Henricia_gemma, Leptasterias_hylodes, Saccharina_spp, Constantinea_rosa_marina, Littorina_spp, Styela_stalked, Dermaturus_mandtii, Pandalidae_spp, Aleutiaster_schefferi, Heptacarpus_brevirostris, Laminaria_setchellii, Pteraster_tesselatus, Brachiopoda_spp, Musculus_spp, Volutopsius_spp, Evasterias_retifera, Ophiopholis_spp, Acanthodoris_spp, Henricia_insignis, Leptasterias_leptodoma, Schizymenia_pacifica, Cottoidea_spp, Lottia_instabilis, Tachyrhynchus_sp, Diaulula_sandiegensis, Peltodoris_nobilis, Amphipoda_spp, Hexagrammos_spp, Laminaria_spp, Ptychodactis_aleutiensis, Buccinidae_spp, Nematoda_spp, Flabellina_trophina, Ophiura_sarsii, Acmaea_mitra, Henricia_iodinea, Leptasterias_ochotensis, Sebastes_spp, Crangonidae_spp, Lottia_pelta, Tokidadendron_bullata, Diodora_aspera, Phascolosomatidae_spp, Annelida_spp, Hiatella_arctica, Laminaria_yezoensis, Pugettia_gracilis, Callophyllis_spp, Nemertea_spp, Fusitriton_oregonensis, Opuntiella_spp, Acropora_spp, Henricia_lineata, Leptasterias_spp, Sipunculidea_spp, Crossaster_papposus, Lottia_persona, Tonicella_lineata, Distaplia_spp, Pholidae_spp, Anthozoa_spp, Hippasteria_phrygiana, Leptasterias_alaskensis, Pugettia_producta, Cancer_spp, Neptunea_spp, Gastropoda_spp, Oregonia_gracilis, Actiniaria_spp, Henricia_oculata, Leptasterias_stolacantha, Solariella_spp, Cryptochiton_stelleri, Lottia_scutum, Tonicella_spp, Doridoidea_spp, Phyllolithodes_papillosus, Arctomelon_tamikoae, Ischnochiton_spp, Leptasterias_aleutica, Pugettia_richii, Caprellidae_spp, Nereididae_spp, Gersemia_spp, Orthasterias_koehleri, Agarum_clathratum, Henricia_rhytisma, Leptasterias_tatei, Solaster_endeca, Cryptolithodes_sitchensis, Margarites_spp, Trichotropis_spp, Elassochirus_gilli, Platyhelminthes_spp, Ariadnaria_insignis, Isopoda_spp, Leptasterias_arctica, Pugettia_spp, Caryophyllia_Caryophyllia_alaskensis, Nereocystis_luetkeana, Glebocarcinus_oregonensis, Oxylebius_spp, Agarum_clathrus, Henricia_sanguinolenta, Lethasterias_nanimensis, Solaster_stimpsoni, Cryptolithodes_typicus, Metridium_spp, Triopha_catalinae, Errantia_spp, Pododesmus_macrochisma, Ascidiacea_spp, Halichondria_spp, Leptasterias_asteira, Pycnogonida_spp, Ceramaster_arcticus, Nucella_canaliculata |
Epifluorescence Microscopy Reduced | | Salp Food Web Ecology | Abundance_025_to_05, Abundance_512_to_1024, Abundance_05_to_1, Abundance_1024_to_2048, Abundance_1_to_2, Abundance_2_to_4, Abundance_4_to_8, Abundance_8_to_16, Abundance_16_to_32, Abundance_32_to_64, Abundance_64_to_128, Abundance_128_to_256, Abundance_256_to_512 |
ESP 2014 Cell Counts | Microbial taxonomy and abundance from ESP, fall 2014 | OceanSulfurFluxBact | syn_ml, peuk_ml, HiPE_phyto_mL |
ETNP Frequency of Lytic Viral Infection | Estimated frequency of lytic viral infection from the ETNP | OMZ Viruses | Lower_90_CI_FIC, Upper_90_CI_FIC, Number_of_Infected_Cells, Number_of_Cells_Analyzed, FVIC_percent, Lower_90_CI_FVIC, Upper_90_CI_FVIC, FIC |
ETNP Microbial Abundances | Estimated abundances of viruses and bacteria via epifluorescence microscopy in the ETNP | OMZ Viruses | Viruses, v_stdev, Bacteria, b_stdev, VBR, VBR_stdev |
ETSP qPCR | Water column amoA and Nitrospina-like 16S rRNA gene abundances from qPCR in the Eastern Tropical South Pacific | Microbial Nitrification | WCA_amoA, WCB_amoA, NIT_16S, AOB_amoA, AOA_amoA |
FieldData_FidalgoBay_July2017 | ADCP FidalgoBay, July 2017 | Climate stressors on larvae | oyster_larvae_m3 |
Fish and Invertebrate Transects | | Reef Fish Resilience | Num_50_55, Num_0_5, Num_55_plus, Num_5_10, Num_10_15, Num_15_20, Num_20_25, Num_25_30, Num_30_35, Num_35_40, Num_40_45, Num_45_50 |
fish_abund | Fish abundance data from MOC-10 trawls. | SOGLOBEC | abund_integ |
FlavoPH Experiment: HIMB15-1 bacterial abundance and DOC | HIMB15-1 bacterial abundance and DOC | Coral DOM2 | BACT [E8/L] |
flow cytometry | Direct counts (flow cytometry) on microbes obtained by Niskin bottle and pressure-retaining sampler | Mariana Perspectives | cells_per_mL |
FlowCam Particle Carbon Content | FlowCam Particle Carbon Content | Salp Food Web Ecology | Abundance_128_to_256, Abundance_256_to_512, Abundance_quarter_to_half, Abundance_512_to_1024, Abundance_half_to_1, Abundance_1_to_2, Abundance_2_to_4, Abundance_4_to_8, Abundance_8_to_16, Abundance_16_to_32, Abundance_32_to_64, Abundance_64_to_128 |
Geange_and_Stier_2009 Order of Arrival Background Community | This dataset is from a manipulative experiment investigating intracohort priority effects between two competing reef fishes (Thalassoma hardwicke and T. quinquevittatum). | CDD_in_Reef_Fish | abundance |
Geange_et_al_2013 Competitive Hierarchies Spatial Covariance | This dataset is from a manipulative experiment the relative competitive abilities of juveniles of three closely related species of reef fish (bird wrasse, Gomphosus varius; fivestripe wrasse, T. quinquevittatum; and the sixbar wrasse, Thalassoma hardwicke | CDD_in_Reef_Fish | thha, thqu, gova |
Geochemistry and Microscopy from Incubation Experiments | Geochemistry and Microscopy from Incubation Experiments | Anoxic Sediment Bacteria Interactions | Microscopy_AllSingleCells_cells_cm3, Microscopy_DSB706_cell_cm3 |
Geochemistry Summary | Geochemistry summary data: IODP Expedition 337 single cell isotope incorporation of 1H, 2H, 12C14N, 12C15N, 12C12C, 12C13C ions | Deep biosphere cell activity | cells_per_cc_rock, cells_per_g_rock, cells_per_ml |
GoM WBTS 2012-2013 Calanus finmarchicus abundance | Calanus finmarchicus stages abundance from 200um vertical ring nets TimeSeries stations | GoM_Calanus_2012-2013 | stage_CI, stage_CII, stage_CIII, stage_CIV, stage_CV, female, male, nauplii |
GoM WBTS 2012-2013 Zooplankton abundance | Zooplankton species abundance from ring nets at two times series stations in the Gulf of Maine - 2012-2013 | GoM_Calanus_2012-2013 | abundance |
GoM WBTS 2012-2013 Zooplankton abundance Columnar View | Zooplankton species abundance from ring nets at two times series stations in the Gulf of Maine - 2012-2013 | GoM_Calanus_2012-2013 | abundance |
Grazing experiment 2 and 3: CN data | Carbon and Nitrogen values for low to high pCO2 acclimated E. huxleyi | E Hux Response to pCO2 | cells_filter, cells_ml |
Grazing saturation culture experiment #1 using single prey (M.pusilla) and predator (O.danica) | Culture experiment (M.pusilla + O.danica) | Grazing Saturation | Beads_T0, Micromonas_T0, Beads_T24, Micromonas_T24 |
Grazing saturation culture experiment #2 using single prey (I.galbana) and predator (O.danica) | Culture experiment (I.galbana + O.danica) | Grazing Saturation | Ochromonas_T0, Ochromonas_T24, Beads_T0, Isochrysis_T0, Beads_T24, Isochrysis_T24 |
Guaymas Basin vent copepods | Abundance of calanoid copepods found Guaymas Basin deep-sea vent field | Vent Benthos | abundance |
Hawaiian crustose coralline algae dissolved organic matter | | Coral DOM2 | Cells, delta_Cells |
Herbivorous protist abundances under simultaneus manipulation of temperature and nutrients | | Planktonic Herbivore Temp Dependence, Phytoplankton Community Responses | Abundance |
HOE-DYLAN cruises - Diazotrophs | HOE-DYLAN cruises - Diazotrophs | C-MORE | tricho_log_xplus1_DNA, UCYN_A_log_xplus1_DNA, UCYN_A2, UCYN_A2_log_xplus1_DNA, UCYN_B, UCYN_B_log_xplus1_DNA, g_Pia, g_Pia_log_xplus1_DNA, Het_1_log_xplus1_DNA, Het_2_log_xplus1_DNA |
HOE-LEGACY 2A diel_FCM | HOE-LEGACY 2A diel_FCM | C-MORE, SCOPE | phyto_e_cyt |
Host-symbiont reinfections | Symbiont removed and anemone reinfected with one of two strains of Symbiodinium | AnemoneOA | symbio_density |
Host-Symbiont respiration relationship | Host-symbiont respiration related to symbiont density; anemones from Key Largo | AnemoneOA | host_symb_dens_normal |
HOT Primary Production | Primary productivity measurements from the Hawaii Ocean Time-Series (HOT) | HOT | Prochloro, Hetero, Synecho, Euk |
HRR-IFCB cnn counts | HRR-IFCB cnn counts | HRR | L1SS_3, L3S06_2, L1S06_2, L3S21_1, L1S21_1, L3S06_3, L1S06_3, L3S21_2, L1S21_2, L3S01, L1S01_1, L3S21_3, L1S21_3, L1S01_2, L3S16_1, L1S16_1, L1S01_3, L3S16_2, L1S16_2, L3GI_1, L3S16_3, L1GI_1, L1S16_3, L3GI_2, L1GI_2, L3S11_1, L1S11_1, L3GI_3, L1GI_3, L3S11_2, L1S11_2, L3SS_1, L1SS_1, L3S11_3, L1S11_3, L3SS_2, L1SS_2, L3S06_1, L1S06_1, L3SS_3 |
HRR-IFCB manual counts | HRR-IFCB manual counts | HRR | L1S11_2, L3SS_1, L1SS_1, L3S11_3, L1S11_3, L3SS_2, L1SS_2, L3S06_1, L1S06_1, L3SS_3, L1SS_3, L3S06_2, L1S06_2, L3S21_1, L1S21_1, L3S06_3, L1S06_3, L3S21_2, L1S21_2, L3S01, L1S01_1, L3S21_3, L1S21_3, L1S01_2, L3S16_1, L1S16_1, L1S01_3, L3S16_2, L1S16_2, L3GI_1, L1GI_1, L3S16_3, L1S16_3, L3GI_2, L1GI_2, L3S11_1, L1S11_1, L3GI_3, L1GI_3, L3S11_2 |
Ichthyoplankton Density - Bongo | Ichthyoplankton density and Plankton Displacement Volume data collected during the NSF RAPID Plankton Cruises using NOAA SEAMAP Bongo Plankton Nets | RAPID Plankton | TFILA_DV, TFILA_DA |
Ichthyoplankton Density - MOCNESS | Ichthyoplankton density and plankton displacement volume data collected using MOCNESS plankton nets on the NSF RAPID Plankton Cruises in the Northwestern Gulf of Mexico in 2017-2018 | RAPID Plankton | TFILA_DV, TFILA |
Ichthyoplankton Density - Neuston | Ichthyoplankton density and plankton displacement volume data collected during the NSF RAPID Plankton Cruises using NOAA SEAMAP Neuston Plankton Nets | RAPID Plankton | TFILA_DV, TFILA_DA |
Ichthyoplankton Density - Ring | Ichthyoplankton density and plankton displacement volume data collected using SEA-GEAR plankton ring nets on the NSF RAPID Plankton Cruises in the Northwestern Gulf of Mexico in 2017-2018 | RAPID Plankton | TFILA_DV, TFILA_DA |
Infauna and sediment property data collected off the Alabama coast before and after Hurricane Sally (2020-2021) | Infauna and sediment property data collected off the Alabama coast before and after Hurricane Sally (2020-2021) | Bioturbation and Ecosystem Engineering | Goniadidae, Nannastacidae, Eulimidae, Ophiuroidea, Gastropoda, Oweniidae, Platyischnopidae, Terebellidae, Aethridae, Ampharetidae, Tellinidae, Hesionidae, Cumacea, Haminoeidae, Holothuroidea, Arcidae, Paraonidae, Stenothoidae, Annelida, Pinnotheridae, Acoetidae, Ungulinidae, Clypeasteroida, Lumbrineridae, Ampeliscidae, Nassariidae, Synopiidae, Corbulidae, Pectinariidae, Veneridae, Phoronida, Paguroidea, Amphinomidae, Naticidae, Echinoidea, Magelonidae, Argissidae, Phyllodocidae, Amphipoda, Lasaeidae, Capitellidae, Verticordiidae, Lingulida, Porcellanidae, Olividae, Enteropneusta, Maldanidae, Corophiidae, Pilargidae, Tanaidacea, Lucinidae, Cirratulidae, Bivalvia, Caecidae, Portunidae, Olivellidae, Branchiostomidae, Nephtyidae, Haustoriidae, Polynoidae, Albuneidae, Actiniaria, Lyonsiidae, Cossuridae, Scaphopoda, Calyptraeidae, Raninidae, Pyramidellidae, Lophotrochozoa, Nereididae, Ischyroceridae, Spionidae, Anthuridae, Nemertea, Mactridae, Eulepethidae, Pantopoda, Cancellariidae, Callianassidae, Terebridae, Abundance_core, Oenonidae, Liljeborgiidae, Serpulidae, Ancinidae, Platyhelminthes, Nuculidae, Eunicidae, Bodotriidae, Columbellidae, Upogebiidae, Tornidae, less_than_1mm, Onuphidae, Oedicerotidae, Sigalionidae, Idotea, Aspidosiphonidae, Nuculanidae, Flabelligeridae, Diastylidae, Cylichnidae, Luciferidae, Turridae, greater_than_1mm, Opheliidae, Photidae, Sternaspidae, Isopoda, Golfingiidae, Pandoridae, Glyceridae, Leuconidae, Epitoniidae, Caridea, Muricidae, Orbiniidae, Phoxocephalidae, Syllidae, Mysidae, Thalassematidae, Solenidae |
Initial conditions and naupliar abundances: MEPS 2017 | Initial conditions and naupliar abundances of Parvocalanus crassirostris and Bestilina similis: MEPS 2017 | EAGER: Copepod nauplii | counted_total_nauplii, counted_total_nauplii_se, qPCR_Parvocalanus, qPCR_Parvocalanus_se, qPCR_Bestiolina, qPCR_Bestiolina_se |
Initial prey abundance and biomass: MEPS 2017 | Initial prey abundance and biomass: MEPS 2017 | EAGER: Copepod nauplii | initial_cells |
Integrated Euphausiid Abundance and Zooplankton Biomass | Gulf Stream Warm-Core and Cold-Core Rings integrated Euphausiid abundance and zooplankton biomass from 1970s, 1980s; column view | NAtlDarkData | abundance |
Integrated Euphausiid Abundance and Zooplankton Biomass restructured | Gulf Stream Warm-Core and Cold-Core Rings integrated Euphausiid abundance and zooplankton biomass from 1970s, 1980s | NAtlDarkData | abundance |
IrnBru MV1405 - Bacteria and Virus Abundance | Bacteria and virus abundance data from the MV1405 cruise. | Diatom Silicification | bacteria, virus |
Island benthic survey urchin density - 2014 | island benthic survey of urchin size and biomass-2014 | OA Kelp Forest Function | urchin_density |
Island benthic survey vegetation - 2014 | island benthic survey of benthic vegetation -2014 | OA Kelp Forest Function | Eualaria_fistulosa_density, Laminaria_spp_density, Laminaria_yezoensis_density, Laminaria_longipes_density, Agarum_clathratum_density, Thalassiophyllum_clathrus_density, Cymathaere_triplicata_density |
JeDI | Jellyfish Database Initiative: Global records on gelatinous zooplankton for the past 200 years | Trophic BATS | categorical_abundance, presence_absence, density_integrated |
Juan de Fuca Ridge Flank SSU rRNA gene sequences | SSU rRNA gene sequences from marine sediments, marine subseafloor, and deep seawater | microJdFR | microbial_cell_abundance |
Juvenile oyster expt: recruitment | Juvenile oyster expt: recruitment | Oyster Reef Reversal | spat_density |
KM1314 bottle | Bottle data from cruise KM1314, Aug. 8 - Sept. 4, 2013 in the northern Pacific | Nitrification and Marine Planktonic Biodiversity | abund_prok_1, abund_prok_2 |
krill | Euphausiid abundance + size distribution (MOCNESS) from LMGould | SOGLOBEC | abund_per_lenbin, abund_per_stage, abundance_species |
Krill abundance by species | Krill raw counts and abundance sorted by species, Red Sea, Jan. 2014 | Red Sea Krill | abund |
Krill abundance by tow | | Red Sea Krill | E_diomedeae_1000m3, E_sibogae_1000m3, E_sanzoi_1000m3, S_affine_1000m3, S_abbreviatum_1000m3 |
lab naupliar grazing: prey densities | Flow cytometry results for naupliar grazing experiments (laboratory) | EAGER: Copepod nauplii | abund_Peuk, abund_PE_Peuk, abund_Hbact, abund_Syn |
Lake Erie Winter Surveys 2018-2020 | Winter survey data from Lake Erie | Great Lakes Center | Nitzschia, Aphanizomenon_flos_aquae, cryptomonads, Gymnodinium_sp, chlorophytes, Asterionella, Aulacoseira_islandica, Cyanobacteria, Stephanodiscus_spp, Dinoflagellates, Fragilaria_spp, Microflagellates, Skeletonema_spp, centric_small |
Lake Erie Winter Surveys 2022 | Winter survey data from Lake Erie from Feb 2022 to Mar 2022 | Great Lakes Center | Ankistrodesmus_spp, Selestrum_spp, Asterionella_formosa, Microflagellates, Dolichospermum_spp, Actistrum_hantzschii, Oocystis_spp, Acinoccl_spp, Cryptophyta, Merismopedia_spp, Chlorobiflagellates, Surirella_s, Spermatozopsis_spp, Pyrrophyta, Aphanizomenon_flosaquae, Chlamydomos_spp, Navicula_spp, picoplankton, Chrysophyta, Dictyosphaerium_spp, Diatoma_spp, Planktolyngbya_spp, Eugnophyta, Golenkenia_spp, Stephanodiscus_bieranus, Tabellaria_spp, Aphanothece_spp, Scenedesmus_quadricatum, Tetraedron_spp, Stephanodiscus_spp, Synedra_spp, Aphanocapsa_spp, Tetrastrum_staurogeniaeforme, coccoid_chlorophytes, Aulacoseira_spp, Gomphonema_sp, Pseudanabaena, Micractinium_pusillum, Lagerhemia, Fragilaria_spp, Hippodonta_spp, Microcystis_spp, Closterium_spp, Nitzschia_sp, Phyto_centric_small, cocoid_cyanophyte, Pediastrum_spp, Staurosira_spp, Phyto_centric_large, Chroococcus_spp |
Lake Erie Winter Surveys 2023-2024 | Winter survey data from Lake Erie from Mar 2023 to May 2024 | Great Lakes Center | centric_small, Avg_Green_Algae, Nitzschia, Avg_Bluegreen, Asterionella, Avg_Diatoms, Cyanobacteria, Avg_Cryptophyta, cryptomonads, Avg_Yellow_Substances, Dinoflagellates, Avg_Total_Conc, chlorophytes, Aulacoseira_islandica, Microflagellates, Stephanodiscus_spp, Fragilaria_spp, Skeletonema_spp |
Larval abundance 2014-2016 | Larval abundance 2014-2016 | RAPID_Settlement_Hydrodynamics, Nearshore larval transport | Avg_Chthamalus_fissus_cyprids_m3, Avg_Tetraclita_rubescens_cyprids_m3, Avg_zoeae_m3, Avg_Balanus_glandula_cyprids_m3, Avg_cyphonautes_m3, Avg_Balanus_trigonus_cyprids_m3, Avg_Megabalanus_rosa_cyprids_m3, Avg_Pollicipes_polymerus_cyprids_m3, Avg_nauplii_m3 |
Larval fish abundance from Bongo plankton net tows | Larval fish abundance from Bongo plankton net tows | RAPID Anchovy Response | ind_per_cubic_m, ind_per_ten_sq_m |
lionfish and goby counts | Counts of Elacatinus gobies on Bahamian reefs with controlled lionfish densities. | Lionfish Invasion | species_group_size |
March Incubation Microscopy Cell Counts | | Phytoplankton Community Responses | Chaetoceros_mitra, Rhizosolenia_pungens, Dinoflagellates_unknown, Melosira_spp, Chaetoceros_affinis, Chaetoceros_similis, Rhizosolenia_setigera, Ditylum_brightwellii, Odontella_spp, Chaetoceros_atlanticus, Chaetoceros_spp, Flagellate_unknown, Paralia_sulcata, Chaetoceros_compressus, Chaetoceros_subtilis, Guinardia_delicatula, Pennate_unknown, Chaetoceros_costatus, Chaetoceros_winghamii, Rhizosolenia_spp, Gymnodinium_spp, Phaeocystis_spp, Chaetoceros_danicus, Coscinodiscus_spp, Rhizosolenia_styliformis_imbricata, Gyrodinium_spp, Chaetoceros_debilis, Pleurosigma_spp, Cylindrotheca_closterium, Skeletonema_spp, Heterocapsa_rotundata, Total_abundance, Chaetoceros_decipiens, Prorocentrum_spp, Thalassionema_nitzschioides, Dactyliosolen_blavyanus, Heterocapsa_triquetra, Alexandrium_sp, Chaetoceros_diadema, Protoperidinium_spp, Thalassiosira_nordenskioeldii, Dactyliosolen_fragilissimus, Leptocylindrus_danicus, Asterionellopsis_glacialis, Chaetoceros_didymus, Pseudonitzschia_spp, Thalassiosira_rotula, Diatom_unknown, Leptocylindrus_minimus, Bacteriastrum_sp, Chaetoceros_laciniosus, Rhabdonema_adriaticum, Thalassiosira_spp, Dictyocha_speculum, Licmophora_spp, Cerataulina_pelagica |
Marine VMR | Virus and Microbial Cell Abundances from Marine Samples | Phage-Bacteria-Nets | bacteria, virus |
Marsh consumer diversity effects on multifunctionality | The effect of consumer diversity on the ecosystem functioning of salt marshes. | small grazers facilitating fungal disease | live, dead, g_lost |
Masirah Island Time Series: copepod abundance | Masirah Island time series mesozooplankton abundance | CRD FLUZiE, Arabian Sea Diapausing Copepods | abundance |
Mean Plot-Level Responses | Mean plot-level responses observed in an experiment where abundance of the seaweed Gracilaria vermiculophylla was manipulated to assess impact on multiple ecosystem functions | small grazers facilitating fungal disease | Epi, EpiRich, Nrsy, NrsyRich, Infa_sr, InfaRich_sr, Wfwl_sr |
MEPS Edmunds Lasker Community Structure | Coral reef community structure on shallow reefs of St. John, US Virgin Islands, 1992-2014 | RUI-LTREB | Octo_Briareum, Octo_Total_unknown, Octo_Erythropodium, Octo_Plexaura, Octo_Pseudoplexaura, Octo_Eunicea, Octo_Plexaurella, Octo_Muricea, Octo_Muriceopsis, Octo_Antillogorgia, Octo_Gorgonia, Octo_Pterogorgia |
MEPS Edmunds Lasker Fig 2 | Coral reef abundance on shallow reefs of St. John, US Virgin Islands, 1992-2014 | RUI-LTREB | pcnt_O_annularis_Mean, pcnt_Agaricia_Smoothed, Antillogorgia_Smoothed, pcnt_O_annularis_Difference, pcnt_Branching_Porites_Mean, Erythropodium_Mean, Gorgonia_Mean, pcnt_O_annularis_Smoothed, pcnt_Branching_Porites_Difference, Erythropodium_Difference, Gorgonia_Difference, pcnt_P_aestroides_Mean, pcnt_Branching_Porites_Smoothed, Erythropodium_Smoothed, Gorgonia_Smoothed, pcnt_P_aestroides_Difference, Eunicea_Mean, Pseudoplexaura_Mean, pcnt_P_aestroides_Smoothed, Eunicea_Difference, Pseudoplexaura_Difference, pcnt_M_cavernosa_Mean, Eunicea_Smoothed, Pseudoplexaura_Smoothed, pcnt_M_cavernosa_Difference, pcnt_S_siderea_Mean, pcnt_M_cavernosa_Smoothed, pcnt_S_siderea_Difference, pcnt_Agaricia_Mean, Antillogorgia_Mean, pcnt_S_siderea_Smoothed, pcnt_Agaricia_Difference, Antillogorgia_Difference |
MEPS_2016: Fig.2A - survey | Data for Kollars etal (2016) MEPS Figure 2A: Abundance of Gracilaria and Diopatra along a tidal mudflat in Charleston Harbor, SC | Gracilaria effects | worms_m2 |
Microbial incubation diversity and geochemistry | Microbial diversity and geochemistry of marine sediment mesocosm, Cape lookout bight, North Carolina | Subsurface Organic Breakdown, IODP-347 Microbial Quantification | Archaea, Bacteria, Methanomicrobiales, Methanosarcinales |
Microbiome dynamics of coral reef and cleanerfish | Microbiome dynamics of coral reef and cleanerfish | Cleanerfish microbiomes | FCM_Peuk_mL, FCM_Hbac_mL, FCM_Pro_mL, FCM_Syn_mL |
microzoo_abundance_Ant1 | Microzooplankton abundance from temp and iron experiments on Antarctic phyto and microzooplankton | Antarctic microzooplankton , CORSACS | abundance |
microzoo_abund_NAtl | Abundance results from temperature and pCO2 experiments on North Atlantic microzooplankton. | Antarctic microzooplankton , NASB 2005 | total_microzoo, abundance |
microzoo_epi_abund | Cell abundance estimates of heterotrophic protists by size-class, based on epifluorescence microscopy. | CRD FLUZiE | abundance |
Mission Aransas Oyster Reef Communities | Mission Aransas Oyster Reef Communities | Trophic cascades | Abundance |
MIS_Benthic_Quadrats | MIS Benthic Quadrat | SCINI | abundance_m2 |
MIS_Benthic_Transect | MIS Benthic Transect | SCINI | abundance_m2 |
MIS_Midwater_Transect | MIS Midwater Transect | SCINI | Mertensiidae, white_streak, Medusazoa, white_dot, Euphausia, pink_dot |
MO - virioplankton abund-FISH probe | Virioplankton abundance at BATS site using FISH probe, 2003-2011 | Ocean Microbial Observatory | abund_Probe_Bact, abund_Probe_Bact_sd, abund_Eubac, abund_Cyano, abund_SAR11, abund_Cyt, abund_Rose |
MOC zoop AK-LTOP | AK-LTOP MOCNESS tow zooplankton abundance/biomass | NEP | abundance |
MOC1 zoop abund | MOCNESS-1 Plankton Abundances | NEP | abund |
MOC10_abund | Zooplankton abundance data from the 10m2 MOCNESS | GB | abund |
MOCNESS - Zooplankton | MOCNESS tow zooplankton abundance estimates | GATEKEEPERS | Abund, Vol |
MOCNESS plankton composition and CTD data | Species composition via MOCNESS and associated CTD information | CopesPopDynHypoZone | abundM3, abundM2, num_per_m3 |
Montagna-783256-BenthosBiomass | macrofauna biomass | Hurricane Harvey Texas Lagoons | abundance, log_abundance |
Montagna-783256-BenthosSpecies | macrofauna species abundance | Hurricane Harvey Texas Lagoons | abundance |
Montery Bay Time Series Data | | Contributions of AOA Ecotypes | nirKa_qPCR, nirKb_qPCR, amoA_qPCR, WCA_qPCR, WCB_qPCR |
MUSiCC OC1504A - Bacteria Virus and Chlorophyll Containing Cell Abundance | Abundance of bacteria viruses and chlorophyll containing cells | Diatom Silicification | bacteria, virus, chl_total |
Mussel Larvae Vertical Distribution | | GOMEPRO | num_Mytilus_sp, percent_of_Water_column_total |
MVCO CARD-FISH hybridization count results | MVCO CARD-FISH hybridization count results | Coastal Parasites | percent_infected_hosts, GrpII_dinospores_per_L, avg_cells_per_L |
Natural waters experiment with picoeukaryotes and Synechococcus | Natural waters experiment (picoeukaryotes + Synechococcus) | Grazing Saturation | Picoeukaryote_T0, Picoeukaryote_Tf, Synechococcus_T0, Synechococcus_Tf, Beads_T0, Beads_Tf |
NBST flux measurements | Carbon and nitrogen flux measurements. | RapAutParticleFlux | zoop_conc, zoop_conc_err, zoop_f, zoop_f_err |
Neocalanus Multinet | | Neocalanus Gulf of Alaska | Abundance |
Niskin plankton composition and CTD data | Species composition via niskin and associated CTD information | CopesPopDynHypoZone | number_per_m3 |
Nitrifier C fixation release | Nitrifier C fixation release | CliOMZ | Cell_abundance |
Nitrifier CN | Nitrifier CN | CliOMZ | Cell_abundance |
Northeast US Adult Fish | Adult fish of the Northeast U.S. Shelf Ecosystem: 1977-1987 and 1999-2008. | NEFSCBottomTrawl | mean_abund |
Northeast US Ichthyoplankton | Ichthyoplankton of the Northeast U.S. Shelf Ecosystem: 1977-1987 and 1999-2008. | NEFSC Ichthyoplankton | mean_abund |
Nutrient and cell count data for incubations | Nutrient and cell count data for incubations | CASA | Cell_Abundance |
Nutrient and sediment loading affect coral functionality | Nutrient and sediment loading affect coral functionality | Moorea SGD | zoox_per_cm2 |
NWACS CAMEO Database - Fishery Independent Surveys | Survey data from fishery independent surveys; part of the NWACS CAMEO database | NW_AtlEcosysConnect | abundance, abundance_SE, abundance_index, abundance_index_units, abundance_index_SE |
NWACS CAMEO Database - Landings | Data on commercial fishing catches (landings); part of the NWACS CAMEO database | NW_AtlEcosysConnect | landings_abund, landings_abund_index |
octocoral - sp. abundance and distribution | Octocorals, scleractinia, macroalgae survey - species abundance and distribution, St. John and St. Thomas, USVI, 2011 | St. John LTREB, VI Octocorals | abund_or_pcent_cover |
Octocoral abundance by genera | Surveys of octocorals from 1987-2013 | VI Octocorals, St. John LTREB | Pseudoplexaura, Gorgonia, Eunicea, Pterogorgia, Plexaurella, Plexaura, Muricea, Briareum, unknown, Muriceopsis, Erythropodium, octocorals_total, Antillogorgia |
octocoral density dependence | Density of adult and juvenile (and recruiting) octocorals on shallow reefs at multiple locations in St. John, US Virgin Islands | St. John LTREB, VI Octocorals | abundance |
octocoral survey - densities | soft coral densities (colonies m-2) counted from photoquadrats archived from LTREB efforts at the "pooled random sites" | St. John LTREB, VI Octocorals | abundance |
octocoral survey - literature review | Soft coral literature review | St. John LTREB, VI Octocorals | abundance_m2 |
OIMB Pier Zooplankton Time Series | 2014-2016 zooplankton time series, pump samples from OIMB pier | Storm larvae | FW14, E1_I, GV5, E2_A, P46, chitons_misc_and_hulless, E7_Z, Amphiodia_combined, FW8, E12_D, N_9, E4_H_barnacle_embryo, TR_12, E6_K, nauplii_barnacle, EC_10, alia_sp, GV20, E15_A, Eumida_longicornuta, E5_D, UK6, E7_E, glycera_sp, FW27, DecE10_A, GV66, E3_5, micronereis_sp, early_caliostoma_ligatum, bivalve_veligers, nereid_sp, phyllochaetopterus_prolifica, FW38, E10_M, N_14, E3_N, P68, littorina_plena, ECH_3, CN_8, GV37, E16_P, P34, E5_S, W4, E6_L, parasitic_isopod_early, FW17, E1_K, GV53, E2_B, P47, chiton_trochophore, E8_A, Ophiothrix_spiculata, FW9_2, DecE13_A, OP_2, E4_I_barnacle_embryo, TR_18, late_caliostoma_ligatum, EC_11, CN_10, GV22, E15_C, Thoracophelia_williamsi, E5_F, UK7, E7_F, onuphis_elegans, FW28, E10_B, GV68, E3_6, P59, bivalve_A_embryo, E7_Q, TR_41, fW39, E10_O, N_15, E3_P, P69, littorina_scutulata, S_purpuratus_pluteus, CN_9, GV4, E16_Q, P36, E5_T, W5, E7_0, parasitic_isopod_late, FW18, E1_L, GV54, E2_C, P48, cryptochiton, E8_B, urticina_sp, GV1, DecE13_B, OP_6, E4_U, acmaea_mitra_TR, tegula_funebralis_embryo, EC_12, CN_11, GV23, E16_A, P22, E5_G, UK9, E7_G, E3_I, FW29, E10_C, GV69, E3_A, P6, bivalve_A_early_veliger, E7_R, spionidae_sp, FW4, E11_A, N_16, E3_Q, nereis_sp2, chthamalus_dalli, FISH, CY_1, GV42, E16_R, P37, E5_U, W6, E7_AA, parasitic_barnacle1, FW19, E1_M, pyramidellid_sp_2, E2_D, P49, cyanoplax_dentiens, E8_C, a_pugetana, GV10, DecE13_C, OP_8, E5_AB, scoloplos_sp2, tegula_funebralis_veliger, EC_13, CN_13, GV24, E16_B, P23, E5_H, W1, E7_H, E2_J, FW3, E10_D, GV7, E3_B, P60, bivalve_A_late_veliger, E7_S, capitella_sp, FW40, E11_D, N_17, E3_R, P70, balanus_glandula, FISH_EMBRYO, CY_2, lacuna_vincta, E16_S, P38, E5_V, W7, E7_AB, parasitic_barnacle2, FW2, E1_N, GV56, E2_F, P50, mopalia_spp, E8_D, carcinonemertes_errans, GV13, DecE13_E, Gorgonocephalus, lottia_paradigitalis, TR_25, lottia_sp, EC_14, CN_14, GV25, E16_C, P24, E5_J, W10, E7_I, nereis_sp, FW30, E10_E, GV9, E3_C, P61, calanoid, E7_T, membranipora, FW41, E11_G, Carcinonemertes_sp_juvenile, E4_A, P71, semibalanus_cariosis, FW1, CY_3, GV44, E16_T, P39, E5_Y, W8, E7_AC, porcelain_zoea, FW20, E1_O, lacuna_sp2, E2_L, P52, mopalia_hindsii, E8_E, heteronemertea, GV14, E14_B1, P1, E5_AH, TR_28, catriona_sp, EC_17, CN_2, GV26, E16_H, P25, E5_K, W11, E7_J, hoplonemertean_embryo, FW31, E10_F, MEGALOPA, E3_D, P62, podon_leuckartii, E7_U, doliolaria_larvae, FW42, E11_J, N_3, E4_B, P73, balanus_crenatus, FW9, E1_A, GV45, E16_U, spionid_B, E5_Z, W9, E7_AD, zoea_pea, FW21, E1_P, alia_carinata, E2_N, spionid_D, lepidozona, E9_A, zygonemertes_simonae, GV15, E14_I, P10, E5_AE, TR_29, nudibranch_sp, EC_18, CN_3, hermissenda, E16_I, P26, E5_M, W12, E7_K, eupentacta_quinquesemita, FW32, E10_G, mullers_larva_1, E3_E, P63, evadne_spinifera, E7_V, amphiporus_sp, FW44, E11_K, N_4, E4_C_barnacle_embryo, P74, balanus_improvisus, FW10, E1_CTR, GV46, E16_V, scoloplos_sp, E6_C, Strongylocentrotus_purpuratus_E68, zoea, FW22, E1_Q, GV59, E2_P, P54, tonicella, E9_B, paranemertes_sp, GV16, E14_M, P11, E5_AG, spionid_F_TR, onchidoris_bilamellata, EC_5, CN_4, GV29, E16_J, P27, E5_N, W14, platynereis_bicanaliculata2, platynereis_bicanaliculata, FW33, E10_H, mullers_larva_2, E3_F, P64, evadne_nordmanni, E7_W, eupentacta_quinquesemita2, FW5, E11_L, N_5, E4_E, P75, balanus_nubilus, FW11, E1_D, GV47, E16_W, P42, E6_D, E7_B, featherduster_embryo, FW24, E1_R, GV63, E2_S, P55, placiphorella, E9_C, cerebratulus_sp, lacuna_sp, E14_P, P13, E5_AI, UK1, cadlina_sp, EC_6, coryne_eximia, GV33, E16_K, P29, E5_O, W16, E7_M, pygospio_sp, FW35, E10_I, N_1, E3_G, P65, sagitta_sp, E7_X, strongylocentrotus_purpuratus, FW6, E12_B, N_7, E4_F, P8, policipes_polymerus, FW12, E1_E, pyramidellid_sp_1, E16_X, P44, E7_C, featherduster_trochophore, FW25, E1_S, GV64, E3_1, P56, diadora_aspera_embryos, E9_E, pilidum, GV19, E14_Q, P14, E5_B, UK2, lepeta_caeca_pacifica, EC_7, CN_6, GV35, E16_M, P30, nereis_vexillosa, W17, chaetognath, sabellaria_sp, FW36, E10_K, N_10, E3_L, spionid_E, P45, total_chiton, E7_Y, allocentrotus_fragilis, FW7, E12_C, N_8, E4_G_barnacle_embryo, PC_1, barnacle_unhatched_nauplii, FW13, E1_H, GV49, E16_Y, sabellarid_sp, E5_C, UK5, E7_D, lumbrineris_cf_japonica, FW26, E1_T, GV65, E3_14, Rhynchospio_glutaea, diadora_aspera_veligers, EC_4, tubulanus_sp, GV2, E14_R, E10_L, N_12, E3_M, P67, epitonium_tinctum, ECH_11, CN_7, GV36, E16_N, P31, E5_R, W2, mytilus, E7_O, nectochaete, FW37 |
OMC_NO | Abundance and biomass for ontogenetically migrating copepods | VERTIGO | Abundance |
OUTPACE - flow cytometry cell counts | Flow cytometry cell counts obtained during the OUTPACE cruise | Photoheterotrophy in unicellular cyanobacteria | pro, syn, peuk, bacteria, protists |
Oyster density | Intertidal oyster density in Pamlico Sound, 2014-2015 | EstuarineMetaDyn | Mean_Density, Std_Dev, Std_Error |
Oyster genetic identity and parasite community structure | Oyster genetic identity and parasite community structure | Seagrass and Oyster Ecosystems | Mean_Oyster_Density, Dermo_Intensity_SQ_per_mg, SSO_Intensity_pg_per_mg |
Oyster Population Model Estimates | Population model estimates for oysters (Crassostrea virginica) in the Choptank and Little Choptank Rivers | Chesapeake Bay Oyster Fisheries | obs_spat, adult_mil, obs_small, harvest_sm, obs_mk, harvest_mk, obs_sm_b, obs_mk_b, spat, small, mk, sp_mil, sm_mil, mk_mil |
P. herbstii diet: sampling site characteristics (Eco-Evo 2015) | Biological and physical characteristics of 30 intertidal oyster reefs that were sampled for P. herbstii diet stud | Variation in Metabolic Processes | density_mussels_sm, reef_height, density_oysters_lg, density_oysters_sm, density_mussels_lg |
P. herbstii: collection sites (Ecol-Evol 2015) | Location and food items found at 30 intertidal oyster reefs that were sampled for P. herbstii diet study. Griffen & Norelli (2015) Ecol. & Evol. | Variation in Metabolic Processes | density_oysters_lg, density_oysters_sm, density_mussels_lg, density_mussels_sm, reef_height |
pangaea_zoo | Multinet zooplankton data - mostly copepods - from ANT-XII/2 | CMarZ_2004-2010 | abundance |
PAR | PAR UVP5 | GoA Particles | abundance_13_16p4_mm, abundance_102_128_um, abundance_1p29_1p63_mm, abundance_16p4_20p6_mm, abundance_128_161_um, abundance_1p63_2p05_mm, abundance_20p6_26_mm, abundance_161_203_um, abundance_2p05_2p58_mm, abundance_gt26_mm, abundance_203_256_um, abundance_2p58_3p25_mm, abundance_256_323_um, abundance_3p25_4p1_mm, abundance_323_406_um, abundance_4p1_5p16_mm, abundance_406_512_um, abundance_5p16_6p5_mm, abundance_512_645_um, abundance_6p5_8p19_mm, abundance_645_813_um, abundance_8p19_10p3_mm, abundance_0p813_1p02_mm, abundance_10p3_13_mm, abundance_1p02_1p29_mm |
Phaeocystis counts | Phaeocystis counts | TRACERS | Phaeocystis_L |
Phillips_et_al_2014 - Settlement to Rubble | Settlement of Ceraesignum (previoulsy Dendropoma) maximum to rubble within plots where the amount of live coral is manipulated (50% scarred or unmanipulated) | Vermetids_Corals | settlers_per_cm2 |
Phosphohydrolysis rates in the coastal western North Atlantic | Phosphohydrolysis rates in the coastal western North Atlantic | PolyP and P-minerals | Bacterial_abundance, Total_phytoplankton, Synechococcus_spp, Picoeukaryotic_phytoplankton, Nanoeukaryotic_phytoplankton, Large_eukaryotic_phytoplankton, Bacterial_abundance_to_Total_phytoplankton |
Phyto Growth and Grazing FCM IN2019_V03 | Phytoplankton growth and grazing from flow cytometry in the eastern Indian Ocean | BLOOFINZ-IO | Abun_Pro, Abun_Syn, Abun_Euk, Abun_Hbact |
Phytoplankton abundance from net tows and environmental data | Environmental and phytoplankton net tow data from Juneau, AK. | SEAK-AHAB | dinoflagellates, diatoms, Alexandrium_sp |
Phytoplankton abundances | Phytoplankton cell counts at 3 pCO2 levels and 2 temperatures before and after 12 month conditioning | Plankton acclimation | abundance_init, abundance_cond |
Phytoplankton phosphonate utilization | | Euk Phn Utilization | Average_Cell_abundance, SD_of_Cell_abundance |
phytoplankton taxonomy | CARIACO time series Phytoplankton taxonomy from samples collected during CTD/Niskin casts | CARIACO | Total_sum, d_1m, d_7m, d_15m, d_25m, d_35m, d_55m, d_75m, d_100m |
phytopl_epi_abund | Cell abundance estimates of eukaryotic phytoplankton by taxa and size-class, based on epifluorescence microscopy. | CRD FLUZiE | abundance |
phyto_abund_NAtl | phytoplankton abundances from temperature/pCO2 experiments on North Atlantic microzooplankton | Antarctic microzooplankton , NASB 2005 | abund_nanophyto, abund_picophyto |
phyto_temp_iron_Ant1 | Phytoplankton-related data from temp and iron experiments on Antarctic phyto and microzooplankton | Antarctic microzooplankton , CORSACS | abund_nanophyto |
Pico- and nanoplankton abundance: FCM: EN532 and EN538 | Pico- and Nanoplankton concentrations from ctd cast deployments on Endeavor 532 and Endeavor 538 | DimBio NABE | cocco_cells_per_ml, total_FC_phyto_cells_per_ml, total_het_bact_cells_per_ml |
Picocyanobacteria Sinking Aggregates: Abundances | | Marine Plankton Aggregation | Aggregate_Abundance_5_0mg_L_kaolinite2, Aggregate_Abundance_Control1, Aggregate_Abundance_Control2, Aggregate_Abundance_0_5mg_L_kaolinite1, Aggregate_Abundance_0_5mg_L_kaolinite2, Aggregate_Abundance_5_0mg_L_kaolinite1 |
Picocyanobacteria TEP: Cell Abundance | | Marine Plankton Aggregation | Cell_Abundance_rep1, Cell_Abundance_rep2 |
PlankDOM NA1 | Dissolved organic matter (DOM) and base-extracted particulate organic matter (BEPOM) collected from a plankton senescence experiment from water samples offshore of North Carolina | PlankDOM | bact_abund |
Plot Gastropod Densities | Densities of corallivorous gastropods in 36 cm × 36 cm plots | Killer Seaweeds | Abundance, Density |
Prey percent covers | Prey percent cover raw data | Sea star wasting | tot_barn, M_trossulus, canopy, M_unidentified, turf, M_recruits, crust, B_glandula, sand, S_cariosus, bare, C_dalli, free_space, P_polymerus, vertical, B_nubilus, bare_expected, barn_recruits, act_bare_vs_exp, anemones, tot_mussels, M_californianus, sponge |
Pro Syn Peuk CC Global Abundance Mean | Prochlorococcus, Synechococcus and picoeukaryotic phytoplankton yearly mean global abundance for four CMIP5 climate scenarios using an ensemble of five circulation models from 1900 to 2100 | Ocean Stoichiometry | Synechococcus_ANN_for_RCP4_5_scenario_HadGEM2_ES_Model, Synechococcus_Parametric_for_RCP2_6_scenario_NorESM1_ME_Model, Eukaryotic_phytoplankton_ANN_for_RCP8_5_scenario_NorESM1_ME_Model, Prochlorococcus_ANN_for_RCP4_5_scenario_GFDL_ESM2G_Model, Prochlorococcus_Parametric_for_RCP2_6_scenario_MPI_ESM_LR_Model, Eukaryotic_phytoplankton_ANN_for_HISTORIC_scenario_GFDL_ESM2G_Model, Eukaryotic_phytoplankton_ANN_for_RCP2_6_scenario_NorESM1_ME_Model, Synechococcus_ANN_for_HISTORIC_scenario_HadGEM2_ES_Model, Prochlorococcus_Parametric_for_RCP8_5_scenario_NorESM1_ME_Model, Synechococcus_ANN_for_RCP4_5_scenario_IPSL_CM5A_MR_Model, Synechococcus_Parametric_for_RCP4_5_scenario_GFDL_ESM2G_Model, Prochlorococcus_ANN_for_HISTORIC_scenario_GFDL_ESM2G_Model, Prochlorococcus_ANN_for_RCP4_5_scenario_HadGEM2_ES_Model, Prochlorococcus_Parametric_for_RCP2_6_scenario_NorESM1_ME_Model, Eukaryotic_phytoplankton_ANN_for_HISTORIC_scenario_HadGEM2_ES_Model, Eukaryotic_phytoplankton_ANN_for_RCP4_5_scenario_GFDL_ESM2G_Model, Synechococcus_ANN_for_HISTORIC_scenario_IPSL_CM5A_MR_Model, Synechococcus_Parametric_for_HISTORIC_scenario_GFDL_ESM2G_Model, Synechococcus_ANN_for_RCP4_5_scenario_MPI_ESM_LR_Model, Synechococcus_Parametric_for_RCP4_5_scenario_HadGEM2_ES_Model, Prochlorococcus_ANN_for_HISTORIC_scenario_HadGEM2_ES_Model, Prochlorococcus_ANN_for_RCP4_5_scenario_IPSL_CM5A_MR_Model, Prochlorococcus_Parametric_for_RCP4_5_scenario_GFDL_ESM2G_Model, Eukaryotic_phytoplankton_ANN_for_HISTORIC_scenario_IPSL_CM5A_MR_Model, Eukaryotic_phytoplankton_ANN_for_RCP4_5_scenario_HadGEM2_ES_Model, Synechococcus_ANN_for_HISTORIC_scenario_MPI_ESM_LR_Model, Synechococcus_Parametric_for_HISTORIC_scenario_HadGEM2_ES_Model, Synechococcus_ANN_for_RCP4_5_scenario_NorESM1_ME_Model, Synechococcus_Parametric_for_RCP4_5_scenario_IPSL_CM5A_MR_Model, Prochlorococcus_ANN_for_HISTORIC_scenario_IPSL_CM5A_MR_Model, Prochlorococcus_Parametric_for_HISTORIC_scenario_GFDL_ESM2G_Model, Prochlorococcus_ANN_for_RCP4_5_scenario_MPI_ESM_LR_Model, Prochlorococcus_Parametric_for_RCP4_5_scenario_HadGEM2_ES_Model, Eukaryotic_phytoplankton_ANN_for_RCP4_5_scenario_IPSL_CM5A_MR_Model, Synechococcus_ANN_for_HISTORIC_scenario_NorESM1_ME_Model, Synechococcus_Parametric_for_HISTORIC_scenario_IPSL_CM5A_MR_Model, Synechococcus_ANN_for_RCP8_5_scenario_GFDL_ESM2G_Model, Synechococcus_Parametric_for_RCP4_5_scenario_MPI_ESM_LR_Model, Prochlorococcus_ANN_for_HISTORIC_scenario_MPI_ESM_LR_Model, Prochlorococcus_Parametric_for_HISTORIC_scenario_HadGEM2_ES_Model, Prochlorococcus_ANN_for_RCP4_5_scenario_NorESM1_ME_Model, Prochlorococcus_Parametric_for_RCP4_5_scenario_IPSL_CM5A_MR_Model, Eukaryotic_phytoplankton_ANN_for_RCP4_5_scenario_MPI_ESM_LR_Model, Synechococcus_ANN_for_RCP2_6_scenario_GFDL_ESM2G_Model, Synechococcus_Parametric_for_HISTORIC_scenario_MPI_ESM_LR_Model, Synechococcus_ANN_for_RCP8_5_scenario_HadGEM2_ES_Model, Synechococcus_Parametric_for_RCP4_5_scenario_NorESM1_ME_Model, Prochlorococcus_ANN_for_HISTORIC_scenario_NorESM1_ME_Model, Prochlorococcus_Parametric_for_HISTORIC_scenario_IPSL_CM5A_MR_Model, Prochlorococcus_ANN_for_RCP8_5_scenario_GFDL_ESM2G_Model, Prochlorococcus_Parametric_for_RCP4_5_scenario_MPI_ESM_LR_Model, Eukaryotic_phytoplankton_ANN_for_HISTORIC_scenario_MPI_ESM_LR_Model, Synechococcus_Parametric_for_HISTORIC_scenario_NorESM1_ME_Model, Eukaryotic_phytoplankton_ANN_for_RCP4_5_scenario_NorESM1_ME_Model, Synechococcus_ANN_for_RCP2_6_scenario_HadGEM2_ES_Model, Prochlorococcus_Parametric_for_HISTORIC_scenario_MPI_ESM_LR_Model, Synechococcus_ANN_for_RCP8_5_scenario_IPSL_CM5A_MR_Model, Synechococcus_Parametric_for_RCP8_5_scenario_GFDL_ESM2G_Model, Prochlorococcus_ANN_for_RCP2_6_scenario_GFDL_ESM2G_Model, Prochlorococcus_ANN_for_RCP8_5_scenario_HadGEM2_ES_Model, Prochlorococcus_Parametric_for_RCP4_5_scenario_NorESM1_ME_Model, Eukaryotic_phytoplankton_ANN_for_HISTORIC_scenario_NorESM1_ME_Model, Synechococcus_Parametric_for_RCP2_6_scenario_GFDL_ESM2G_Model, Eukaryotic_phytoplankton_ANN_for_RCP8_5_scenario_GFDL_ESM2G_Model, Synechococcus_ANN_for_RCP2_6_scenario_IPSL_CM5A_MR_Model, Prochlorococcus_ANN_for_RCP2_6_scenario_HadGEM2_ES_Model, Prochlorococcus_Parametric_for_HISTORIC_scenario_NorESM1_ME_Model, Synechococcus_ANN_for_RCP8_5_scenario_MPI_ESM_LR_Model, Synechococcus_Parametric_for_RCP8_5_scenario_HadGEM2_ES_Model, Eukaryotic_phytoplankton_ANN_for_RCP2_6_scenario_GFDL_ESM2G_Model, Prochlorococcus_ANN_for_RCP8_5_scenario_IPSL_CM5A_MR_Model, Prochlorococcus_Parametric_for_RCP8_5_scenario_GFDL_ESM2G_Model, Synechococcus_ANN_for_RCP2_6_scenario_MPI_ESM_LR_Model, Synechococcus_Parametric_for_RCP2_6_scenario_HadGEM2_ES_Model, Eukaryotic_phytoplankton_ANN_for_RCP8_5_scenario_HadGEM2_ES_Model, Prochlorococcus_ANN_for_RCP2_6_scenario_IPSL_CM5A_MR_Model, Prochlorococcus_Parametric_for_RCP2_6_scenario_GFDL_ESM2G_Model, Synechococcus_ANN_for_RCP8_5_scenario_NorESM1_ME_Model, Synechococcus_Parametric_for_RCP8_5_scenario_IPSL_CM5A_MR_Model, Eukaryotic_phytoplankton_ANN_for_RCP2_6_scenario_HadGEM2_ES_Model, Prochlorococcus_ANN_for_RCP8_5_scenario_MPI_ESM_LR_Model, Prochlorococcus_Parametric_for_RCP8_5_scenario_HadGEM2_ES_Model, Synechococcus_ANN_for_RCP2_6_scenario_NorESM1_ME_Model, Synechococcus_Parametric_for_RCP2_6_scenario_IPSL_CM5A_MR_Model, Eukaryotic_phytoplankton_ANN_for_RCP8_5_scenario_IPSL_CM5A_MR_Model, Prochlorococcus_ANN_for_RCP2_6_scenario_MPI_ESM_LR_Model, Prochlorococcus_Parametric_for_RCP2_6_scenario_HadGEM2_ES_Model, Synechococcus_Parametric_for_RCP8_5_scenario_MPI_ESM_LR_Model, Eukaryotic_phytoplankton_ANN_for_RCP2_6_scenario_IPSL_CM5A_MR_Model, Prochlorococcus_ANN_for_RCP8_5_scenario_NorESM1_ME_Model, Prochlorococcus_Parametric_for_RCP8_5_scenario_IPSL_CM5A_MR_Model, Synechococcus_ANN_for_RCP4_5_scenario_GFDL_ESM2G_Model, Synechococcus_Parametric_for_RCP2_6_scenario_MPI_ESM_LR_Model, Eukaryotic_phytoplankton_ANN_for_RCP8_5_scenario_MPI_ESM_LR_Model, Prochlorococcus_ANN_for_RCP2_6_scenario_NorESM1_ME_Model, Prochlorococcus_Parametric_for_RCP2_6_scenario_IPSL_CM5A_MR_Model, Synechococcus_Parametric_for_RCP8_5_scenario_NorESM1_ME_Model, Eukaryotic_phytoplankton_ANN_for_RCP2_6_scenario_MPI_ESM_LR_Model, Synechococcus_ANN_for_HISTORIC_scenario_GFDL_ESM2G_Model, Prochlorococcus_Parametric_for_RCP8_5_scenario_MPI_ESM_LR_Model |
Pro Syn Peuk CC Global Abundance Std | Prochlorococcus, Synechococcus, and picoeukaryotic phytoplankton yearly standard deviation from mean global abundance estimated for four CMIP5 climate scenarios using an ensemble of five circulation models from 1900 to 2100 | Ocean Stoichiometry | Eukaryotic_phytoplankton_ANN_for_RCP4_5_scenario_HadGEM2_ES_Model, Prochlorococcus_Parametric_for_RCP8_5_scenario_NorESM1_ME_Model, Synechococcus_ANN_for_HISTORIC_scenario_MPI_ESM_LR_Model, Synechococcus_Parametric_for_RCP4_5_scenario_GFDL_ESM2G_Model, Synechococcus_ANN_for_RCP4_5_scenario_NorESM1_ME_Model, Prochlorococcus_ANN_for_HISTORIC_scenario_IPSL_CM5A_MR_Model, Prochlorococcus_Parametric_for_RCP2_6_scenario_NorESM1_ME_Model, Prochlorococcus_ANN_for_RCP4_5_scenario_MPI_ESM_LR_Model, Eukaryotic_phytoplankton_ANN_for_HISTORIC_scenario_HadGEM2_ES_Model, Eukaryotic_phytoplankton_ANN_for_RCP4_5_scenario_IPSL_CM5A_MR_Model, Synechococcus_Parametric_for_HISTORIC_scenario_GFDL_ESM2G_Model, Synechococcus_ANN_for_HISTORIC_scenario_NorESM1_ME_Model, Synechococcus_Parametric_for_RCP4_5_scenario_HadGEM2_ES_Model, Synechococcus_ANN_for_RCP8_5_scenario_GFDL_ESM2G_Model, Prochlorococcus_ANN_for_HISTORIC_scenario_MPI_ESM_LR_Model, Prochlorococcus_Parametric_for_RCP4_5_scenario_GFDL_ESM2G_Model, Prochlorococcus_ANN_for_RCP4_5_scenario_NorESM1_ME_Model, Eukaryotic_phytoplankton_ANN_for_HISTORIC_scenario_IPSL_CM5A_MR_Model, Eukaryotic_phytoplankton_ANN_for_RCP4_5_scenario_MPI_ESM_LR_Model, Synechococcus_Parametric_for_HISTORIC_scenario_HadGEM2_ES_Model, Synechococcus_ANN_for_RCP2_6_scenario_GFDL_ESM2G_Model, Synechococcus_Parametric_for_RCP4_5_scenario_IPSL_CM5A_MR_Model, Synechococcus_ANN_for_RCP8_5_scenario_HadGEM2_ES_Model, Prochlorococcus_Parametric_for_HISTORIC_scenario_GFDL_ESM2G_Model, Prochlorococcus_ANN_for_HISTORIC_scenario_NorESM1_ME_Model, Prochlorococcus_Parametric_for_RCP4_5_scenario_HadGEM2_ES_Model, Prochlorococcus_ANN_for_RCP8_5_scenario_GFDL_ESM2G_Model, Eukaryotic_phytoplankton_ANN_for_HISTORIC_scenario_MPI_ESM_LR_Model, Eukaryotic_phytoplankton_ANN_for_RCP4_5_scenario_NorESM1_ME_Model, Synechococcus_Parametric_for_HISTORIC_scenario_IPSL_CM5A_MR_Model, Synechococcus_ANN_for_RCP2_6_scenario_HadGEM2_ES_Model, Synechococcus_Parametric_for_RCP4_5_scenario_MPI_ESM_LR_Model, Synechococcus_ANN_for_RCP8_5_scenario_IPSL_CM5A_MR_Model, Prochlorococcus_Parametric_for_HISTORIC_scenario_HadGEM2_ES_Model, Prochlorococcus_ANN_for_RCP2_6_scenario_GFDL_ESM2G_Model, Prochlorococcus_Parametric_for_RCP4_5_scenario_IPSL_CM5A_MR_Model, Prochlorococcus_ANN_for_RCP8_5_scenario_HadGEM2_ES_Model, Eukaryotic_phytoplankton_ANN_for_HISTORIC_scenario_NorESM1_ME_Model, Eukaryotic_phytoplankton_ANN_for_RCP8_5_scenario_GFDL_ESM2G_Model, Synechococcus_Parametric_for_HISTORIC_scenario_MPI_ESM_LR_Model, Synechococcus_ANN_for_RCP2_6_scenario_IPSL_CM5A_MR_Model, Synechococcus_Parametric_for_RCP4_5_scenario_NorESM1_ME_Model, Synechococcus_ANN_for_RCP8_5_scenario_MPI_ESM_LR_Model, Prochlorococcus_Parametric_for_HISTORIC_scenario_IPSL_CM5A_MR_Model, Prochlorococcus_ANN_for_RCP2_6_scenario_HadGEM2_ES_Model, Prochlorococcus_Parametric_for_RCP4_5_scenario_MPI_ESM_LR_Model, Prochlorococcus_ANN_for_RCP8_5_scenario_IPSL_CM5A_MR_Model, Eukaryotic_phytoplankton_ANN_for_RCP2_6_scenario_GFDL_ESM2G_Model, Eukaryotic_phytoplankton_ANN_for_RCP8_5_scenario_HadGEM2_ES_Model, Synechococcus_Parametric_for_HISTORIC_scenario_NorESM1_ME_Model, Synechococcus_ANN_for_RCP2_6_scenario_MPI_ESM_LR_Model, Synechococcus_Parametric_for_RCP8_5_scenario_GFDL_ESM2G_Model, Synechococcus_ANN_for_RCP8_5_scenario_NorESM1_ME_Model, Prochlorococcus_Parametric_for_HISTORIC_scenario_MPI_ESM_LR_Model, Prochlorococcus_ANN_for_RCP2_6_scenario_IPSL_CM5A_MR_Model, Prochlorococcus_Parametric_for_RCP4_5_scenario_NorESM1_ME_Model, Prochlorococcus_ANN_for_RCP8_5_scenario_MPI_ESM_LR_Model, Eukaryotic_phytoplankton_ANN_for_RCP2_6_scenario_HadGEM2_ES_Model, Synechococcus_ANN_for_RCP2_6_scenario_NorESM1_ME_Model, Eukaryotic_phytoplankton_ANN_for_RCP8_5_scenario_IPSL_CM5A_MR_Model, Synechococcus_Parametric_for_RCP2_6_scenario_GFDL_ESM2G_Model, Prochlorococcus_ANN_for_RCP2_6_scenario_MPI_ESM_LR_Model, Synechococcus_Parametric_for_RCP8_5_scenario_HadGEM2_ES_Model, Prochlorococcus_Parametric_for_HISTORIC_scenario_NorESM1_ME_Model, Eukaryotic_phytoplankton_ANN_for_RCP2_6_scenario_IPSL_CM5A_MR_Model, Prochlorococcus_Parametric_for_RCP8_5_scenario_GFDL_ESM2G_Model, Prochlorococcus_ANN_for_RCP8_5_scenario_NorESM1_ME_Model, Synechococcus_Parametric_for_RCP2_6_scenario_HadGEM2_ES_Model, Synechococcus_ANN_for_RCP4_5_scenario_GFDL_ESM2G_Model, Eukaryotic_phytoplankton_ANN_for_RCP8_5_scenario_MPI_ESM_LR_Model, Prochlorococcus_Parametric_for_RCP2_6_scenario_GFDL_ESM2G_Model, Prochlorococcus_ANN_for_RCP2_6_scenario_NorESM1_ME_Model, Synechococcus_Parametric_for_RCP8_5_scenario_IPSL_CM5A_MR_Model, Eukaryotic_phytoplankton_ANN_for_RCP2_6_scenario_MPI_ESM_LR_Model, Prochlorococcus_Parametric_for_RCP8_5_scenario_HadGEM2_ES_Model, Synechococcus_ANN_for_HISTORIC_scenario_GFDL_ESM2G_Model, Synechococcus_Parametric_for_RCP2_6_scenario_IPSL_CM5A_MR_Model, Synechococcus_ANN_for_RCP4_5_scenario_HadGEM2_ES_Model, Eukaryotic_phytoplankton_ANN_for_RCP8_5_scenario_NorESM1_ME_Model, Prochlorococcus_Parametric_for_RCP2_6_scenario_HadGEM2_ES_Model, Prochlorococcus_ANN_for_RCP4_5_scenario_GFDL_ESM2G_Model, Synechococcus_Parametric_for_RCP8_5_scenario_MPI_ESM_LR_Model, Eukaryotic_phytoplankton_ANN_for_RCP2_6_scenario_NorESM1_ME_Model, Prochlorococcus_Parametric_for_RCP8_5_scenario_IPSL_CM5A_MR_Model, Synechococcus_ANN_for_HISTORIC_scenario_HadGEM2_ES_Model, Synechococcus_Parametric_for_RCP2_6_scenario_MPI_ESM_LR_Model, Synechococcus_ANN_for_RCP4_5_scenario_IPSL_CM5A_MR_Model, Prochlorococcus_ANN_for_HISTORIC_scenario_GFDL_ESM2G_Model, Prochlorococcus_Parametric_for_RCP2_6_scenario_IPSL_CM5A_MR_Model, Prochlorococcus_ANN_for_RCP4_5_scenario_HadGEM2_ES_Model, Synechococcus_Parametric_for_RCP8_5_scenario_NorESM1_ME_Model, Eukaryotic_phytoplankton_ANN_for_RCP4_5_scenario_GFDL_ESM2G_Model, Prochlorococcus_Parametric_for_RCP8_5_scenario_MPI_ESM_LR_Model, Synechococcus_ANN_for_HISTORIC_scenario_IPSL_CM5A_MR_Model, Synechococcus_Parametric_for_RCP2_6_scenario_NorESM1_ME_Model, Synechococcus_ANN_for_RCP4_5_scenario_MPI_ESM_LR_Model, Prochlorococcus_ANN_for_HISTORIC_scenario_HadGEM2_ES_Model, Prochlorococcus_Parametric_for_RCP2_6_scenario_MPI_ESM_LR_Model, Prochlorococcus_ANN_for_RCP4_5_scenario_IPSL_CM5A_MR_Model, Eukaryotic_phytoplankton_ANN_for_HISTORIC_scenario_GFDL_ESM2G_Model |
Prochlorococcus HOT/BATS | Five year time series of Prochlorococcus ecotype abundance at HOT and BATS sites | Prochlorococcus , C-MORE | abundance |
Prochlorococcus_narB | Abundance of Prochlorococcus cells containing gene narB at HOT and BATS | Prochloro_ecology | abundance |
Prokaryotic and eukaryotic abundance in BATS microbial communities | | Marine Plankton Aggregation | abundance |
protist abundance and biomass | Abundance and biomass of protists (based on epifluorescence counts) and bulk biomass (based on extracted chl-a). | Trophic BATS | abundance |
Protist and prokaryote cell counts | Protist numbers in subtropical North Atlantic at and below 100 m | Eukaryote Microbes NAtl | Prokaryotes, Eukaryotes |
Protist Carbon - IO | Protist carbon from microscopy samples collected in the Argo Basin of the Eastern Indian Ocean on R/V Roger Revelle cruise RR2202 from Feb to Mar 2022 | BLOOFINZ-IO | Autotrophic_microplankton_abundance, Heterotrophic_microplankton_abundance, Autotrophic_nanoplankton_abundance, Heterotrophic_nanoplankton_abundance |
Pteropod abundance and distribution | | Gulf of Maine Pteropods | from_1_lt_3, gt_3, all, lt_0pt5, from_0pt5_lt_1 |
PULSE zooplankton abundance | Zooplankton species abundance, 1999-2004: Coop. Long-term Ecological Monitoring Project (PULSE), Gulf of Maine | NEC-CoopRes | abundance |
Purple urchin density | Density of purple sea urchins along the California coast, 37.8 to 39.3 N | CHIPS | live_per_m2, empty_per_m2, prior_density_m2 |
pyrosequencing clade | Symbiodinium sequence abundance in St. John, US Virgin Islands from 1994-2010 | RUI-LTREB | Clade_HIT_Sequence_Totals, Clade_A, Clade_B, Clade_C, Clade_F, Clade_G |
Pyrosome Abundances | Pyrosome Abundances | NCC Pyrosomes | Pyro_Ab |
Pyrosomes - MOCNESS | | MEZCAL | Abundance |
qPCR data from the Cariaco Meta-Omics Cruises | qPCR data from the CAR212 and CAR216 cruises. | CariacoMetaOmics | sqrG1_dna, sqrG4_dna, nirS_dna, hzo_dna, dsrA_dna, bac16S_dna, arch16S_dna |
Quadrat counts | | PoGOMO | n |
Quantitative PCR: Field Validation | Quantitative PCR: Individuals | EAGER: Copepod nauplii | CalNaupAbundance, CycNaupAbundance, CalJuveAbundance, CycJuveAbundance |
REACH_zooplankton | Zooplankton abundance from the western Gulf of Maine at four repeated stations from 2002-2004 | REACH | abundance |
Reef biogeochemistry, metabolomics, and metagenomics | Reef biogeochemistry, metabolomics, and metagenomics | Coral Exometabolomes | Calcified_Macroalgae, Sponge, Crustose_Coralline_Algae, Turf_Algae, Cyanobacteria, Fleshy_Macroalgae, Hard_coral, Invertebrates, Non_biological, prochlorococcus_cells_per_ml, Other, synechococcus_cells_per_ml, Other_invertebrates, picoeukaryotes_cells_per_ml, Seagrass, unpigmented_cells_per_ml, Soft_coral |
RI Community Data | An archive of the fish and inveterate data from the RIDEM juvenile fin-fish survey across 6 of the Rhode Island salt ponds | Seagrass and Oyster Ecosystems | Frequency |
Rock Wall Experiment | Grazer diversity-substrate hetereogeneity manipulation experiment in Bodega Bay, CA. | Intertidal Diversity | abundance |
Rpalustris_SiderophoreConcentrations | | Bacteria Iron Siderophores | rhodopetrobactin_A, rhodopetrobactin_B |
RTqPCR data from the Cariaco Meta-Omics cruises | qPCR data from the CAR212 and CAR216 cruises. | CariacoMetaOmics | hzo_rna, dsrA_rna, bac16S_rna, arch16S_rna, sqrG1_rna, sqrG4_rna, nirS_rna |
Salp Gut Carbon Content | Salp Gut Carbon Content | Salp Food Web Ecology | Abundance_256_to_512, Abundance_quarter_to_half, Abundance_512_to_1024, Abundance_half_to_1, Abundance_1_to_2, Abundance_2_to_4, Abundance_4_to_8, Abundance_8_to_16, Abundance_16_to_32, Abundance_32_to_64, Abundance_64_to_128, Abundance_128_to_256 |
Sand City Offshore Phyto 2010 | Thirty day time series of avg daily phyto concentration in the waters just seaward of the surf zone at Sand City, CA. | Surf zone larval transport | Thalassiosira, Eucampia, Protoperidinium, Thalassionema, Odontella, Coscinodiscus, Prorocentrum_micans, Skeletonema, other_dinos, Guindardia, Corenthron, Asterionellopsis, Lauderia, Dictyocha, Phaeocystis, Stephanopyxis, Total_cells_per_L, Dissondium, PseudoN, Ditylum, Chaetoceros |
Sand City Ridge Phyto 2010 | Thirty day time series of avg daily phyto concentration over ridges in the surf zone at Sand City, CA. | Surf zone larval transport | Chaetoceros, Thalassiosira, Eucampia, Protoperidinium, Thalassionema, Odontella, Coscinodiscus, Prorocentrum_micans, Skeletonema, other_dinos, Guindardia, Corenthron, Asterionellopsis, Lauderia, Dictyocha, Phaeocystis, Stephanopyxis, Total_cells_per_L, Dissondium, PseudoN, Ditylum |
Sand City Rip Phyto 2010 | Thirty day time series of avg daily phyto concentration in rip currents at Sand City, CA. | Surf zone larval transport | Eucampia, Protoperidinium, Thalassionema, Tropidoneis, Coscinodiscus, Odontella, Skeletonema, Prorocentrum_micans, Guindardia, other_dinos, Asterionellopsis, Corenthron, Dictyocha, Lauderia, Stephanopyxis, Phaeocystis, Dissondium, Total_cells_per_L, PseudoN, Ditylum, Chaetoceros, Thalassiosira |
Sargasso Sea Plankton Aggregation: Aggregate Abundances | | Marine Plankton Aggregation | Aggregate_Abundance_Control1, Aggregate_Abundance_Control2, Aggregate_Abundance_0_5mg_Lkaolinite1, Aggregate_Abundance_0_5mg_Lkaolinite2, Aggregate_Abundance_5_0mg_Lkaolinite1, Aggregate_Abundance_5_0mg_Lkaolinite2 |
scallop_wetdry_abund | Abundance of scallops after wet or dry storage methods, 2007 data | NEC-CoopRes | abundance |
Sea urchin density Galápagos Islands | | SPONGERAPDGALPGS | Eucidaris_density |
Seagrass biomass | Fish densities and sizes, Bahamas, 2015-2016 | Fish and biogeochem hot spots | bites_per_area |
Sediment fauna and plastic | Sediment fauna and plastic, 2014-2016 | Effluent Impacts on Coastal Ecology | individ_kg_sed, plastic_kg_sed |
seep colonization | Species counts (per 200cm2) on wood, rock and biotic colonization substrates deployed for 10 months at Mound 12 on the Costa Rica margin (AT 15-59) | Seep Carbonate Ecology CROCKS II | abundance_200sqcm |
seep species abundance | species abundance on carbonate rocks collected from active and inactive sites at methane seeps on the Costa Rica and Oregon margins | Seep Carbonate Ecology CROCKS II | abundance_200sqcm |
seep transplant | species abundance from transplant expts. between active and inactive areas around methane seeps | Seep Carbonate Ecology CROCKS II | abundance_200sqcm |
Series 3A: cell abundance | Series 3A: cell abundance | Stressors on Marine Phytoplankton | SOL_B_abund, SOL_C_abund, OL_A_abund, OL_B_abund, EL_A_abund, EL_B_abund, EL_C_abund, SOL_A_abund |
Shima_Osenberg_2003 | Spatio-temporal exploration of covariation among densities, environmental characteristics and strength of density-dependent mortality of reef fish, Thalassoma hardwicke. | CDD_in_Reef_Fish | RECD, OLDER_TH, HETEROSP, PRED, SETD |
Species composition with CTD data: 5 daytrips | Species composition with CTD data: 5 daytrips | CopesPopDynHypoZone | Num_per_m3, Abund_m2 |
Sponge density and cover | Percent cover and density of sponges at multiple sites in Caribbean and Pacific from shallow to mesophotic depths | MCESponge | Abundance, Abundance_SE |
Sponge density, morphology, benthos percent cover | Sponge density, morphology, percent cover, pre- and post-hurricane | Sponge resilience | Sponge_density |
Spongivorous species abundance | Sponge species and occurrence | Sponge Chem Ecology | Pomacanthus_paru, Cantherhines_macrocerus, Sparisoma_aurofrenatum, Cantherhines_pullus, Sparisoma_chrysopterum, Canthigaster_rostrata, Sparisoma_viride, Holacanthus_ciliaris, Oreaster_reticulatus, Holacanthus_tricolor, Lactophrys_bicaudalis, Acanthostracionpolygonius, Lactophrys_triqueter, Acanthostracion_quadricornis, Pomacanthus_arcuatus |
SPOT Cell Counts | Microbial cell counts in seawater samples from SPOT cruises in 2017 | Volatile_Hydrocarbons | Pico_small, Pico_large, Pico_total, Nano, HNA_bacteria, LNA_bacteria, Total_Bacteria, Pro, Syn, Syn_HighF, Syn_total |
SPOT virus environmental | Environmental data for SPOT virus sampling | Marine Viral Dynamics, Bacterial, Archaeal, and Protistan Biodiversity, Mar. Microbial Communities | viral_abund |
SR2114 MOCNESS Net Data | SR2114 MOCNESS Net Data | N-loss in the ETNP ODZ | Auxis_sp, Preflexion, Benthosema_panamense, Flexion, Bregmaceros_bathymaster, Postflexion, Cyclothone_sp, Transformation, Diaphus_pacificus, Juv_Adult, Diogenichthys_laternatus, Dormitator_latifrons, Ophidion_sp, Opisthonema_spp, Syacium_spp, Larval_Abundance, Vinciguerria_lucetia |
Summary abundance of soft corals, stony corals, and algae on the reefs of St. John USVI 1992-2017 | | RUI-LTREB, Octocoral Community Dynamics | Abundance |
Summary sponge abundance on the coral reefs of St. John USVI 1992-2017 | | Octocoral Community Dynamics, RUI-LTREB | Abundance |
Suppl 3f: dominant microbe taxa | Dominant microbe taxa | HERBVRE | abund_dom_taxon |
Symbiont density | pre- and post-bleach symbiont density in Porites divaricata | SymBioSys | cells_mm2, cells_x10000_mm2 |
T. rotula microbiome global sample | T. rotula microbiome global sample | Diatom Gene Flow | T_rotula_Cell_Abundance |
Target site benthic survey urchin density - 2014 | Target site benthic survey urchin density - 2014 | OA Kelp Forest Function | urchin_density |
Target site benthic survey vegetation - 2014 | Target site benthic survey vegetation - 2014 | OA Kelp Forest Function | Laminaria_spp_density, Laminaria_yezoensis_density, Laminaria_longipes_density, Agarum_clathratum_density, Thalassiophyllum_clathrus_density, Cymathaere_triplicata_density, Eualaria_fistulosa_density |
TEN Fish Survey Data | Size and abundance data for fish communities across the Thalassia Experimental Network (TEN) sites | Tropicalization Seagrass Beds | abundance |
Tide Pool Community Surveys: Mobile organisms | Tide Pool Community Surveys: Mobile organisms | Sitka CO2 and Temp Expt | Abundance |
Tide Pool Community Surveys: Sessile organisms | Tide Pool Community Surveys: Sessile organisms | Sitka CO2 and Temp Expt | Abundance |
TN391 Sentry Dive Summary | TN391 Sentry Dive Summary | SALT | larvae_per_liter |
TORCH-II | Coastal water biogeochemistry along the North Atlantic coast | ROS in Hg Cycling | Synechococcus_sd, Bacteria, Bacteria_sd, Nanoeuks, Nanoeuks_sd, Picoeuks, Picoeuks_sd, Synechococcus |
Tracer data Palau corals | Palau coral nutrient transfer tracer experiments | Thermally tolerant coral | Densities |
Trawl abundance | Epibenthic trawl abundance from offshore of Aleutian Islands, 2016-2017 | Kelp Forest Ecosystem Engineer Loss | Anoplarchus_insignis, Glebocarcinus_oregonensis, Neoptilota_sp_drift, Tritonia_spp, Cottoidea_juvenile, Laminaria_longipes_drift, Ptilosarcus_gurneyi, Cup_coral_unid, Leptychaster_anomalus, Sarritor_frenatus, Bathymaster_signatus, Hemitripterus_bolini, Oregonia_gracilis, Cheiraster_Luidiaster_dawsoni, Horned_sculpin_maybe, Pododesmus_macrochisma, Actinaria_sp_3, Erimacrus_isenbeckii, Maxillopoda, Stegocephalus_sp, Aptocyclus_ventricosus, Glebocarcinus_sp, Neptunea_sp, Tunicata_sp_1, Crangonidae, Leodice_valens, Pugettia_gracilis, Dendraster_sp, Leptychaster_arcticus, Sculpin_no_ID, Bathypolypus_spp, Henricia_leviuscula_complex, Orthasterias_koehleri, Chionoecetes_bairdi, Hyas_spp, Podothecus_accipenserinus, Agonidae, Eumicrotremus_orbis, Metridium_spp, Stomphia_sp, Arctonoe_vittata, Gobiesocidae, Nereididae, Tunicata_sp_1a, Cranopsis_sp, Lepeta_sp, Pycnogonida, Dendronotus_sp, Leptychaster_pacificus, Sebastes_alutus, Bathyraja_parmifera, Henricia_sp_1, Pagurus_spp, Chionoecetes_opilio, Hypsagonus_quadricornis, Polychaeta, Agonidae_juvenile, Eupentacta_sp, Modiolus_modiolus, Strongylocentrotus_spp, Argis_sp, Gorgonocephalus_eucnemis, Octopoda_juvenile, Urticina_sp, Crepidula_sp, Lepidopsetta_bilineata, Pycnopodia_helianthoides, Diaulula_sandiegensis, Lethasterias_nanimensis, Sebastes_ciliatus, Blepsias_bilobus, Henricia_sp_2, Pandora_glacialis, Chirona_evermanni, Icelinus_borealis, Polynoidae, Ammodytes_hexapterus, Fish_larvae_no_ID, Molgula_sp, Suberites_spp, Artedius_lateralis, Gymnocanthus_galeatus, Odontohenricia_ahearnae, Velutina_spp, Crossaster_papposus, Leptasterias_Hexasterias_alaskensis, Rhamphostomella_costata, Diaulula_sp, Limneria_prolongata, Sergeant_poacher, Boltenia_ovifera, Hermissenda_sp, Pandora_wardiana, Chiton_no_ID, Isopoda, Poroclinus_rothrocki, Ammodytidae_sp, Flabellina_spp, Musculus_discors, Tachyrhynchus_sp, Aspidophoroides_monopterygius, Gymnocanthus_tricuspis, Odontohenricia_fisheri, Volutopsius_sp, Cryptacanthodes_aleutensis, Leptasterias_Hexasterias_coei_truculenta, Rocinela_angustata, Diplopteraster_multipes, Liparidae, Serripes_groenlandicus, Boreotrophon_spp, Hiatella_arctica, Patinopecten_caurinus, Chlamys_rubida, Kallymeniopsis_sp_drift, Psychrolutes_paradoxus, Ampelisca_sp, Flatfish_juvenile, Musculus_sp, Tonicella_sp, Asteroidea_no_ID, Halocynthia_aurantium, Odontohenricia_sp, Cryptonatica_spp, Leptasterias_arctica, Ronquil_no_ID, Doridoidea, Liparis_cyclopus, Similipecten_greenlandicus, Brachiopoda, Hippasteria_phrygiana, Pedicellaster_magister, Chrysaora_melanaster, Labidochirus_sp, Pteraster_marsippus, Amphiophiura_sp, Flatfish_no_ID, Myoxocephalus_polyacanthocephalus, Triglops_macellus, Atheresthes_spp, Hemilepidotus_hemilepidotus, Oenopota_sp, Crystallichthys_cyclospilus, Leptasterias_hylodes, Ronquilus_jordani, Doris_odhneri, Liparis_sp, Sipuncula_sp_1, Brachyura_no_ID, Hippoglossoides_dubius, Peltodoris_nobilis, Ciliatocardium_ciliatum, Labidochirus_splendescens, Pteraster_militaris, Amphipoda, Fusitriton_oregonensis, Myoxocephalus_scorpius, Triglops_pingelii, Rossia_pacifica, Axinella_blanca, Hemilepidotus_jordani, Ophiolimna_sp, Ctenodiscus_sp, Leptasterias_nitida, Peribolaster_biserialis, Doris_sp, Lumpenus_sagitta, Sipuncula_sp_2, Buccinidae, Hippoglossoides_elassodon, Naticidae, Triopha_catalinae, Clinocottus_sp, Lacuna_sp, Pteraster_sp, Amphiura_spp, Gadus_chalcogrammus, Cucumaria_fallax, Leptasterias_spp, Sabellidae, Bathyagonus_alascanus, Hemilepidotus_spinosus, Ophiopholis_aculeata, Ceramaster_arcticus, Hippoglossus_stenolepis, Pleurogrammus_monopterygius, Acmaea_mitra, Echinarachnius_parma, Lycodes_brevipes, Solariella_spp, Anonyx_spp, Gastropoda_sp_1, Nemertea, Tripoplax_trifida, Colus_sp, Lamellaria_sp, Pteraster_tesselatus, Cucumaria_sp, Leptocottus_armatus, Saccharina_sp_drift, Bathyagonus_nigripinnis, Hemithiris_psittacea, Ophiura_sarsii, Ceramaster_patagonicus, Hippolytidae, Plicifusus_sp, Actinaria_sp_1, Elassochirus_spp, Malacocottus_zonurus, Solaster_spp |
Trench CFUs | CFUs from Mariana and Kermadec trenches, 2014 | Mariana Perspectives | Plate_CFUs_mL_LoPress_stddev, Bulb_CFUs_mL_HiPress, Bulb_CFUs_mL_HiPress_stdev, Bulb_CFUs_mL_LoPress, Bulb_CFUs_mL_LoPress_stdev, Plate_CFUs_mL_LoPress |
Trichodesmium field metaproteomes - protein spectral counts in alternative format | | MM Proteins and Organics Tech, MM Saito, TriCoLim, Cyanobacteria Warming Responses | Tricolim_03a, JC150_07c, Tricolim_15b, JC150_03c, BATS_01d, Tricolim_18a, JC150_05b, Tricolim_19a, JC150_01a, Tricolim_16a, JC150_03a, HOT_01a, JC150_02a, JC150_07a, Tricolim_03b, BATS_01b, Tricolim_15c, JC150_04a, Tricolim_18b, JC150_05c, Tricolim_14b, Tricolim_19b, JC150_01b, Tricolim_16b, JC150_03b, HOT_01b, JC150_02b, JC150_07b, Tricolim_13a, BATS_01c, Tricolim_15d, JC150_05a, Tricolim_18c, JC150_06a, Tricolim_15a, Tricolim_19c, JC150_01c |
Trichodesmium field metaproteomes - single colony metaproteomes | | TriCoLim, MM Proteins and Organics Tech, Cyanobacteria Warming Responses, MM Saito | JC150_05b, Tricolim_18a, JC150_01a, Tricolim_19a, HOT_01a, Tricolim_16a, JC150_03a, JC150_07a, JC150_02a, JC150_07c, Tricolim_03b, BATS_01d, Tricolim_15c, JC150_04a, Tricolim_18b, Tricolim_14b, Tricolim_19b, BATS_01b, Tricolim_16b, JC150_03b, JC150_02b, JC150_05c, JC150_01b, Tricolim_13a, Tricolim_15d, JC150_05a, HOT_01b, JC150_07b, Tricolim_18c, Tricolim_15a, Tricolim_19c, BATS_01c, Tricolim_15b, JC150_03c, Tricolim_03a, JC150_06a, JC150_01c |
UK_Semibalanus_recruitment | Semibalanus balanoides recruitment surveys UK 2015-2016 | EUROWINTER2 | density_Chthamalus, density_Sbalanoides |
Urchin diameters at Sitka Sound and Torch Bay | | High latitude kelp dynamics | Frequency |
USVI Time-series | USVI Time-series | Coral Chorus | pro_per_ml, syn_per_ml, peuk_per_ml, hbact_per_ml |
Vertical Plankton Tow - VPT | Vertical Plankton Tow (VPT) data from 1997 - 2003 | NEP | abund |
Vharveyi_SiderophoreConcentrations | | Bacteria Iron Siderophores | Conc |
viral and bacterial counts | Viral and bacterial counts from filtered water, stained with SYBR Green and counted using epifluorescent microscopy. | Deep Atlantic DOM | vir_abund |
Virus production at a hydrothermal vent site | | Vent Underworld | viruses, prokaryotes |
Vitacopss: eukaryote abundance by taxon | Eukaryote plankton abundance and composition with nitrate and B vitamins from San Pedro Ocean Timeseries (SPOT), 2015 | B-vitamin plankton succession | organisms_ml, organisms_ml_sd |
VPR_ashjian_alt | Display of Video Plankton Recorder data where taxa are not diplayed in separate columns | GB | abund_L |
VPR_ashjian_alt_SO | Display of Video Plankton Recorder data where taxa are not diplayed in separate columns | Southern Ocean Krill, SOGLOBEC | abund_L |
VPR_ashjian_nonzero | Video Plankton Recorder data where abundances of zero have been removed from dipslay | GB | abund_L |
VPR_ashjian_nonzero_SO | Video Plankton Recorder data where values reported as zero or nd have been removed from display | SOGLOBEC, Southern Ocean Krill | abund_L |
VPR_ashjian_orig | Video Plankton Recorder data | GB | Pseudocalanus, Diat_Csocialis, Cope_uid, Diat_Chaetoceros, Hydroids, Pseudowegg, Diatomchain, Other, Amphipods, Cyclopoid_uid, Cerianthid, Euphausiid, Ctenophore, Calanus, Hydromedusa, Polychaete, Earlyphaeoproto, Medusa_uid, Unidentified, Phaeoproto, Algalmat, Centropages, Marinesnow, Larvacean, Oithona, Pteropod, Echinoderm, Phytoplankton, Chaetognath, Dino_Ceratium |
Warm Core Rings Stratified Euphausiid Abundance and Zooplankton Biomass | Gulf Stream Warm-Core Rings stratified euphausiid abund and zoop biomass- 1981-86 | NAtlDarkData | abundance |
Water Column Chemical and Biological Inventories | Water Column Chemical and Biological Inventories | ArcticNITRO | nasA_gene_abundance, nasA_transcript_abundance |
Wave Glider - Holographic Images | Holographic Images from LISST-Holo system | MAGI | qtrHCellsPL, qtrHChains, qtrHAggs, qtrHAggPL, qtrHAggCells, hemiCells, qtrHAggCellsPL, hemiChains, qtrRCells, hemiAggs, hemiCellsINAggs, RhizoCells, qtrHCells |
WBTS Copepod abundance per m2 | copepod abundance WBTS 2005-2016 | Calanus Persistence GoM | Pseudocalanus_spp, CI, Centropages_spp, CII, Metridia_spp, CIII, Oithona_spp, CIV, Microcalanus_spp, CV, Clauso_Para_Parvo_spp, Female, Male, Calanus_finmarchicus, Temora_spp, Calanus_hyperboreus, other_copepod_spp, Paraeucheata_spp, Nauplii |
ZEN 2014 Site Survey Data | Eelgrass 2014 Site Survey Data | ZEN 2 | SE_Total_Abund, SD_Total_Abund, Mean_Total_Abund_Mesograzers, SE_Total_Abund_Mesograzers, SD_Total_Abund_Mesograzers, Mean_Std_Total_Abund, SE_Std_Total_Abund, Mean_Shoots_Zmarina_per_m2, SD_Std_Total_Abund, SD_Shoots_Zmarina_per_m2, Mean_Std_Total_Abund_Mesograzers, SE_Shoots_Zmarina_per_m2, SE_Std_Total_Abund_Mesograzers, Mean_Total_Abund, SD_Std_Total_Abund_Mesograzers |
ZEN 2015 ECO Experiment: Crustacean Survival | Amphipod and isopod survival in global eelgrass habitats | ZEN 2 | Starting_shoot_dens, Calc_shoot_dens |
ZOO | ZOO UVP5 | GoA Particles | abun_16id, abun_80id, abun_48id, abun_112id, abun_59id, abun_123id, abun_27id, abun_91id, abun_38id, abun_102id, abun_6id, abun_70id, abun_17id, abun_81id, abun_49id, abun_113id, abun_60id, abun_124id, abun_28id, abun_92id, abun_39id, abun_103id, abun_7id, abun_71id, abun_18id, abun_82id, abun_50id, abun_114id, abun_61id, abun_125id, abun_29id, abun_93id, abun_40id, abun_104id, abun_8id, abun_72id, abun_19id, abun_83id, abun_51id, abun_115id, abun_62id, abun_126id, abun_30id, abun_94id, abun_41id, abun_105id, abun_9id, abun_73id, abun_20id, abun_84id, abun_52id, abun_116id, abun_63id, abun_127id, abun_31id, abun_95id, abun_42id, abun_106id, abun_10id, abun_74id, abun_117id, abun_21id, abun_85id, abun_53id, abun_96id, abun_64id, abun_128id, abun_32id, abun_75id, abun_43id, abun_107id, abun_11id, abun_54id, abun_118id, abun_22id, abun_86id, abun_33id, abun_97id, abun_1id, abun_65id, abun_12id, abun_76id, abun_44id, abun_108id, abun_55id, abun_119id, abun_23id, abun_87id, abun_34id, abun_98id, abun_2id, abun_66id, abun_13id, abun_77id, abun_45id, abun_109id, abun_56id, abun_120id, abun_24id, abun_88id, abun_35id, abun_99id, abun_3id, abun_67id, abun_14id, abun_78id, abun_46id, abun_110id, abun_57id, abun_121id, abun_25id, abun_89id, abun_36id, abun_100id, abun_4id, abun_68id, abun_15id, abun_79id, abun_47id, abun_111id, abun_58id, abun_122id, abun_26id, abun_90id, abun_37id, abun_101id, abun_5id, abun_69id |
zooplankton abund and stages_lmg | Zooplankton abundance + stages from MOCNESS nets, LMGould | SOGLOBEC | abundance |
zooplankton abund biomass_MOC - nbp | Zooplankton abundance + biomass from silhouettes, MOC nets, NBPalmer | SOGLOBEC, Southern Ocean Krill | abundance_total |
zooplankton abundance | hydromedusae and zooplankton abundance in Naragansett Bay timeseries | Hydromedusae trophic ecology | abundance |
Zooplankton Abundance | Abundance of zooplankton identified by major taxa | ANACONDAS | copepod_cyclopoid_lt2, doliolid_total, siphonophore_total, fish_larvae_gt2, copepod_cyclopoid_gt2, medusae_lt2, chaetognath_lt2, fish_larvae_total, copepod_cyclopoid_total, medusae_gt2, amphipod_lt2, chaetognath_gt2, decapod_lt2, medusae_total, chaetognath_total, decapod_gt2, polychaete_lt2, copepod_calanoid_lt2, decapod_total, polychaete_gt2, copepod_calanoid_gt2, euphausiid_lt2, ostracod_lt2, polychaete_total, copepod_calanoid_total, euphausiid_gt2, ostracod_gt2, pteropod_lt2, copepod_harpacticoid_lt2, euphausiid_total, ostracod_total, pteropod_gt2, copepod_harpacticoid_gt2, doliolid_lt2, siphonophore_lt2, pteropod_total, copepod_harpacticoid_total, doliolid_gt2, siphonophore_gt2, fish_larvae_lt2 |
Zooplankton abundance and size from Bongo plankton net tows | Zooplankton abundance and size from Bongo plankton net tows | RAPID Anchovy Response | ind_per_cubic_m |
zooplankton counts and abundances | Zooplankton counts and abundances from net tows in Trondheimsfjord, Norway in spring 2012 | Calanus_Diapause | abund |
Zooplankton from hypoxic waters of Chesapeake Bay | Zooplankton - esp. copepods - from hypoxic waters of the Chesapeake Bay | DeZoZoo | abund_m3, abund_m2 |
zooplankton_taxonomy | Zooplankton taxonomic data from MOCNESS and IONESS tows | VERTIGO | tax_dens |
Zoo_DMC_2007-2011 | Abundance and composition of the zooplankton community at the Darling Marine Center Monitoring stations. | DMC | abundance |
Zoo_DMC_2007-2011_Columns | Abundance and composition of the zooplankton community at the Darling Marine Center Monitoring stations - Columnar view | DMC | abundance |
zoo_MOC_GoM | Zooplankton (including Calanus finmarchicus stages) abundance and biomass from MOCNESS tows, Gulf of Maine | GB | abund |