Adult Black Sea Bass (Centropristis striata) winter survival and lipid accumulation under varying diet and temperature conditions from a laboratory mesocosm experiment (Oct 2022 to Apr 2023) with individuals collected in Long Island Sound | Whole body wet weight at experiment start
| wW0 |
Adult Black Sea Bass (Centropristis striata) winter survival and lipid accumulation under varying diet and temperature conditions from a laboratory mesocosm experiment (Oct 2022 to Apr 2023) with individuals collected in Long Island Sound | Whole body wet weight at experiment end
| wWF |
Zooplankton biomass measured from net tows conducted during ongoing monthly cruises, from April 1994 to June 2024, at the Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study (BATS) site in the Sargasso Sea | zooplankton wet weight; 200 to 500 microns
| wetwt_0200 |
Zooplankton biomass measured from net tows conducted during ongoing monthly cruises, from April 1994 to June 2024, at the Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study (BATS) site in the Sargasso Sea | zooplankton wet weight; 500 to 1000 microns
| wetwt_0500 |
Zooplankton biomass measured from net tows conducted during ongoing monthly cruises, from April 1994 to June 2024, at the Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study (BATS) site in the Sargasso Sea | zooplankton wet weight; 1000 to 2000 microns
| wetwt_1000 |
Zooplankton biomass measured from net tows conducted during ongoing monthly cruises, from April 1994 to June 2024, at the Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study (BATS) site in the Sargasso Sea | zooplankton wet weight; 2000 to 5000 microns
| wetwt_2000 |
Zooplankton biomass measured from net tows conducted during ongoing monthly cruises, from April 1994 to June 2024, at the Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study (BATS) site in the Sargasso Sea | zooplankton wet weight; gt 5000 microns
| wetwt_5000 |
Path analysis, run in Stata v. 11.1, for direct/indirect effects of upwelling on seabirds; data were collected at Dassen and Robben Islands, Malgas Island and in Lamberts Bay, South Africa | Total anchovy biomass for the southwestern Benguela Current Ecosystem along the west coast of South Africa southeast through Cape Agulhas. Sampling season: November.
| anc_tot_biomass |
Path analysis, run in Stata v. 11.1, for direct/indirect effects of upwelling on seabirds; data were collected at Dassen and Robben Islands, Malgas Island and in Lamberts Bay, South Africa | Total sardine biomass for the southwestern Benguela Current Ecosystem along the west coast of South Africa southeast through Cape Agulhas. Sampling season: November.
| sar_tot_biomass |
Biomass and density data from in and outside of an MPA in Viti Levu, Fiji from 2010-2012 (Killer Seaweeds project) | Biomass of fish observed
| biomass |
Biomass of fish feeding groups on reefs in Viti Levu, Fiji from 2010-2012 (Killer Seaweeds project) | Biomass of fish observed
| biomass |
AK-LTOP CalVET Net Tow counts and biomass collected from multiple cruises from the Northeast Pacific, 1997-2001 (NEP project) | wet weight of a specific taxa/group identified
| biomass_g |
Coral (Porites rus) calcification and chemistry data from outdoor flumes at the UCB Gump Research Station Moorea, French Polynesia in April and March of 2012 | biomass
| biomass |
Physiology measurements on collected coral pairs from Kaneohe Bay, Oahu, HI between July and December 2019 | Coral fragment biomass
| BM |
Experimental coral physiological and δ15N isotopic measurements in October 2012 at Reef Systems Coral Farm, Ohio. | The ash-free dry weight of the whole tissue (animal host and algal endosymbiont) standardized to surface area
| Tissue_Biomass |
Montipora capitata and Porites compressa Physiological Measurements for Experimental Corals and Parent Colonies from 2014-2015 (RAPID Hawaii project) | Total biomass of sample.
| Total_biomass |
Physiological parameters of three corals species collected from Hawaii and exposed to four treatment conditions for 22-months as part of a mesocosm experiment | tissue biomass of each fragment
| biomass_mg_cm_2 |
Physiological parameters of eight corals species surveyed from six locations around O'ahu, HI from August to November of 2015 | Tissue biomass of each fragment
| biomass |
Infauna biomass from seagrass bed core samples collected in Back Sound, North Carolina in June and July of 2013 | Abra lioica biomass (dry weight of all individuals) within the core [Abra lioica; aphiaID:156730]
| Abra_lioica |
Infauna biomass from seagrass bed core samples collected in Back Sound, North Carolina in June and July of 2013 | Acteocina canaliculata biomass (dry weight of all individuals) within the core [Acteocina canaliculata; aphiaID:160065]
| Acteocina_canaliculata |
Infauna biomass from seagrass bed core samples collected in Back Sound, North Carolina in June and July of 2013 | Alpheus heterochaelis biomass (dry weight of all individuals) within the core [Alpheus heterochaelis; aphiaID:158348]
| Alpheus_heterochaelis |
Infauna biomass from seagrass bed core samples collected in Back Sound, North Carolina in June and July of 2013 | Amphicteis gunneri biomass (dry weight of all individuals) within the core [Amphicteis gunneri; aphiaID:129784]
| Amphicteis_gunneri |
Infauna biomass from seagrass bed core samples collected in Back Sound, North Carolina in June and July of 2013 | Amphioplus abditus biomass (dry weight of all individuals) within the core [Amphioplus (Amphioplus) abditus; aphiaID:244985]
| Amphioplus_abditus |
Infauna biomass from seagrass bed core samples collected in Back Sound, North Carolina in June and July of 2013 | Amphipod biomass (dry weight of all individuals) within the core [Amphipoda; aphiaID:1135]
| Amphipod |
Infauna biomass from seagrass bed core samples collected in Back Sound, North Carolina in June and July of 2013 | Amphitrite sp. biomass (dry weight of all individuals) within the core [Amphitrite; aphiaID:129686]
| Amphitrite_sp |
Infauna biomass from seagrass bed core samples collected in Back Sound, North Carolina in June and July of 2013 | Anadara brasiliana biomass (dry weight of all individuals) within the core [Anadara brasiliana; aphiaID:504322]
| Anadara_brasiliana |
Infauna biomass from seagrass bed core samples collected in Back Sound, North Carolina in June and July of 2013 | Anadara transversa biomass (dry weight of all individuals) within the core [Anadara transversa; aphiaID:156734]
| Anadara_transversa |
Infauna biomass from seagrass bed core samples collected in Back Sound, North Carolina in June and July of 2013 | Arabella iricolor biomass (dry weight of all individuals) within the core [Arabella iricolor; aphiaID:129854]
| Arabella_iricolor |
Infauna biomass from seagrass bed core samples collected in Back Sound, North Carolina in June and July of 2013 | Argopecten gibbus biomass (dry weight of all individuals) within the core [Argopecten gibbus; aphiaID:394271]
| Argopecten_gibbus |
Infauna biomass from seagrass bed core samples collected in Back Sound, North Carolina in June and July of 2013 | Artacama proboscidea biomass (dry weight of all individuals) within the core [Artacama proboscidea; aphiaID:131482]
| Artacama_proboscidea |
Infauna biomass from seagrass bed core samples collected in Back Sound, North Carolina in June and July of 2013 | Astyris lunata biomass (dry weight of all individuals) within the core [Astyris lunata; aphiaID:160102]
| Astyris_lunata |
Infauna biomass from seagrass bed core samples collected in Back Sound, North Carolina in June and July of 2013 | Bittiolum varium biomass (dry weight of all individuals) within the core [Bittiolum varium; aphiaID:160174]
| Bittiolum_varium |
Infauna biomass from seagrass bed core samples collected in Back Sound, North Carolina in June and July of 2013 | Boonea sp. biomass (dry weight of all individuals) within the core [Boonea; aphiaID:397023]
| Boonea_sp |
Infauna biomass from seagrass bed core samples collected in Back Sound, North Carolina in June and July of 2013 | Brachidontes exustus biomass (dry weight of all individuals) within the core [Brachidontes exustus; aphiaID:397026]
| Brachidontes_exustus |
Infauna biomass from seagrass bed core samples collected in Back Sound, North Carolina in June and July of 2013 | Callinectes sapidus biomass (dry weight of all individuals) within the core [Callinectes sapidus; aphiaID:107379]
| Callinectes_sapidus |
Infauna biomass from seagrass bed core samples collected in Back Sound, North Carolina in June and July of 2013 | Callinectes similis biomass (dry weight of all individuals) within the core [Callinectes similis; aphiaID:158055]
| Callinectes_similis |
Infauna biomass from seagrass bed core samples collected in Back Sound, North Carolina in June and July of 2013 | Capitellidae biomass (dry weight of all individuals) within the core [Capitellidae; aphiaID:921]
| Capitellidae |
Infauna biomass from seagrass bed core samples collected in Back Sound, North Carolina in June and July of 2013 | Caprella penantis biomass (dry weight of all individuals) within the core [Caprella penantis; aphiaID:101846]
| Caprella_penantis |
Infauna biomass from seagrass bed core samples collected in Back Sound, North Carolina in June and July of 2013 | Caryocorbula contracta biomass (dry weight of all individuals) within the core [Caryocorbula contracta; aphiaID:420977]
| Caryocorbula_contracta |
Infauna biomass from seagrass bed core samples collected in Back Sound, North Carolina in June and July of 2013 | Ceratonereis spp. biomass (dry weight of all individuals) within the core [Ceratonereis; aphiaID:129372]
| Ceratonereis_spp |
Infauna biomass from seagrass bed core samples collected in Back Sound, North Carolina in June and July of 2013 | Chaetopleura sp. biomass (dry weight of all individuals) within the core [Chaetopleura; aphiaID:138086]
| Chaetopleura_sp |
Infauna biomass from seagrass bed core samples collected in Back Sound, North Carolina in June and July of 2013 | Chioneryx grus biomass (dry weight of all individuals) within the core [Chioneryx grus; aphiaID:507508]
| Chioneryx_grus |
Infauna biomass from seagrass bed core samples collected in Back Sound, North Carolina in June and July of 2013 | Chione cancellata biomass (dry weight of all individuals) within the core [Chione cancellata; aphiaID:397040]
| Chione_cancellata |
Infauna biomass from seagrass bed core samples collected in Back Sound, North Carolina in June and July of 2013 | Clymenella torquata biomass (dry weight of all individuals) within the core [Clymenella torquata; aphiaID:130279]
| Clymenella_torquata |
Infauna biomass from seagrass bed core samples collected in Back Sound, North Carolina in June and July of 2013 | Costoanachis avara biomass (dry weight of all individuals) within the core [Costoanachis avara; aphiaID:160222]
| Costoanachis_avara |
Infauna biomass from seagrass bed core samples collected in Back Sound, North Carolina in June and July of 2013 | Crepidula convexa biomass (dry weight of all individuals) within the core [Crepidula convexa; aphiaID:160228]
| Crepidula_convexa |
Infauna biomass from seagrass bed core samples collected in Back Sound, North Carolina in June and July of 2013 | Crepidula maculosa biomass (dry weight of all individuals) within the core [Crepidula maculosa; aphiaID:419704]
| Crepidula_maculosa |
Infauna biomass from seagrass bed core samples collected in Back Sound, North Carolina in June and July of 2013 | Cumingia tellinoides biomass (dry weight of all individuals) within the core [Cumingia tellinoides; aphiaID:156823]
| Cumingia_tellinoides |
Infauna biomass from seagrass bed core samples collected in Back Sound, North Carolina in June and July of 2013 | Cyathura polita biomass (dry weight of all individuals) within the core [Cyathura polita; aphiaID:157847]
| Cyathura_polita |
Infauna biomass from seagrass bed core samples collected in Back Sound, North Carolina in June and July of 2013 | Dallocardia muricata biomass (dry weight of all individuals) within the core [Dallocardia muricata; aphiaID:381280]
| Dallocardia_muricata |