NOAA EPOCS mooring PR07 Multi-Variate Moored Systems data at 10m from the Equatorial Pacific in 1992 during the U.S. JGOFS Equatorial Pacific (EqPac) project | chlorophyll-a from stimulated fluoresence
| chl_a |
Data from two Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) 24-hour feeding experiments under ambient temperature and pCO2, ambient temperature and elevated pCO2, and elevated temperature and pCO2. | Concentration of chlorophyll a determined fluorometrically from subsamples of filtered seawater in each experimental bottle during the experiment
| Chlorophyll_a |
4Hz data from 12 Wire Flyer deployments conducted on R/V Sikuliaq cruise SKQ201701S in the Eastern Tropical North Pacific from January to February 2017 | chlorophyll
| Chlorophyll_ug_per_L |
ECOpuck Fluorometer data from 12 Wire Flyer deployments conducted on R/V Sikuliaq cruise SKQ201701S in the Eastern Tropical North Pacific from January to February 2017 | chlorophyll
| chl |
ECOpuck Fluorometer data from 12 Wire Flyer deployments conducted on R/V Sikuliaq cruise SKQ201701S in the Eastern Tropical North Pacific from January to February 2017 | raw chl-a reading
| chl_counts |
Grazing rates of Euphausia crystallorophias from RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer NBP1801 in the Ross Sea, Jan.-Feb. 2018 | Experiment 1: chlorophyll a concentration of individual krill measured with a Turner 10-AU fluorometer
| E1_Chlorophyll_a_ug_L |
Grazing rates of Euphausia crystallorophias from RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer NBP1801 in the Ross Sea, Jan.-Feb. 2018 | Experiment 2: chlorophyll a concentration of individual krill measured with a Turner 10-AU fluorometer
| E2_Chlorophyll_a_ug_L |
Grazing rates of Euphausia crystallorophias from RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer NBP1801 in the Ross Sea, Jan.-Feb. 2018 | Experiment 3: chlorophyll a concentration of individual krill measured with a Turner 10-AU fluorometer
| E3_Chlorophyll_a_ug_L |
Grazing rates of Euphausia crystallorophias from RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer NBP1801 in the Ross Sea, Jan.-Feb. 2018 | Experiment 4: chlorophyll a concentration of individual krill measured with a Turner 10-AU fluorometer
| E4_Chlorophyll_a_ug_L |
4Hz data from 8 Wire Flyer deployments conducted on R/V Atlantis cruise AT42-03 in the Costa Rica Margin from October to November 2018 | chlorophyll
| Chlorophyll_ug_per_L |
ECOpuck Fluorometer data from 8 Wire Flyer deployments conducted on R/V Atlantis cruise AT42-03 in the Costa Rica Margin from October to November 2018 | chlorophyll
| chl |
ECOpuck Fluorometer data from 8 Wire Flyer deployments conducted on R/V Atlantis cruise AT42-03 in the Costa Rica Margin from October to November 2018 | raw chl-a reading
| chl_counts |
NOAA EPOCS mooring PR07 Multi-Variate Moored Systems data at 25m from the Equatorial Pacific in 1992 during the U.S. JGOFS Equatorial Pacific (EqPac) project | chlorophyll-a from stimulated fluoresence
| chl_a |
Estimated feeding rates of adult and nauplius copepod species on three phytoplankton species from the San Francisco estuary in 2013 | gut pigment content
| chl_equiv_ng |
Depth profiles in the euphotic zone of nitrate, silicate, and phosphate concentrations and profiles of silicic acid uptake rates from EXPORTS cruise DY131 in the North Atlantic during May 2021 | chlorophyll a in micrograms per liter for the 0.6 to 5 micrometer (um) size fraction
| chl_a_0_6um_to_5um |
Depth profiles in the euphotic zone of nitrate, silicate, and phosphate concentrations and profiles of silicic acid uptake rates from EXPORTS cruise DY131 in the North Atlantic during May 2021 | chlorophyll a in micrograms per litre for the size fraction of 5 micrometers (um) and greater
| chl_a_gt_5um |
NOAA EPOCS mooring PR07 Multi-Variate Moored Systems data at 45m from the Equatorial Pacific in 1992 during the U.S. JGOFS Equatorial Pacific (EqPac) project | chlorophyll-a from stimulated fluoresence
| chl_a |
NOAA EPOCS mooring PR07 Multi-Variate Moored Systems data at 80m from the Equatorial Pacific in 1992 during the U.S. JGOFS Equatorial Pacific (EqPac) project | chlorophyll-a from stimulated fluoresence
| chl_a |
Dissolved Fe and Sc concentrations, chlorophyll, nutrients from a scandium incubation experiment during the PUPCYCLE I R/V Oceanus cruise 1905B in the California Current System in 2019 | Chlorophyll concentration for the greater than 0.7 micrometers size fraction
| Chl_gt_0pt7um |
Dissolved Fe and Sc concentrations, chlorophyll, nutrients from a scandium incubation experiment during the PUPCYCLE I R/V Oceanus cruise 1905B in the California Current System in 2019 | Chlorophyll concentration for the greater than 5 micrometers size fraction
| Chl_gt_5um |
Physical environmental data from Little Lagoon, Alabama collected from 2012-2013. | Average sediment chlorophyll-a content from all sites
| avg_sediment_chla |
Physical environmental data from Little Lagoon, Alabama collected from 2012-2013. | Standard error of average sediment chlorophyll-a content
| avg_sediment_chla_SE |
Physical environmental data from Little Lagoon, Alabama collected from 2012-2013. | Average water column cholorphyll-a content from all sites
| avg_waterColumn_chla |
Physical environmental data from Little Lagoon, Alabama collected from 2012-2013. | Standard error of average water column chlorophyll-a content
| avg_waterColumn_chla_SE |
Physical environmental data from Little Lagoon, Alabama collected from 2012-2013. | Sediment chlorophyll-a content from the site East location of site is 30.253347, -87.724729
| East_sediment_chla |
Physical environmental data from Little Lagoon, Alabama collected from 2012-2013. | Standard error of sediment chlorophyll-a content.
| East_sediment_chla_SE |
Physical environmental data from Little Lagoon, Alabama collected from 2012-2013. | Sediment chlorophyll-a content from the site Mouth; location of site is 30.243683, -87.738407
| Mouth_sediment_chla |
Physical environmental data from Little Lagoon, Alabama collected from 2012-2013. | Standard error of sediment chlorophyll-a content.
| Mouth_sediment_chla_SE |
Physical environmental data from Little Lagoon, Alabama collected from 2012-2013. | Sediment chlorophyll-a content from the site West location of site is 30.247181, -87.767856
| West_sediment_chla |
Physical environmental data from Little Lagoon, Alabama collected from 2012-2013. | Standard error of sediment chlorophyll-a content.
| West_sediment_chla_SE |
Concentrations of acrylate and dimethylsulphoniopropionate from the surface of coral reefs sampled in Moorea, French Polynesia in April 2018 | Concentration of Chlorophyll a
| Chl_a |
Microbial abundance, activity, and nutrient concentrations in Delaware Bay from R/V Hugh R. Sharp HRS090706DK in the Delaware Bay from July 2009 (Active bacteria in surface waters project) | chlorophyl-a concentration
| chl_a |
Depth profile data from R/V Atlantic Explorer AE1319 in the NW Atlantic from Aug-Sept. 2013 | Chlorophyll a concentration; measured off a CTD platform
| CTD_Chla |
Chlorophyll a concentrations measured along the cruise track of AE1812 which transected from the Sargasso Sea to Coastal Rhode Island during May 2018. | Chlorophyll a concentration
| chla |
Chlorophyll a concentrations from addition incubation experiments performed aboard AE1812 while transecting from the Sargasso Sea to Coastal Rhode Island in May 2018. | Chlorophyll a concentration
| chla |
Advanced Laser Fluorescence Analyzer (ALFA) data from the Indonesian Through Flow Region from the R/V Roger Ravelle (RR2201) from January to March 2022 | Chlorophyll a
| Chl_a |
Advanced Laser Fluorescence Analyzer (ALFA) data from the western Arabian Sea acquired on the R/V Roger Ravelle in June 2023 | Chlorophyll a
| Chl_a |
ChemTax based chl-a of algal groups from R/V Atlantic Explorer cruises AE1102, AE1118, AE1206, AE1219 in the Sargasso Sea, Bermuda Atlantic Time-Series Station (BATS) from 2011-2012 (Trophic BATS project) | Contribution by cryptophytes to total community composition measured in ug/L of Chlorophyll-a.
| cryptophytes |
ChemTax based chl-a of algal groups from R/V Atlantic Explorer cruises AE1102, AE1118, AE1206, AE1219 in the Sargasso Sea, Bermuda Atlantic Time-Series Station (BATS) from 2011-2012 (Trophic BATS project) | Contribution by cyanobacteria to total community composition measured in ug/L of Chlorophyll-a.
| cyanobacteria |
ChemTax based chl-a of algal groups from R/V Atlantic Explorer cruises AE1102, AE1118, AE1206, AE1219 in the Sargasso Sea, Bermuda Atlantic Time-Series Station (BATS) from 2011-2012 (Trophic BATS project) | Contribution by diatoms to total community composition measured in ug/L of Chlorophyll-a.
| diatoms |
ChemTax based chl-a of algal groups from R/V Atlantic Explorer cruises AE1102, AE1118, AE1206, AE1219 in the Sargasso Sea, Bermuda Atlantic Time-Series Station (BATS) from 2011-2012 (Trophic BATS project) | Contribution by dinoflagellates to total community composition measured in ug/L of Chlorophyll-a.
| dinoflagellates |
ChemTax based chl-a of algal groups from R/V Atlantic Explorer cruises AE1102, AE1118, AE1206, AE1219 in the Sargasso Sea, Bermuda Atlantic Time-Series Station (BATS) from 2011-2012 (Trophic BATS project) | Contribution by haptophytes to total community composition measured in ug/L of Chlorophyll-a.
| haptophytes |
ChemTax based chl-a of algal groups from R/V Atlantic Explorer cruises AE1102, AE1118, AE1206, AE1219 in the Sargasso Sea, Bermuda Atlantic Time-Series Station (BATS) from 2011-2012 (Trophic BATS project) | Contribution by pelagophytes to total community composition measured in ug/L of Chlorophyll-a.
| pelagophytes |
ChemTax based chl-a of algal groups from R/V Atlantic Explorer cruises AE1102, AE1118, AE1206, AE1219 in the Sargasso Sea, Bermuda Atlantic Time-Series Station (BATS) from 2011-2012 (Trophic BATS project) | Contribution by prasinophytes to total community composition measured in ug/L of Chlorophyll-a.
| prasinophytes |
CTD sample bottle water chemistry (macronutrients, chlorophyll) measurements from R/V Wecoma multiple cruises in the Northeast Pacific coastal waters off states of Washington and Oregon from 2004 to 2006 (RISE project) | CHLOROPHYLL A
| CHL |
All bottle data collected from cruises W0306A, W0308C, AT11-17, AT11-30, TUIM14MV, TN200 from the Coastal Waters off Washington State and Vancouver Island; 2004-2006 (ECOHAB-PNW project) | Chlorophyll-a
| Chl_a |
Ammonia-nitrite-nitrate assays from R/V Clifford A. Barnes cruises CB921, CB924, CB928, CB933, CB944 from the East Sound, Hood Canal; 2008-2010 (Marine Nitrogen Cycle project) | Chl
| Chl |
Surface pCO2, bottle-corrected Chl a, and shipboard wind speed from cruises conducted during 2010, 2011, and 2012 off the Northeast coast of Brazil in the Amazon River Plume as part of the ANACONDAS project | Chlorophyll a concentration
| Chl_a |
Chlorophyll a concentrations from addition incubation experiments performed on AR16 from May 2017 in the Sargasso Sea | Chlorophyll a concentration
| chla |
Chlorophyll a concentrations along the cruise track of AR16 from May 2017 in the Sargasso Sea | Chlorophyll a concentration
| chla |