32Si and 14C production data (experimental) from EXPORTS cruise RR1813 on R/V Roger Revelle in the Subarctic North Pacific near Station PAPA from August to September 2018 | event number from R2R event log
| Event_num |
Results of measurements of the oxidation of 15N supplied as ammonia, urea, putrescine or nitrite in samples collected from continental shelf waters west of the Antarctic Peninsula on cruise LMG1801 from January to February 2018 | Sequential numbers keyed to the bridge log of activities
| Event_Log_Number |
Seawater properties and biogeochemical parameters of bottom boundary layer samples collected aboard the R/V Oceanus during ten cruises from 2017-2019 from the Oregon shelf and slope. | cruise event
| Event |
234Th (dpm/L) from R/V Knorr KN197-08 in the Amazon River plume, NE coast of South America from May to June 2010 (ANACONDAS project) | Event number = station_event_number at bottle trip
| Event |
Results from nutrient limitation assessments quantifying the level of Si, N, and Fe stress being experienced by phytoplankton in samples collected on EXPORTS cruise DY131 in the North Atlantic during May 2021 | event number from R2R event log
| Event |
Depth profiles in the euphotic zone of nitrate, silicate, and phosphate concentrations and profiles of silicic acid uptake rates from EXPORTS cruise DY131 in the North Atlantic during May 2021 | event number from R2R event log
| Event |
32Si data from EXPORTS cruise RR1813 on R/V Roger Revelle in the Subarctic North Pacific near Station PAPA from August to September 2018 | event number from R2R event log
| Event_num |
Pilot study with three unique genotypes of Acropora cervicornis coral to determine survival probability after exposure to temperature treatments at Mote Marine Laboratory in September and October 2019 | Description of event
| Event |
Aggregates from R/V Thomas G. Thompson cruise TT012 in the Equatorial Pacific in 1992 during the U.S. JGOFS Equatorial Pacific (EqPac) project | event number from event log
| event |
Aggregates from R/V Thomas G. Thompson TT050, TT054 cruises in the Arabian Sea in 1995 (U.S. JGOFS Arabian Sea project) | event number from event log
| event |
All bottle data collected from cruises W0306A, W0308C, AT11-17, AT11-30, TUIM14MV, TN200 from the Coastal Waters off Washington State and Vancouver Island; 2004-2006 (ECOHAB-PNW project) | Name assigned to the sampling event (BKT=bucket; CTD=conductivity;temperature;depth; NET=net tow)
| Event |
Suspended particle amino acid conc. from MULVFS pump samples from R/V Thomas G. Thompson cruises TT007, TT011 in the Equatorial Pacific in 1992 during the U.S. JGOFS Equatorial Pacific (EqPac) project | event number from event log
| event |
High-sensitivity euphotic zone ammonium data from R/V Thomas G. Thompson cruises TT007, TT011 in the Equatorial Pacific in 1992 during the U.S. JGOFS Equatorial Pacific (EqPac) project | event number, a unique assigned to each sampling operation, a concatenation of date and time (MMDDHHmm)
| event |
High-sensitivity euphotic zone ammonium from R/V Thomas G. Thompson TT043, TT053 cruises in the Arabian Sea in 1995 (U.S. JGOFS Arabian Sea project) | event number, from event log
| event |
Ambient ammonium and urea concentrations from RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer NBP-96-4A, NBP-97-1, NBP-97-3, NBP-97-8 cruises in the Southern Ocean in 1997 (U.S. JGOFS AESOPS project) | event number from event log
| event |
Anemone observation log including such as depth, species, and size from coastal reefs of Ormoc Bay, Leyte, Philippines, 2012-2018 | unique identifier of observation event (whole number), links to the clownfish table
| anem_table_id |
CTD data from R/V Atlantis cruise AT18-02 in the Gulf of Mexico Macondo wellhead area in Nov-Dec 2010 (DWH_Deep_Microbes project) | Unique event number. The first one or two digits (before the decimal) are the station number.
| event |
Jason sample event log from the R/V Atlantis (AT21-02) cruise in the Barbados seeps, Intra-American Sea during June 2012 (SEEPC project) | unique ID for each sampling event of a dive
| event |
Specimen log from Jason dives collected from the R/V Atlantis (AT21-02) cruise in the Barbados seeps, Intra-American Sea during June 2012 (SEEPC project) | event number
| event |
Bacteria production & abundance from R/V Thomas G. Thompson cruises TT008, TT012 in the Equatorial Pacific in 1992 during the U.S. JGOFS Equatorial Pacific (EqPac) project | event number per event log
| event |
Bacteria abundance and thymidine/leucine incorporation from R/V Thomas G. Thompson TT043, TT045, TT049, TT054 cruises in the Arabian Sea in 1995 (U.S. JGOFS Arabian Sea project) | event number, from event log
| event |
Bacterial abundance, cell volume, thymidine & leucine incorporation from RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer and R/V Roger Revelle cruises in the Southern Ocean, 1997-1998 (U.S. JGOFS AESOPS project) | event number, from event log
| event |
Bacterial abundance Thymidine & Leucine incorporation from R/V Thomas G. Thompson cruises TT007, TT011 in the Equatorial Pacific in 1992 during the U.S. JGOFS Equatorial Pacific (EqPac) project | event number per event log
| event |
Bacterial abundance, thymidine & leucine incorporation from R/V Weatherbird II WB0409, WB0413, WB0506, WB0508 cruises in the Sargasso Sea, 2004-2005 (EDDIES project) | unique sampling event number
| event |
Bacterial abundance, thymidine incorporation, bottle casts from R/V Endeavor cruise EN198 in the North Atlantic in 1989 (U.S. JGOFS NABE project) | event number per event log
| event |
Bacterial abundance and production from bottle samples from R/V Melville cruise COOK19MV from the Southern Ocean, south of New Zealand in 2002 (SOFeX project) | unique sampling event number from event log (day of year and time (UTC))
| event |
Ice brine bacteria data from RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer cruise NBP0204 in the Southern Ocean in 2002 (SOGLOBEC project; Sea Ice Microbes project) | event number from event log
| event |
Heterotrophic (non-pigmented) bacteria abundances determined by flow cytometry (post-cruise/on-shore analysis) from samples collected on R/V Melville cruise MV1008 in the Costa Rica Dome in 2010 (CRD FLUZiE project) | Number referring to the particular activity (event) on the FluZiE cruise.
| event |
Ice core bacteria data from RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmerand ARSV Laurence M. Gould cruises NBP0104, LMG0106, NBP0204,and LMG0205 in the Southern Ocean from 2001-2002 (SOGLOBEC project; Sea Ice Microbes project) | event number from event log
| event |
Water column bacteria data from ARSV Laurence M. Gould cruises LMG0104 and LMG0106 in the Southern Ocean in 2001 (SOGLOBEC project; Sea Ice Microbes project) | event number from event log
| event |
Specific daily growth of heterotrophic bacteria and grazing mortality on bacteria by microzooplankton from R/V Roger Revelle KIWI6, KIWI7, KIWI8, KIWI9 cruises in the Southern Ocean, 1997-1998 (U.S. JGOFS AESOPS project) | unique event number in UTC time (MMDDHHmm) assigned to each sampling activity
| Event |
Bacterial production rates from R/V Kilo Moana, R/V Roger Revelle cruises KM0414, ZHNG09RR from the Hawaiian Islands HOT Site, NW SubArctic Pacific Ocean K2 Site, 2004-2005 (VERTIGO project) | unique sampling event
| event |
Barium concentration and isotopic data collected along the California Coastline during July 2014 from R/V Melville cruise MV1405 | Event number
| Event |
Barium concentration and isotopic data from SAFe, collected during the 2nd GEOTRACES Intercalibration cruise (R/V Knorr KN195-08) in the eastern North Pacific during May 2009 | The event # from the cruise report
Barium VUB - Dissolved Ba; particulate Ba, Sr, Ca, Al from MULVFS from VERTIGO cruises KM0414, ZHNG09RR from the Hawaiian Islands HOT Site, NW SubArctic Pacific Ocean K2 Site, 2004-2005 (VERTIGO project) | unique sampling event
| event |
Barium VUB - Dissolved Ba; particulate Ba, Sr, Ca, Al from Niskins from VERTIGO cruises KM0414, ZHNG09RR from the Hawaiian Islands HOT Site, NW SubArctic Pacific Ocean K2 Site, 2004-2005 (VERTIGO project) | unique sampling event
| event |
BCO-DMO-created "master" file of sampling events from the GEOTRACES EPZT cruise, R/V Thomas G. Thompson TN303 in the Eastern Tropical Pacific in 2013 (U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT project) | GEOTRACES event number
Seawater radioisotope (234Th) and carbon from sampling conducted at the Compass Station in Bedford Basin, Nova Scotia, Canada from April to August 2019 | There are three sampling events (1, 2, 3) corresponding to sampling date groupings for seawater and sediment sampling. Event 1 for seawater sampling will correspond to Event 1 for sediment sampling, and so on.
| Event_ID |
Carbon content and radioisotope data from sampling conducted at the Compass Station in Bedford Basin, Nova Scotia, Canada from February to August 2019 | There are three sampling events (1, 2, 3) corresponding to sampling date groupings for seawater and sediment sampling. Event 1 for seawater sampling will correspond to Event 1 for sediment sampling, and so on.
| Event_ID |
Water-column particulate biogenic silica and net rate of biogenic silica production measured on R/V Melville cruise MV1008 in the Costa Rica Dome in 2010 (CRD FLUZiE project) | Number referring to the particular activity (event) on the FluZiE cruise.
| event |
Particulate biogenic silica fluxes from sediment trap arrays deployed on R/V Melville cruise MV1008 in the Costa Rica Dome in 2010 (CRD FLUZiE project) | Number referring to the particular activity (event) on the FluZiE cruise.
| event_deploy |
Particulate biogenic silica fluxes from sediment trap arrays deployed on R/V Melville cruise MV1008 in the Costa Rica Dome in 2010 (CRD FLUZiE project) | Number referring to the particular activity (event) on the FluZiE cruise.
| event_recover |
Experimental and biogeochemical surveys from R/V Kilo Moana, R/V Knorr, and R/V Ka`imikai-O-Kanaloa cruises in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre and Hawaiian Islands: stations Kahe, ALOHA, Kena and WHOTS Mooring from 2008 to 2009 | event number as yyjulhhh using Julian Day and GMT OR HOT event number as per HOT protocol
| Event_Number |
Biological samples of Isotope concentrations of Cesium 134 and 137, Silver 110m, and Potassium 40 from cruise KOK1108 in June 2011 in the Western equatorial Pacific and Kurushio Extension (Fukushima Radionuclide Levels project) | event number
| event |
Merged biological observations from bottle samples from R/V Atlantis II cruises AII-119-4, AII-119-5 in the North Atlantic in 1989 (U.S. JGOFS NABE project) | event number from event log
| event |
Biomass by organism size fraction and depth interval from cruises TT007, TT008, TT011, TT012 in the Equatorial Pacific in 1992 during the U.S. JGOFS Equatorial Pacific (EqPac) project | event number, from event log
| event |
Bio Optical Profiler Data from R/V Thomas G. Thompson TT045, TT053, TT054 cruises in the Arabian Sea in 1995 (U.S. JGOFS Arabian Sea project) | event number from event log, as MMDDhhmm
| event |
Bio-optics data from R/V Atlantis II cruises AII-119-4, AII-119-5 in the North Atlantic in 1989 (U.S. JGOFS NABE project) | Event number from event log
| event |
Net primary productivity (14C) measurements made during quasi‐Lagrangian experiments on R/V Roger Revelle cruise RR2201 in the Argo basin in the Eastern Indian Ocean/Indonesian throughflow during February and March 2022 | Ship event logger. Number indicates the date and time plus a 001.
| Event |
Water column inorganic nutrient concentration and nitrate+nitrite d15N and d18O measurements from R/V Roger Revelle cruise RR2201 in the Argo Basin in the Indian Ocean from February to March of 2022 | indicates the ships event-number - indicating date and hour (UTC) (YYYYMMDD.hhmm.001)
| Event |