
Project Acronym Start Date End Date
Quantifying the drivers of midwater zooplankton community structure Zooplankton Gradients 2020-04 2023-03
Quantifying the effect of sediment microbial activity in facilitating silica sequestration during early diagenesis (QUALIFIED) QUALIFIED 2024-01 2026-12
Quantifying the importance of biological factors in the estimation of larval connectivity and population dynamics in the coastal ocean larval connectivity 2012-02 2016-01
Quantifying the Photochemical Reactivity of Deep Ocean Water DORC PhotoChem 2012-08 2018-07
Quantifying the potential for biogeochemical feedbacks to create 'refugia' from ocean acidification on tropical coral reefs BEAMS 2013-07 2017-06
Quantifying the role of Group I Crenarchaeota in the marine nitrogen cycle using cultures and environmental monitoring of ammonia oxidation, 16S rRNA genes and lipid biomarkers Marine Nitrogen Cycle 2008-08 2009-05
Quantifying Upper Ocean Export and Remineralization of Bioactive and Particle Reactive Trace Elements along the US GEOTRACES Tahiti to Alaska Transect PMT Upper Ocean Trace Elements 2017-09 2020-08
Quantitative importance and trophic role of Noctiluca blooms in the Arabian Sea Arabian Sea Noctiluca 2010-10 2012-10
Quorum-sensing and the Carbon Cycle: Identifying Cell-density Dependent Organic Carbon Degradation among Marine Bacteria in Sinking Particles Quorum-sensing and the Carbon Cycle 2008-09 2011-08
RAPID - Abnormal bleaching in Cliona varians in the Florida Keys: Consequences for coral reef health SPONGETROPHIES 2016-01 2017-06
RAPID - Assessing the response of the Seychelles-Chagos Thermocline Ridge ecosystem to an Indian Ocean Dipole event SCTR_IOD 2020-03 2022-02
RAPID Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill: Deep pelagic and benthic impacts of the oil spill DWH_Deep_Microbes 2010-06 2012-05
RAPID Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill: Impact of sub-surface oil plumes on mesopelagic micronekton DWH Micronekton 2010-07 2013-06
RAPID Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill: The Microbial response to the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill GoMX - Microbial Response 2010-07 2011-06
RAPID proposal: Site characterization cruise to document the active and extensive subsurface biosphere in the Guaymas Basin RAPID Guaymas Basin 2014-09 2015-08
RAPID Response in Gulf of Mexico: Sediment Trap Investigations GoMX Sed Trap 2010-08 2014-01
RAPID Response to an extreme low ice year on Lake Erie Lake Erie Ice 2012-04 2014-03
Rapid, Autonomous Particle Flux Observations in the Oligotrophic Ocean RapAutParticleFlux 2013-07 2014-11
RAPID/MRI: Acquisition of a Triple-Quad Mass Spectrometer for Quantitative Identification of Dispersants and Water-Soluble Oil in the Gulf of Mexico RAPID Mass Spec for Dispersants 2010-09 2012-08
RAPID: Biogeochemical effects of fire ash deposition to the coastal ocean, in response to the 2017 Southern California fires FADCO 2018-02 2020-01
RAPID: Collaborative Research: Investigation of the transmission, infectivity and differential host specificity of a coral disease outbreak on Florida reefs FL coral disease outbreak 2017-06 2018-05
RAPID: Nearshore settlement and hydrodynamics in Southern California during El Nino, and the transition to normal ocean conditions: boom and bust? RAPID_Settlement_Hydrodynamics 2016-03 2018-02
RAPID: A comparison of acute heat stress and fish abundance influencing coral survival. Heat Stress & Fish Behavior Coral Survival 2023-11 2025-10
RAPID: A hyper-thermal anomaly in the Florida Reef Tract: An opportunity to explore the mechanisms underpinning patterns of coral bleaching and disease EMUCoReS 2014-12 2016-11
RAPID: A rare opportunity to examine overcompensation resulting from intensive harvest of an introduced predator Invasive_predator_harvest 2014-12 2016-11
RAPID: A subtle epidemic: unique mortality of Mytilus californianus on the Oregon coast Scattered mussel mortality 2023-11 2024-10
RAPID: Capturing the Signature of Hurricane Harvey on Texas Coastal Lagoons Hurricane Harvey Texas Lagoons 2017-10 2019-08
RAPID: Collaborative Research: Carbon and nutrient responses in an estuarine-coastal complex impacted by floodwaters from Hurricane Matthew HMATT 2016-11 2018-04
RAPID: Collaborative Research: Disentangling the effects of heat stress versus bleaching phenotype on coral performance Mcap pairs time series 2020-12 2022-11
RAPID: Collaborative Research: Dynamics of storm-mediated asexual reproduction in Florida Keys corals post-Hurricane Irma Coral CSI Post-Irma 2017-11 2019-10
RAPID: Collaborative Research: Impact of freshwater runoff from Hurricane Harvey on coral reef benthic organisms and associated microbial communities Rapid Reefs Harvey 2017-12 2019-11
RAPID: COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH: Mechanisms of seagrass community injury and resilience post Hurricane Florence: implications for increasingly stormy coasts Hurricane impacts on seagrasses 2019-02 2021-06
RAPID: Collaborative Research: Predicting the Spread of Multi-Species Coral Disease Using Species Immune Traits Multi-Species Coral Disease 2019-05 2021-04
RAPID: Collaborative Research: Remineralization effects of enhanced allochthonous dissolved organic matter in the West Florida Shelf impacted by Hurricane Ian DOM Remineralization in WFS after Hurricane Ian 2023-01 2024-12
RAPID: Collaborative Research: Sponge resilience in the face of multiple stressors Sponge resilience 2017-12 2022-11
RAPID: Collaborative Research: Studies of recovery from bleaching in Acropora hyacinthus: epigenetic shifts, impacts on reproductive biology and carry-over effects Moorea coral bleaching 2019-06 2021-05
RAPID: Collaborative Research: Tracking Amazon Forest Fires from Source to Sink Amazon Fires 2019-11 2022-10
RAPID: Collaborative Research: Tracking the Flood Pulse of a Record Discharge of the Brazos River in the Gulf of Mexico Flood Pulse Brazos 2018-03 2020-08
RAPID: Collaborative Research: Unprecedented Hurricane Ian Nutrient and Organic Matter Inputs to Southwest Florida Coastal Waters RAPID: Ian Inputs 2022-12 2024-11
RAPID: Continuation of U.S. GEOTRACES North Atlantic Section: CFC and SF6 Measurements GT NAT RAPID CFC SF6 2011-07 2013-06
RAPID: Coral reef stress responses to an urban fire Reef stress urban fire 2023-10 2025-09
RAPID: Coral robustness: lessons from an "improbable" reef Varadero Reef 2016-07 2018-06
RAPID: Degradation and Resilience of Seagrass Ecosystem Structure and Function following a Direct Impact by Hurricane Harvey Harvey Seagrass 2017-12 2019-11
RAPID: Does life-long acclimatization to temperature variability promote coral climate resilience? Coral thermotolerance 2024-05 2025-05
RAPID: Ecosystem impact of a coral bleaching event: The role of coral exudates in shifting oligotrophic biogeochemistry and reef microbiomes. Ecosystem Impacts of Coral Bleaching 2019-06 2022-05
RAPID: Effect of a Very Low NAO Event on the Abundance of the Lipid-Rich Planktonic Copepod, Calanus finmarchicus, in the Gulf of Maine GoM_Calanus_2012-2013 2012-04 2014-03
RAPID: Effects of Hurricane Irma on shallow-water marine ecosystems: Assessing resiliency of sponge and macroinvertebrate communities in the Florida Keys Irma Sponge Inverts 2017-12 2018-11
RAPID: El Nino Event Impacts on Organic Matter Export and Composition in the Amazon River ENSO impact on Amazon River DOC and DOM 2023-08 2025-07
RAPID: Here we go again - The fate of Diadema antillarum and Caribbean reefs in the 21st century Caribbean Reefs 2022-09 2023-08
RAPID: High-resolution sampling of plankton taxa, marine snow, and environmental variables across the north Atlantic subpolar gyre Transatlantic VPR Survey 2012-05 2013-04
RAPID: How does nutrient availability alter coral bleaching, mortality, and recovery on Moorea coral reefs? RAPID Moorea 2016-03 2018-02
RAPID: Human-Driven Trophic Cascades: Mesopredator Release and Recreational Fishing in Estuaries Trophic cascades 2020-05 2022-02
RAPID: Hurricane Impact on Phytoplankton Community Dynamics and Metabolic Response HRR 2017-11 2019-10
RAPID: Hurricane Irma Impacts on Nitrogen Cycling in Florida Bay RAPID Hurricane Irma 2017-12 2019-11
RAPID: Hurricane Irma: Effects of repeated severe storms on shallow Caribbean reefs and their changing ecological resilience Hurricane Irma and St. John Reefs 2017-11 2018-10
RAPID: Illuminating the effects of a COVID-19 elimination of diver disturbance on reef fish behavior, distribution and ecosystem functioning in the Galapagos Marine Reserve Galapagos diver disturbance 2020-07 2022-06
RAPID: Immediate and Subsequent Effects of Coral Bleaching on Fore Reef Community Metabolism Moorea Bleaching Metabolism 2019-10 2022-09
RAPID: Larval Abundance, Behavior and Dispersal at Deep-sea Hydrothermal Vents in the Southern Mariana Trough Mariana Back-arc Vents 2010-05 2012-04
RAPID: Leveraging a Natural Bleaching Event to Assess Links between Bleaching and Disease Belize RAPID 2023-11 2025-10
RAPID: Mass Mortality of the Keystone Herbivore Diadema antillarum Underway around the Caribbean Sea Diadema mass-mortality in the Caribbean 2022-07 2025-06
RAPID: Mega-typhoon impacts on the metapopulation resilience of coral reef fishes Reef Fish Resilience 2014-03 2016-02
RAPID: Recolonization dynamics following mass mortality in the ecologically important sunflower star (Pycnopodia helianthoides) Phel recol dynamics 2022-06 2023-05
RAPID: Resilience of Caribbean octocorals following Hurricanes Irma and Maria Octocorals and Hurricanes 2017-11 2019-10
RAPID: Responses of the California Current Ecosystem to El Nino 2015-16 RAPID_CCE 2016-02 2018-01
RAPID: Species on the Move: Tropicalization of Western Atlantic Seagrass Beds Tropicalization in seagrass 2019-02 2020-01
RAPID: surviving climate change - the role of acclimatization in reef-building corals Surviving Climate Change 2015-01 2016-12
RAPID: Synechococcus diversity and Fe stress and the relationship to dissolved metals in the Eastern Tropical South Pacific Syne_ETSP 2009-09 2010-08
RAPID: Testing the ability of the 2015-2017 El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) to drive a community-level regime shift in the Galapagos marine ecosystem SPONGERAPDGALPGS 2016-02 2017-08
RAPID: The ecological role of Pyrosoma atlanticum in the Northern California Current NCC Pyrosomes 2018-07 2020-06
RAPID: The impact of increased fresh water input from Hurricane Harvey to the water quality and stratification of coastal and offshore waters of Texas. Hurricane Harvey Water Quality 2017-12 2018-11
RAPID: The impact of Hurricane Harvey on water column and sediment biogeochemistry of the Mission-Aransas Estuary in south Texas Hurricane Harvey Biogeochemistry 2017-10 2019-09
RAPID: The implications of El Nino-related bleaching on coral recruitment in Moorea Coral Recruitment RAPID 2016-01 2016-12
RAPID: Time Series Sampling for Radionuclide and Biogeochemical Fluxes at F1 Time-series Station, Offshore Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Facility Fukushima Sediment Radionuclides 2011-07 2014-01
RAPID: Too hot to hold: Effects of unseasonable warming on the Azores nekton community and its keystone taxon Too hot to hold 2021-11 2023-10
RAPID: Tracing the origin and fate of particulate organic matter in nearshore marine sediments RAPID SBC sediment 2016-02 2018-01
RAPID: Tracking coral reef impacts of the 2014/2015 El Nino event RAPID Kiritimati 2014-07 2015-11
RAPID: Trophic interactions in floating Sargassum communities of the Gulf of Mexico: potential consequences of habitat degradation Sargassum degradation in the GoMX 2010-06 2012-05
RAPID: Understanding the unprecedented anchovy response to warm-water conditions in the California Current RAPID Anchovy Response 2020-10 2022-10
RAPID: Understanding Thresholds and regime shifts in marine ecosystems: effects of the 2014-2015 El Nino in the Galapagos rocky subtidal RAPDGALPGS 2014-08 2016-07
RAPID: Variations in symbiont diversity in octocoral across seasons and a predicted bleaching event Octocoral symbiont diversity 2015-10 2017-09
RAPID: Waiting to Exhale: Quantifying Tropical Storm-Induced Increased Flux of Coastal Wetland Carbon into the Atmosphere? Waiting To Exhale 2020-11 2022-10
RCN: Evaluating the Impacts of a Changing Ocean on Management and Ecology of Infectious Marine Disease Marine Disease Ecology 2012-07 2019-06
RCN: Evolution in Changing Seas RCN ECS 2018-07 2022-06
Real time assessment of ocean acidification proxies and their incorporation in the marine sediment record pH_proxies 2010-09 2014-08
Recovery of Seamount Precious Coral Beds From Heavy Trawling Disturbance Seamount Coral Recovery 2014-07 2018-12
Recruitment among density manipulated populations of a Caribbean gorgonian Caribbean Gorgonian Recruitment 2003-09 2008-08
Red Sea Krill Red Sea Krill 2014-01 2014-06
Redox Cycling of Phosphorus in the Western North Atlantic Ocean Phosphorus Redox Cycling 2015-10 2018-09
Regional Ecology And Coastal Hydrography REACH 2002-01 2004-01
Regional Variability in Future Temperature Stress to Coral Reefs in the Coral Triangle CT-ROMS 2012-10 2014-09
Relating Microbial Biodiversity to Biological Oceanographic Processes BACT_DISTR 2005-08 2009-10
Relating the Optical Properties of CDOM within the Ocean Basins to Source and Structure CDOM Optical Properties 2014-01 2017-12
Relative Influence of Turbulence and Waves on Larval Behavior Turbulence and Larval Behavior 2011-04 2016-03
Remote Real-Time Profiling of Surface Seawater CO2 at the LEO-15 Site LEO-15 1998-08 2002-07
Repeat Observations by Gliders in the Equatorial Region ROGER 2012-09 2016-08
Reproductive and Geographic Evidence for Source-Sink Dynamics in Deep-Sea Benthic Communities Deep Sea Benthic Dynamics 2011-09 2016-08
Reproductive pairing, conflict and offspring size in a marine snail. Family conflict in a marine snail 2009-09 2014-08
Resolving Migratory Connectivity of Basking Sharks (Cetorhinus maximus) in the Western Atlantic Ocean: Integrating Novel Geochemical Tracers with Satellite Archival Tags Basking Shark Geochem Tracers 2008-09 2013-08
Resolving sources of marine DOM via novel sulfur isotope analyses S isotopes in marine DOM 2020-09 2023-08
